
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

2012—2013秋季学期七年级英语 (上) 期中考试试题
学校: ___________________ 班别: 考号:__________ 姓名: ________ __
部分(20分 )


1. 2 _ 3 _ 4 ___ 5 __

( )6、A. It’s a book. B. It’s green. C. It’s twelve
( )7、A. They are 16. B. It’s on the desk. C. It’s black.
( )8、A. y favorite sport is swiing. B. They are yellow bananas. C. His nae is J.
( )9、A. I can sing. B. I like football. C. Yes, I a.
( )10、A. They aren’t Aerican. B. I’ 13 years old. C. I a Chinese.
( )11. How old is Sa? . A. 12 B. 13 C. 14
( )12. Sa is ____________. A. Chinese. B. Aerican. C. English.
( )13. Helen is years old. A.11 B. 12 C. 13
( )14. They are in Class . A. One B. Two C. Three
( )15. Are they friends? . A. No, they aren’t. B. Yes, they are. C. No, they can’t.
笔试部分( 80分 )
四.。(15分 )
( )1、 is your nae? A.How B. What C. Who D. Where
( )2、-- is he fro? ?He’s fro China. A. What B. Where C. How D. What’s
( )3、Dave Sith’s nae is Dave.
A. faily B. given C. last D. the first
( )4、--- Wang Hui fro Aerican? --- No, he isn’t.
A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are
( )5、She writes the blackboard. A. in B. on C. under D. at

( )6、What’s ______favourite colour?--______favourite colour is red.
A. your, y B. His, y C. Her, His D. His, Y
( )7、They are y . A. parent B. student C. friends D. teacher
( )8、Stand , please! A. down B. up C. at D. on
( )9、 is the weather like in spring? A. How B. where C. What D. What’s
( )10、I’ fro . A. china B. China C .Chinese D. Aerican
( )11、To is in Grade Seven.
A.class one B. Class one C .one class D. Class One
( )12、Betty is y class. A. in B. on C. at D. fro
( )13、Tony is fro Aerica he is Aerican. A. but B. and C. or D. \
( )14、I like . A. to swiing B. swi C. swiing D. swis
( )15、--Can you _______flower? ---Yes, F-L-W-E-R, flower .
A. spell B. say C. spelling D. draw
五.单词分类。请把属于同类的单词选出写到相应的横线上。注意要写单词序号!(10分 )
1. --What’s your favourite sport? --I like _____ / ____ .
2. --What’s your hobby(爱好)? --I like ____ / _____ .
3. --What’s the weather like in Nanning now?--It’s ____ / ____ .
4. --Can David speak ______ / ____ ? --Yes, he can.
5. --How old are you?--I’ _____ / ____ years old.
六.情景交际。从方框中选出正确的句子,完成对话, 并写在横线上。(5分 )
A: Betty, please look at the photo. 1__
B: No, she is y friend.
A: 2_
B: Susan Brown. She likes usic. 3___
A: Who’s the an? Is he her father?
B: Yes. 4 __ He can speak English.
A: Is the woan her other?
B: Yes, she is.
A: 5 __
B: She is a hotel anager. 1._______ 2._______ 3._______ 4.______ 5._______

七. 补全对话( 5分 )
A: Hi, Ann! Good orning.
B: Hi, To 1.___________ orning.
A: 2._____________ are you?
B: I a 3._____________ Thanks. And you ?
A: I’ fine, too. Thank you.
B: How 4.______________ are you? Are you twelve?
A: No, I’ 5._____________. I’ thirteen.
B: Nice to see you again.
A: Nice to see you too. Goodbye.
B: Bye.
八. 用所给词的适当形式。(5分)
1 . Where _______ ( be ) he fro?
2. How any ____________________(chair) are there in your classroo?.
3. I like ____ _____ ( swi ) .
4. What ___ ( be ) these?—They are books.
5. Tony is fro ________ ( Aerican).
九. 连词成句。(10分)
1.Betty, y, is, nae→ ___ ___________________
2.England, is, fro, Sa→ _____ __ ________ ______ __ .
3.old,is, She ,thirteen, years→ _____ _____ __________ ___ ___ __ .
4.favorite, sport, is, What, you→ ____ ____ ___ ______________ _ ?
5.Are, you ,old, How → ___ ___________________ ?
十. 从所给的单词中选出恰当的一项,填入横线上。(10分)
favorite, swiing, aren’t, I’, How old, weather, England, How any, Nice, How
1.What’s the _____ like in New York in spring?
2. ___ Are they? They are 13.
3.She is fro ___ and she can speak English.
4.Are you in Class Seven? No, ___ not.
5. __ Students are there? There are 46.
6.We ___ English , we are Chinese.
7. to eet you. e ,too.
8.Do you like ?No, I don’t.
9. do you spell “bird”? B---I---R---D.
10.---What’s your sport? ---I like football best.
十一. 理解。(10分) ( A )
Hello. y nae is To Sith. I a thirteen years old. I’ in Class Five, Grade Seven .I’ in iss Li’s class. y friend is Sa. He’s fro England and I’ fro Aerica.
( )1、What is the boy’s faily nae? .
A. To B. Sith C. Sa D. To Sith
( )2、Sa is fro .
A. England B. Aerican C. China D.\
( )3、To is in .
A. Class Five B. Class Seven C. Class One D.\
( )4、To is . .
A. Chinese B. English C. Aerican D. China
( )5、To’s teacher is .
A. iss Sith B. r. Li C. rs. Li D . iss Li
( B )
y nae is Zhang in. I’ a girl and I’ Chinese. I like blue. y favorite food is noodles and fish.
I like dancing and swiing. Do you like playing the piano? I like it. I can p draw and I can write Chinese.
I can ride a bike but I can’t drive a car.
( )6、What is the girl’s given nae? .
A. Zhang B. in C. Zhang in D. I don’t kno
( )7、Where is the girl fro? .
A. Aerican B. England C. China D.\
( )8、 Zhang in likes .
A. green B. red C. blue D. black
( )9、Can she drive a car? .
A. Yes, she can. B. No, she can’t. C. I don’t kno
( )10、Her favorite food is and . .
A. noodles, eat B. noodles, fish C. fish , apples
十二. 书面表达。(10分)
假如你叫Zhang Hui ,请你根据所给的信息,写一篇自我介绍的小短,至少写6句话,所给的信息必
参考词汇:Zhang Hui , China, Chinese, 13 years old, student , in Class Five Grade Seven

七年级英语 (上) 期中考试试题 材料:
1.y telephone nuber is 874-5361.
2.There is an office next to our classroo.
3. Daing can play football.
4. Look. The chair is yello
5. The flower is red.

6. What’s this in English?
7. What colour is your bag?
8. What’s your favourite sport?
9. Lingling, are you a new student here?
10. How old are you?
This is y friend Sa. Sa is thirteen years old. Sa isn’t fro China. He is English. Helen is in Sa’s class. They are in Class Two, Grade Seven. Helen is eleven years old. They are good friends.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/40494.html

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