
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

odule7 Coputers
1.F they clibed up the top of the ountain..
2.----How do I write y hoework on the coputer? -----First,open a new d .
3.Our teacher often c our hoework.
4.I (有时) do y hoework at school.
5.I receive y (邮件) every day.
6.First,you should connect the s to the coputer.
7.N , connect the keyboard and the ouse to the coputer.
8.After finishing your hoework, you should t the coputer off.
9.We can use the Internet to c the weather forecast.
10.I often go on the Internet to s for inforation.
11.She works in a shop.She likes talking with her c .
12.I often play coputer gaes at the w .
13.I often v    y website at the weekend.?
14.How any eails do you s    every onth??
15.Can you get i    on the Internet??
16.Do you know how to d    usic??
17.How do you o    a new docuent??
18.His brother can’t w    his hoework on the coputer.
1.y sister does her hoework on the coputer.(改为一般疑问)
2.I send 20 eails everyday. eails you everyday?
3. do, next,what,do,you(连词成句) ?
3.He goes to school by bike.(划线提问) he to school?
4.I do sports in the orning.(改为否定句) .
5.We send eails and photos to our friends on the coputer.(划线提问)

6.They write the words on the blackboard. they write the words?
7.Can you turn on the coputer?(用it代替the coputer)Can you
8.The book is five yuan. ( 划线提问) is the book?
9. (你什么时候) play football?
10. (谁帮助你) with your study?
11. Kitty goes to work on foot every orning.?
________ _________Kitty go to work every orning?
12. Daing often does his hoe work at hoe.(改为一般疑问句)?
________Daing often________ his hoe work at hoe?
13. The tiger always eats eat.(对画线部分提问)?
________ _________the tiger always ?
14. To gets inforation fro the Internet.(对画线部分提问)?
_________ _________To_________ inforation?
15. Xiaoing goes shopping for breakfast every day. (对画线部分提问)?
_________ __________does Xiaoing go shopping for breakfast?
1. We (not play) gaes on our coputers.
2.When he (use) a coputer?
3.Liu Ying often (turn) on the coputer,then visits her sites.
4.She (ake)travel plans on the Internet,but she (not buy) tickets.
5.We (not have)a coputer at hoe,but we (use) the coputer at school.
6.How you (save) the docuent?
7. To (have) a coputer?
8. (one),connect the onitor to the coputer.
9.The old an (not have) a new house.
10.Everybody in his class (like) to go online.
理解 (A)
We live in the coputer age. People use coputers to do uch of their work. But few people know how to look after the. Reeber the following when you use your coputer:
1. Keep your coputer in a cool, dry roo. Too uch or too little heat is bad for coputers. Dap is also bad for the.
2. Do not let people soke near your coputer. Soke of all kinds is very bad for any parts of a coputer .
3. Do not eat of drink when you are near your coputer. Pieces of food and a little water in the keyboard are also bad for a coputer.
4. Keep your screen clean and do not have it too bright. They are bad for your eyes. ake sure the screen is not too far fro or too near to your eyes. Soe people use different glasses when they use a coputer.
1. Coputer can _______ people to do a lot of work..
A. use B. help C. ake D. take
2. Few people know how to _____ their coputers.
A. look at B. try out C. look for D. take care of
3. A coputer works well at a teperature of ________.
A. 0℃ B. -5℃ C. 20℃ D. 35℃
4. -Soke isn’t good for any parts of a coputer, is it?
A. Yes, it is B. No, it is C. Yes, a little D. Not at all
5. A dirty screen or a very bright screen is ________for your eyes.
A. bad B. good C. useful D. helpful

The Internet is becoing iportant in our life. How uch do you know about it?
What is the Internet?
The Internet is a large, worldwide collection of coputer networks. A network is a sall group of coputers put together. The Internet is any different networks fro all over the world. These networks are called the Internet. Once you have learned to use the Internet, you can have a lot of interest in the World Wide Web.
What is the World Wide Web?
The World Wide Web has been the ost popular developent of the Internet. The Web is like a big electronic book with illions of pages. These pages are called hoepages.
You can find inforation about alost anything in the world on these pages. For exaple, you can use the Internet instead of a library to find inforation for your hoework. You can also find inforation about your favourite sport or fil star, talk to your friends of even do soe shopping on the pages. ost pages have words, pictures and even sound or usic.
What is e-ail?
Electronic ail(e-ail)is a way of sending essages to other people. It’s uch quicker and cheaper than sending a letter.
If you want to use e-ail, you ust have an e-ail address. This address ust have letters and dots and an (eaning ‘at’). This is what an address looks like: eily @ star. net. Write a essage across the Internet. People don’t need to use staps, envelopes or go to the post office since the invention of the Internet. Quick, easy and interesting- that’s the Internet!
1. The Internet is__________.
A. a big coputer B. a sall group of coputers
C. lots of coputer networks D. the World Wide Web
2. The World Wide Web is like_________.
A. an electronic book B. hoepages
C. an electronic page D. e-ails
3. What does “talk to your friends on the pages” ean? It eans _________.
A. you can talk to your friends face to face
B. you can type your words in the coputer and then send the to your friends across the Internet
C. you talk to your friends through the sae coputer
D. you go to your friends’ houses to talk to the
4. People like to use e-ail to send essages to their friends and faily because______.
A. they don’t have to pay any oney B. it’s faster and cheaper
C. they don’t need to have staps, envelops or addresses
D. sending e-ail is interesting
5. The “e” in e-ail eans________.
A. easy B. electrical C. electronic D. enjoyable
Wei Jun is a good driver.He is twenty?three years old.He drives a car in a achine factory.He works fro onday to Friday.His hoe is far(远)away fro the factory.He gets up at half past five.He goes to work at six o'clock.At half past seven he ust get there.He has no tie to have breakfast.He leaves the factory at five o'clock.He cooks supper and does housework in the evening.He likes reading a lot.Soeties he watches TV.He goes to bed at about ten.?
1.Wei Jun .?
A.is a workerB.is a car driver?
C.teaches in the factoryD.akes achines?
2.On Saturday and Sunday Wei Jun .?
A.doesn't go to workB.stays at hoe?
C.goes to the factoryD.reads books?
3. ,so he has no tie to have breakfast.?
A.He is ver busy
B.His factory is too far?
C.He doesn't like having breakfast
D.He often gets up early?
4.He has lunch .?
A.at hoeB.in his car?
C.in the factoryD.in the park?
5.He in the evening.?
A.washes his clothesB.cooks supper?
C.does houseworkD.both B and C?
Hello!y nae is Alice.There are seven people in y faily.y grandfather and grandother are in Aerica.y parents are English teachers in China.I have two brothers.They are twins.We are students in the sae school.I a in Grade One.They are in Grade Three.?
6.Who is Alice??
7.How any people are there in her faily??
8.Who are they??
9.How any children are there in her faily??
10.Are her parents doctors or teachers??
? ??
A:? 1 ? this in English??
B:It's ? 2 ? coputer.?
A:Tell e soething ? 3 ? it.What ? 4 ? you use it ? 5 ???
B:Soeties I use it to ? 6 ? y hoework.Soeties I use it to get ? 7 ? for y lessons.I also send ? 8 ?.?
A:Oh,I see.? 9 ? a lot.?
B:You're ? 10 ?.??
One orning,a crow(乌鸦)sits ? 1 ? an apple tree.There ? 2 ? soe eat in her outh.She wants to give it to ? 3 ?.? 4 ? old fox looks for(寻找)his food.He ? 5 ? the crow and the eat.He wants to get the ? 6 ?.So he says to the crow,“Good orning,rs Cro? 7 ? are you?” But the crow doesn't say a word.?
So the fox says to the crow again,“You are nice.Your clothes(衣服)are nice,too.I like your songs ? 8 ?.Please sing a song for ? 9 ?.”?
rs Crow is very happy.So she opens her outh and sings.The eat drops down(掉下)into ? 10 ? outh.?
1.A.on  B.behind C.in? 2.A.isB.areC.has?
3.A.babyB.babiesC.her babies?4.A.The B.AnC.A?
5.A.looksB.knowsC.sees? 6.A.crowB.eatC.bird?
7.A.WhatB.HowC.Where? 8.A.veryB.at allC.very uch?
9.A.hiB.her C.e? 10.A.the bird'sB.the crow'sC.the fox's??

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/38310.html
