My favorite subject is science

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

英语:Unit 12《y favorite subject is science.》教案和练习(人教版七年级上)
1. —What’s your favorite subject? —y favorite subject is math.
2. —What’s her / his favorite subject? —Her / His favorite subject is art.
1. Talk about preferences谈论喜欢的事情
2. Give reasons 说出理由

1. 重点单词:math, science, history, physical education
onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday
2. 重点句型:—Why do you like math? —Because it’s interesting.
—Why does she /he like art? —Because it’s fun.
特殊疑问句:what, why, who

1. subject n.[c]科目:
Chinese 中
history 历史
math(s) 数学 (mathematics)
P.E. 体育 (physical education)
2. 表示星期的名词
onday 星期一
Tuesday 星期二
Wednesday 星期三
Thursday 星期四
Friday 星期五
Saturday 星期六
Sunday 星期日
We play football every Tuesday. 我们每周二踢足球。
They go to church on Sundays. 他们每周日去教堂。
We're going to visit my aunt and uncle on Sunday.
Sunday is the first day of the week. 周日是一周的第一天。
3. science n. 科学
y favorite subject is science. 我最喜欢的科目是科学。
He is a science teacher. 他是一个教科学的老师。
I have a science lesson this afternoon. 我今天下午有一节科学。
Do you like reading science-fiction stories? 你喜欢读科幻小说吗?
Let’s go to watch a science-fiction movie! 我们去看科幻电影吧!
I want to be a scientist. 我想成为一名科学家。
4. busy adj. 繁忙的,忙的,没有空闲的
Today is a busy day. 今天是繁忙的一天。
be busy with sth. 忙于……
I am busy with my homework. 我在忙着写我的作业。
Jane is busy with her work. 简正忙于她的工作。
be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事
The students are busy cleaning their classroom. 学生们正忙于打扫教室。
She's busy writing out the birthday invitations. 她正忙着写生日邀请卡。
反义词:free [fri:] adj. 空闲的
I am free on Sunday. 我周日有空。
All the students are busy________ ready for the final exams.
A. with gettingB. for gettingC. gettingD. to get
思路分析:本题考查固定搭配:be busy doing sth。这句话的意思是:所有的学生都忙于准备期末考试。
5. strict [strikt]adj. 严厉的,严格的
Our teacher is very strict, so I’m very tired after class.
【考点】be strict in (doing) sth.对(做)某事要求严格
be strict with sb. 对某人要求严格
【例句】He is strict in obeying rules.
You must be strict with yourself. 你必须严格要求自己。
He is very strict with his children. 他对他的孩子非常严厉。
Our teacher is strict _______ us and strict ________ his work.
A. with, toB. with, inC. at, withD. in, with
思路分析:本题考查固定搭配:be strict with sb 和be strict in sth。
6. tired
adj. 疲倦的,累的
I’m tired after a day’s study. 学习了一天,我累了。
I am tired when I get home from school. 从学校回家后我很累。
adj. 厌倦的;厌烦的
be tired of(doing) sth. 对……感到厌倦
I'm so tired of doing the same job day after day. 我对每天做同样的工作感到厌烦。
She was tired of watching TV. 她看电视看得厌烦了。
Don't you get tired of watching football games all day?
Being tired ______ one exam after another, some students don’t get _______ well with their teachers.
A. of, onB. of, inC. with, alongD. with, on
思路分析:本题考查:be tired of厌烦,get on/ along well with sb与某人相处很好这两个固定搭配。
7. ask
v. 问,询问
ay I ask you a question? 我能问你一个问题吗?
He asks me where Tom is. 他问我汤姆在何处。
【考点】ask sb to do sth要求某人做某事。
ask for 请求,要求
【例句】Tom’s mother asks him to finish his homework first.
He is in trouble. He asks for help. 他有麻烦了。他请求帮助。
He is very hungry. He wants to ask for more food. 他很饿。他想要更多的食物。
I ask for a cup of tea. 我要一杯茶。
answer vt. 回答
y teacher always answers my questions carefully.
A r. Smith is asking _______ the manager.
A. toB. withC. forD. about
思路分析:本题考查“ask for要求”短语。本句意为:一位叫史密斯先生的人正在找经理。
8. history n. 历史
I study modern European history at school.
Do you know something about American history/Chinese history/French history?
Annie wants to write a history of rock music.
I don’t like learning history. Because it’s so boring.
9. play with 玩弄,摆弄
The boy is playing with a toy plane. 小男孩正在玩一架玩具飞机。
ay I go and play __________ Dick this afternoon , om?
A. forB. withC. toD. at
思路分析:本题考查play with这一固定搭配。
10. around prep. 四处;环绕
The boy is running around the classroom. 那个男孩正在教室里跑跑去。
Let’s walk around and have a look. 让我们四处走走看看吧。
The moon goes around the earth. 月亮绕着地球转。
1. We usually have no classes on S________ and S________.
2. —What’s your favorite s________?
—English, s________ and b________.
—Why do you like them?
—B________ they’re i________.
3. I don’t like math. It’s very b________ and d________.
4. The fourth day of the week is W________.
5. Our P.E. teacher is very s________ and he makes me very t________.

1. Saturday Sunday
2. subject science biology Because interesting
3. boring difficult
4. Wednesday
5. strict tired

1. It’s Tuesday, November 11. 今天是11月11日,星期二。
—What’s the date today? 今天是几号?
—It’s November 11. 今天是11月11号。
—What day is it today? 今天是星期几?
—It’s Sunday. 是星期日。
It’s Saturday, December 11, 2010. 今天是2010年12月11日,星期六。
It’s Saturday, 11 December, 2010.
When spring comes, ___________ is getting warmer and warmer.
A. itB. thatC. thisD. the day
思路分析:本题考查it表示天气的用法。It此处可用the weather代替。
2. —What’s your favorite subject? —你最喜欢的科目是什么?
—Oh, history! It’s such fun. —噢,历史!它十分有趣。
What’s your favorite …?
What’s your favorite fruit? 你最喜欢的水果是什么?
What’s your favorite book? 你最喜欢看什么书?
fun adj.有趣的,愉快的[美]
—Let’s play computer games. —我们玩电脑游戏吧。
—That sounds fun. —那听起很有趣。
such adj. 如此,这样
such a / an + adj + n.
I can’t answer such a boring question. 我无法回答如此无聊的问题。
3. y art teacher is rs. Jones. 我的美术老师是琼斯夫人。
r. 先生
rs. 夫人
the Smiths 史密斯一家 the +姓氏的复数 表示“……一家”。
The Browns are going to the park this Sunday. 布朗一家这个星期日要去公园。
4. —Why do you like P.E.?
—Because it’s fun.
—Why does Tom go home early? 为什么汤姆早早回家了?
—Because he has to look after his mother. 因为他必须照顾他妈妈。
1)because 因为,后接句子。
I like English because it’s fun. 我喜欢英语因为它有趣。
2)because of 因为,由于后接名词或名词短语。
I can’t come to the party because of the rain. 因为下雨我没去参加聚会。
1. —Do you want to play basketball ____ Sunday?
—No, I don’t. I have a music lesson.
A. on B. in C. at D. under
2. —What’s your favorite ____?
—I like history very much.
A. music B. food C. movie D. subject
3. ____ Browns are going to China for the holiday.
A. A B. a C. The D. the
4. —Why are you late today?
—____ my bike is broken.
A. Because B. For C. But D. At
1. A 2. D. 3. C. 4. A

Who teaches you art? 谁教你们美术?
Who is your art teacher? 谁是你的美术老师?
whose 疑问代词,谁的,用于对物主代词或名词所有格提问。
Whose book is this? 这是谁的书?
Whose favorite subject is math? 谁最喜欢的科目是数学?
【辨析】—What is she? 她是干什么的?
—She is a teacher. 她是一位老师。
—Who is she? 她是谁?
—She is my sister. 她是我的姐姐。
以疑问代词who, whose, what, which等或疑问副词when, where, why, how等开头的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。
What’s your name/phone number/ favorite subject?
What’s this/that in English?
What kind of movies do you like?
What club do you want to join?
What can you do?
What time is it? What time do you usually get up?
What language does she speak?
Who’s this/that?
Who’s your maths teacher?
Where’s my backpack?
Where is your pen pal from?
Where does she live?
When is your birthday?
When does Alicia take a shower?
How do you spell pencil?
How old are you?
How much is the blue T-shirt?
How many:
How many oranges can you see?
Why do you like P.E.? (Because it’s fun.)
Whose clock is it?
Whose shoes are these?
Which man is Jim’s father?
Which pen is yours?

(1)____________ under the tree? That’s Sam.
(2)____________ he doing there? He’s jumping.
(3)____________ is wearing a green dress? ay is wearing a green dress.
(4)____________ are talking? Ann and Pat are talking.
(5)____________ shoes do you like? Sam’s shoes.
(6)____________ boy is playing with a basketball? That’s Bill.
(7)____________ boys are there? There’re three.
(8)____________ are they? They’re in front of a classroom.
(2)What’s (他在那儿干什么?)
(5)Whose (你喜欢谁的鞋?)
(7)How many(有几个男孩?)

上学期期末复习Unit 7 ? Unit 8
Unit 7 ? Unit 8 单元复习


1. I’m very ________(忙的) today. So I can’t go to the movie with you.
2. After running, we are _________(疲惫的).
3. Shanghai is a big _________(城市) in China.
4. Our teacher is _________(严格的) in her work.
5. We have art only on ________(星期三).
6. I don’t like ________(科学). It’s too difficult.
7. y favorite ___________(学科) are Chinese and math.

1. teach (名词) _______2. city (复数) _______3. around (同义词) _______
4. success (形容词) ______5. well (最高级) _______6. hour (同音词) _________
7. wish (三单形式) _______8. real (副词) __________

1. iss Ling teaches _________ Chinese. We like _________ class very much.
A. me; hisB. me; herC. us; herD. us; his
2. —When do you have math?
—We have math _________onday, Tuesday and Thursday.
A. inB. onC. atD. for
3. P.E. is my favorite subject _________ it’s interesting.
A. forB. butC. becauseD. and
4. I have sports _________ two hours every day.
A. forB. on C. atD. in
5. Science is very difficult _________ interesting.
A. andB. butC. orD. so
*6. We go to school _________ onday _________ Friday.
A. on; toB. on; andC. in; inD. from; to
7. I feel _________ after such a busy day. So I go to bed very early.
A. excitingB. tiredC. boringD. sad
8. — _________? —It’s Friday.
A. What’s the timeB. What day is it today
C. When is todayD. What’s the date
9. y English teacher is strict _________ us students.
A. toB. aboutC. withD. on
10. There are a lot of people and cars on New Street. It’s a _________ street.
A. busyB. freeC. quietD. safe
*11. Can you tell me _________ you know your parents?
A. how muchB. hoellC. whatD. how
12. Jim is busy _________ his homework.
A. inB. forC. atD. with
13. The _________ office is over there.
A. teachersB. teacherC. teachers’D. teachers’s
14. _________ is your math teacher?
A. WhatB. WhoC. WhoseD. Whom

1. We have English in Thursday.
2. What time does she gets up?
3. I’m sorry I very busy today.
4. ? What’s his favorite player? ? Deng Yaping.
5. I like to play in my classmates.

1. y son likes swimming because it’s funny. (对划线部分提问)
_____ ____ your son ____ swimming?
*2. She is really busy today. (改为感叹句)
____ ____ she is today!
3. y favorite teacher is rs. Green. (对划线部分提问)
____ ____ your favorite teacher?
*4. likes, with, the, running, me, dog, around, little (连词成句)
5. I have some story-books. (改为否定句)
I _____ have ____ story-books.

It’s 1 onday. Dennis 2 school at 8:15 in the morning. He has science at eight-thirty. He likes science 3 it’s interesting. Dennis thinks math is 4 . He doesn’t like it. At ten he has math. 5 favorite teacher is his P.E. teacher, r. Smith. He is funny. His class is exciting. He has P.E. 6 onday afternoon. So Dennis 7 onday. On week-days, from onday to 8 , Dennis has 9 at school at 11:45. After school Dennis plays 10 on the playground with his friends.
1. A. onB. atC. /D. in
2. A. isB. comesC. getsD. goes to
3. A. andB. butC. becauseD. so
4. A. interestingB. scaryC. difficultD. funny
5. A. HersB. He’sC. HerD. His
6. A. inB. onC. atD. to
7. A. likeB. wantC. likesD. wants
8. A. FridayB. SaturdayC. SundayD. Thursday
9. A. breakfastB. lunchC. dinnerD. supper
10. A. a pianoB. soccerC. the soccerD. piano

Dear Sandy,
How are you? It’s Saturday today and I have some time to write to you. We’re busy from onday to Friday. We have to get up at six-thirty in the morning. After some exercise we have breakfast. We have five classes a day and the first class begins at 8 o’clock. Our teachers are strict and we can’t be late for school.
We play sports in the afternoon. We can play basketball, soccer, volleyball, baseball, tennis and ping-pong. Some of us like art. They can sing, dance and dra Sometimes iss White, our biology teacher, takes us to the zoo. Our school finishes at five.
After supper we often watch TV for an hour. But we have to finish our homework first. I like math and often do some difficult exercises. I go to bed at ten-thirty. I often feel tired.
Please write and tell me about your school life.
Zhou Hong
1. Zhou Hong has some time _________.
A. from onday to FridayB. on Saturday
C. on SundayD. on weekends
2. Zhou Hong can sleep for ________ hours a day on weekdays.
A. sixB. sevenC. eightD. nine
3. iss White teaches ________ in Zhou Hong’s school.
A. biologyB. mathC. artD. music
4. The children have sports __________.
A. in the afternoonB. after schoolC. in classD. in the morning
5. Zhou Hong does some difficult math exercises because __________.
A. her teacher makes her do soB. she has much time at home
C. it’s her favorite subjectD. her teacher is strict


一、1. busy2. tired3. city4. strict5. Wednesday
6. science7. subjects

二、1. teacher2. cities3. about4. successful5. best
6. our7. wishes8. really


四、1. in→on2. gets→get3. I→I’m4. What’s→Who’s5. in→with

五、1. Why does, like2. How busy3. Who is
4. The little dog likes running around with me.5. don’t, any



八、y name’s Wang ing. I’m 14 years old and I’m a middle school student. y favorite subjects are science and P.E.. Science is a little difficult but it’s very interesting. We often have P.E. on Friday. So Friday is my favorite day and the teacher is my favorite, too.


相关阅读:My favorite subject is science