
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

七 年 级 英 语第一学期期中学情分析
试 卷


1.Where does To usually go on Sunday afternoon?

2.What’s the woan’s hobby?
3.What does the an like doing at the weekend?

4.What day is it today?

5. How old is ary this year?
A. Thirteen. B. Fourteen. C. We don't kno
6. Where are they talking?
A.In a shop. B. In a hospital. C. In a superarket.
7. What sport does Jack like?
A. Running. B. Skating. C. Swiing.
8. What does Ann’s other do ?
A. A doctor. B. A teacher. C. A worker.
9. What are they doing?
A. Flying a kite. B. Buying a kite. C. aking a kite.
10.When is Bob’s birthday?
A. On Deceber 14th. B. On Deceber 15th. C. On Deceber 16th.
B)听对话和短回答问题, 将正确选项填涂在答题纸相应位置。(读两遍)
11. What does Andy like eating?
A. Fish. B. Chocolate. C. Apples.
12. Where is the shop?
A. Behind their house.B. Near their school.C. Beside the park.
To’s Day
orningHe gets up at 7:30.
He takes 13 to work.
AfternoonHe 14 .
EveningHe has a rest at hoe.
He goes to bed 15 .
13.A. a busB. a car C. a train
14.A. visits people B. writes letters C. has eetings
15.A. at 11:30 p..B. before 11 p.. C. after 11:30 p..
16. Where was Alice born?
A. In China. B. In England. C. In Aerica.
17. How old is Alice?
A. She is 13. B. She is 14. C. She is 15.
18. Where does she study?
A. In No. 5 iddle School.B. In No. 15 iddle School.C. In No. 50 iddle School.
19.What does Alice like doing?
A. Swiing. B. Reading. C. Playing volleyball.
20.Where does she often have dinner?
A. At her grandother’s hoe. B. At her hoe. C. At school.

A) 从每小题四个选项中找出画线部分读音不同的单词。
21.A. grade B. grandpa C. hand D. aths
22.A. eat B. great C. tea D. reason
23.A. atch B. children C. school D. watches
24.A. news B. first C. soeties D. always
25.A. these B. Thursday C. birthplace D. thin
B) 从下列四个选项中选出单词的正确音标。
26. polite A.[pǝ’leɪt] B. [’pǝʊlɪt] C. [pǝ’laɪt] D. [’paɪlǝt]
27. except A. [’eksǝpt] B. [ɪk’sept] C. [’eksept] D. [’ɪksept]
28. world A. [wɔ:ld] B. [wɜ:d] C. [wɔ:d] D. [wɜ:ld]
29. clever A. [’klevǝ] B. [’kli:vǝ] C. [kle’vǝ] D. [kli:’vǝ]
30. hobby A. [hɒ’beɪ] B. [’hǝʊ bɪ] C. [’hɒbeɪ] D. [’hɒbɪ]
从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项, 填涂在答题纸相应位置。
31. Kate’s friend doesn’t like playing ▲ basketball.
A. a B. the C. an D. /
32. —Excuse e. ▲ do you say that in English?
—Sorry, I don’t kno
A. How B. Who C. Where D. What
33.ike is y brother. ▲ often takes ▲ dog for a walk.
A. He; his B. She; her C. He; her D. She; his
34.He says “ ▲ ” to his parents before he goes to bed.
A. Good evening B. Goodbye C. Good orning D. Good night
35.In his faily ▲ three people.
A.have B.has C.there is D.there are
36.I ask her for ▲ orange juice, but she didn’t have ▲ .
A. any; any B. soe; any C. soe; soe D. any; soe
37.Zhang Hong does well in ▲ . She is a good ▲ .
A. swi; swiing B. swiing; swier
C. swi; swiing D. swiing; swi
38.Please read today’s newspaper. Soe news ▲ quite interesting.
A. does B. is C. are D. do
39.— ▲ are these science books? —Uncle Wang's.
A. Whose B. Who C. Whose’s D. Who's
40.Daniel goes to the Reading Club ▲ every Wednesday afternoon and goes to the Coputer Club ▲ Fridays.
A.in;on B.on;on C.at;in D./;on
下面短,掌握其大意,然后从41?50各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题纸相应位置。
Hello, everyone. y nae is Fred. I’ fro 41 , England. Now I’ in Class Six, 42 , No. 4 iddle School. y teacher is iss Wang. I 43 a sister. Her nae is Lucy. We are twins. We 44 the sae. She is in a different 45 , but in the sae grade. I a on duty today. I can’t look 46 y sister. At school I help the teacher to 47 her ap, ruler and picture 48 her office. I tell y teacher everyone is here. But I’ 49 . Ji is not at school. I don’t knohere he is. I 50 he is at hoe.
41.A.TokyoB.New YorkC.LondonD.Beijing
42.A.grade oneB.grade OneC.Grade OneD.Grade one
45.A.class B.gradeC.schoolD.tea
50.A.think B.knowC.thankD.do
阅读下面内容, 然后从51?60各题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项, 填涂在答题纸相应位置。
Dear Zhou Lan,
Thank you very uch for your ail. I want to go to China. I know soething about China fro your e-ails. Your English is very good. But I don't know uch Chinese. Now I' learning it fro y parents. They know uch about China. They tell e any things about China.
I' happy to know you like your school and your faily. You want to know y faily and y school. I have a big faily. y grandparents and y parents are all very fine. y father has a brother. He is y uncle, John. He and y aunt have their children. They're Bill, Linda, ary and Lily. y brother Dick is a boy of eighteen. I like y faily very uch. I'll go to China next year with y other. She is going to teach English in a iddle school in Beijing.
51. This is an e-ail fro ▲ to ▲ .
A. Zhou Lan; Annie B. Annie; Zhou Lan's faily
C. Zhou Lan; Annie's faily D. Annie; Zhou Lan
52. Does Annie's father have any sisters?
A. Yes, he has one. B. No, he doesn't.
C. Yes, he has two. D. No, but he has an aunt.
53. How any people are there in Annie's big faily?
A. 4 B. 6 C.12 D. 14
54. Who will coe to China?
A. Annie. B. Annie's faily.
C. Annie and her other. D. Annie's parents.
55. Who teaches Annie Chinese?
A. Zhou Lan. B. Annie's parents.
C. Annie's grandparents. D. Annie herself.
Kate is one of y best friends. She is sli and pretty with two big eyes and shoulder-length hair. She is friendly and kind, so she can always get on well with others. When we have difficulties(困难), she always gives us soe help. She likes all kinds of sports, especially table tennis. She is one of the ebers of our school table tennis tea. So she often plays tennis for about an hour after school. Her favorite star(明星)is Deng Yaping. She wants to be a faous table tennis player when she grows up.
56. What does Kate look like?
A. She is fat and tall. B. She is thin and beautiful.
C. She has two big eyes and short hair.D. She has a big outh and two big eyes.
57. What ay Kate do when you lose(丢失) your pen?
A. She ay lend her pen to you. B. She can’t help you.
C. She ay ask the teacher to help you.D. She ay ask you to buy one.
58. Which kind of star doesn’t she like?
A. B. C. D.
59. What is the eaning of the underlined word “especially” in this passage?
A. 特别 B. 喜欢 C. 厌恶 D. 包括
60. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Kate is beautiful. B. Kate can get on well with students.
C. Kate wants to be a table tennis player. D. Kate is in the school basketball tea.
61. illie ▲ (not be) often late for class.
62. All y friends and teachers are ▲ (real) great.
63. There are eleven ▲ (play) on each side in a football atch.
64. To keep healthy, Father usually goes ▲ (run) with e in the orning.
65. The Children are looking forward to ▲ (see) the lion dance at Chinese New Year.
66. y parents ▲ (都) work in Nanjing No. 1 iddle School.
67.ary loves ▲ (聊天)with her classates at lunchtie.
68.—How any ▲ (月份) are there in a year? —Twelve.
69.Our aths class ▲ (开始) at 7:40 every orning.
70. —What’s the ▲ (价格) of this book? —1uan.
71. John plays coputer gaes very well.(改为同义句)
John is ▲ ▲ ▲ coputer gaes.
72. Sion has long hair in a ponytail. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)
▲ Sion ▲ long hair in a ponytail?
Yes, ▲ ▲ .
73. He does his hoework fro 7 to 8 every day.(对画线部分提问)
▲ ▲ he ▲ fro 7 to 8 every day?
74. She wants to play in the next World Cup. (改为同义句)
She ▲ ▲ to play in the next World Cup.
75.r Li is our Chinese teacher. (改为同义句)
r Li ▲ ▲ Chinese.
76. You help e and I help you. (改为同义句)
▲ help ▲ ▲ .
77. She often takes a bus to school every orning.(改为同义句)
She often ▲ to school ▲ ▲ every orning.
假如你是Lily, 请你用英发一封e-ail给你的网友Andy, 告诉他你的学校生活。
1. 个子高,黑头发, 大眼睛。
2. 学校大而美丽。大约有800 名师生。
3. 最喜爱的功是数学和英语, 但不喜欢语。
4. 爱好听音乐和游泳。
5. 在学校里玩得很开心,放学后经常与朋友聊天, 喜欢学校生活。
Dear Andy,

Please e-ail e soon.


71.good at playing72.Does have; he does
73.What does; do74.would like
75.teaches us76.We; each other
77.goes/ coes; by bus


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本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/37046.html
