
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


( ) 1. your father a brother?
A. Is, have B. Do, has C. Does, haveD. Does, has
( )2. —Do Barry and Peter have a baseball? —Yes, .
A. they are B. they do C. they haveD. he does
( ) 3. He has a . let’s play .
A. soccer ball,soccer ball B. soccer, soccerC. soccer ball,soccer D. soccer,soccer ball
( ) 4. I often watch TVs TV.
A. on B. in C. ofD. with
( ) 5. —Does your sister volleyball with ? —Yes, she does.
A. plays,they B. play, the C. playing, theyD. to play, their
( ) 6. Let’s TV show(电视剧)。
A. watch B. watches C. to watchD. watching
( ) 7. We Chinese books.
A. are B. isB. has D. have
( ) 8. ath is difficult, it is interesting.
A. and B. only C. butD. so
( ) 9. y cousin a white bag.
A. doesn’t has B. don’t have C. don’t hasD. doesn’t have
( ) 10. He is always late school, but he can’t late no
A. for, is B. at, be C. for, be D. to, is
( ) 11. I have a soccer ball. ________ on the floor.
A. ItB. TheyC. It’sD. They’re
( ) 12. —Let’s play tennis. —That ______ very good.
A. soundsB. soundC. hasD. have
( ) 13. The ath class is _______. I don’t like (喜欢) it.
A. interestingB. relaxingC. funD. boring
( ) 14. —Let’s play baseball. Do you have a baseball bat? —______.
A. Sorry, I doB. Sorry, I don’tC. Yes, I don’tD. Yes, I can
( ) 15. He always ping-pong his father after school.
A. play, with B. plays, with C. plays, and D. play, for
(   )16.— Do you have a baseball? —_______.But I have a basketball.
A. Yes, you do B. No, you don't C. Yes, I do D. No, I don't
(   )17. He has 3 soccer balls. _______he doesn't play sports.
    A. And B. But C. Only D. Or
(   )18. ary _____ watch TV at school, but ike ______.
    A. doesn't,does B. doesn't,doesn't C. doesn't,watches D. does,doesn't
(   )19 She English. She thinks it’s easy for .
A. likes, she B. loves, her C. like, her D. likes,hers
(   )20.-Where are your tennis rackets?-
   A. They are under the bed. B. It are in the pencil case.
C. Do you have tennis rackets? D .It’s on the table.
21 nae is Ji and I a 22 Aerican boy. I 23 soccer very uch. Owen 24 y favorite (最喜爱的) soccer player. I 25 a very good friend. 26 nae is George. He also 27 sports and he 28 soe sports collections. 29 like 30 soccer together (一起) after school (放学后).
( ) 21. A. y B. HisC. HerD. I
( ) 22. A. theB. anC. aD. \
( ) 23. A. aB. are C. like D. likes
( ) 24. A. isB. areC. aD. one
( ) 25. A. haveB. hasC. aD. are
( ) 26. A. HeB. HerC. SheD. His
( ) 27. A. likeB. likesC. to likeD. is
( ) 28. A. haveB. isC. hasD. had
( ) 29. A. HeB. HiC. WeD. Us
( ) 30. A. playB. playingC. playedD. to play
A新 标第 一 网
y nae is Kitty. I have a very big and nice roo and I have a great school things collection. y brother’s roo is near y roo. He is ike. And he has a sall sports collection. I have twenty erasers, ten pencils, nine rulers and eight pens in y schoolbag. y brother has two baseballs, four soccer balls and five basketballs under his bed.
( ) 31. Does Kitty have a brother?
A. No, she doesn’t.B. Yes, she does. C. Yes, she has.D. No, she hasn’t.
( ) 32. Does ike have a great sports collection?
A. Yes, he does.B. No, he don’t. C. We don’t knoD. No, he doesn’t.
( ) 33. How any (多少) erasers does Kitty have?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 9 D. 8
( )34. How any balls does ike have?
A. 4 B. 5 C. 11 D. 10
( ) 35. Where are ike’s sports collection?
A. Under his bed. B. Under Kitty’s bed. C. In his schoolbag. D. In Kitty’s schoolbag.
Julia's father r Green has two brothers and three sisters. Julia's other rs Green has two brothers and two sisters. Julia has a brother. His nae is Ben. Look! Ben is on the sofa. Julia is on the chair. Ben likes sports. He has soccer balls and volleyballs. Julia doesn't like sports. She likes to read(读)books.
(   )36. Julia's faily nae is ________.
      A. Ben B. r Green C. rs Green D. Green
(   )37. Julia has ________uncles and __________ aunts.
     A. 2,3 B. 2,2 C. 4,5 D. 5,4
(   )38. __________ is on the sofa.
     A. Julia's father B. Julia's other C. Julia D. Julia's brother
(   )39. r Green has ______kids(孩子).
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
(   )40. Ben and Julia are __________ .
    A at hoe B. in the class C. at work D. at school
下面的对话,根据其内容,判断下列句子的正(T)误(F) 。
(星期天, 打Dave电话找Toy玩。)
Toy: Hello, this is Toy.
Dave: Hi, This is Dave. Are you free(有空) this afternoon?
Toy: Yes.
Dave: Good. Let’s play volleyball.
Toy: That sounds fun. But I don’t have a volleyball.
Dave: I don’t have, either(也). Does your brother have one?
Toy: No, he doesn’t. He plays baseball. Let’s play baseball.
Dave: It is difficult.
Toy: Yes, ah--- I have a coputer. Let’s play coputer gae.
Dave: That sounds interesting.
( ) 41. Toy has a volleyball.
( ) 42. Toy’s brother doesn’t have a volleyball.
( ) 43. Toy’s brother doesn’t play baseball.
( ) 44. They don’t play baseball because (因为) it is difficult.
( ) 45. Dave has a coputer.
Do you play sports? Well, I play sports every day. I play tennis, basketball and ore. I play coputer gaes, too. It is interesting. But I don’t have a coputer. I play basketball every day. I think (认为) it is fun. I don’t play volleyball. It is difficult. I don’t watch TV. I think it’s boring. I do orning exercises (早操) every day. It is good for y health (健康).
( ) 46. coputer gae A. boring
( ) 47. do orning exercises B. fun
( ) 48. volleyball C. interesting
( ) 49. basketball D. difficult
( ) 50..watch TV E .good for health
A: Let’s play coputer gaes.
B: That sounds good. 1
A: I don’t have a coputer. Do you have one?
B: No, I don’t. But I have a TV. 2
A: No, it’s boring. Let’s play tennis. 3
B: Good. Where is it?
A: on the sofa. 4
B: No, I don’t. But I think your brother has one.
A: Yes, he does. 5
五、单词拼写 A.根据句意和词首字母提示完成句中所缺的英语单词
1.He doesn’t play sports, he only w ______________the on TV.
2.-Let’s watch TV. -No. It’s b_______________.
3. ath is very d ________________for e, so I don’t like it.
4. Yao ing is a great Chinese b _________________player.
5. -Let’s play ping-pong. -That s _______________ good.
6. He plays ping-pong with e a class.
7.To ___________(有)soe English books. 8.This is an (有趣的)gae.
9. We have four c () in the orning and three in the afternoon..every day.
10.Do you have a ______________(网球)racket? 11. I have five ____ (排球).
12. Let's __________(踢)soccer. 13. Baseball is a very _____________(困难)sport.
14. .I have s (一些) friends in the s (同一的) class.
15. y brother Tony _________(喜欢)chicken. 16. I’ good with c (同班同学).
C.根据句意用所给词的适当形式。Xkb1 .co
17.Does your father _________(like)sports? 18. Can you help_________(he)?
19.Let’s _________(play)soccer ball. 20.They have two________________(coputer).
21.That ____________(sound)interesting. 22.________ you ________(have)a tennis racket?
23.y brother ________(have)a baseball bat. 24.We have any(许多)___ _______(watch).
25.Let ‘s watch ____________(they)on TV. 26.She ____________(play)sports every day.
27.Can you ________(bring)your new picture books here? 28.______ your friend ________(like)sports? 29.Let ________(we)play tennis. 30.That’s an ________________(interest)coputer gae.
31. easy (反义词) 32. boring (反义词) 33. they(宾格)
34. we (宾格) 35. I (名词性物主代词) 36..go(第三人称单数)
1. They love oranges. (改否定) They __________ love oranges.
2. He doesn't like ice crea. (改肯定) He __________ ice crea.
3. I have soe books.(改成一般疑问) ?
4. he, think, I, has, a, soccer, ball, too (连词成句)

5. He likes a watch. (改成复数句) ___________________________________________________.
6.We play volleyball. (用Let's引导句型) volleyball!
7.Those are his sisters. (改为单数句) _____________ _____ his _______________.
8.He has a very nice watch.(改为一般疑问句) he a very nice watch?
9.Ji plays soccer after school. (改为否定句) Ji __________ ___________ soccer after school.
10.He likes his new roo.(改为一般疑问句) ________ he ____________ his new roo?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/39008.html
