
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


A.听下面10段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。( 10分 )
() 1. Which club is Ji in?

() 2. Where will illie go next?

() 3. What do the children do on that festival?

() 4. What will the an buy today?

() 5. What kind of shoes will the woan wear?

() 6. Where does ary’s faily usually have dinner at the weekend?
A.At their own hoe.B. In the restaurant.C. At her grandparents’ hoe
() 7. How any lessons does Daniel have every day?
A. 5 lessons.B. 8 lessons.C. 7 lessons.
() 8. How often does Sion eat noodles?
A. Once a week.B. Never.C. Seldo.
() 9. How uch is the orange skirt?
A. ¥80 .B. ¥40.C. ¥20 .
() 10. What’s Frank’s shirt ade of?
A. It’s ade of cotton.B. It’s ade of silk.C. It’s ade of wool.
() 11. What’s the an’s size?
A. Size Seven.B. Size Eight.C. Size Nine.
() 12.Why doesn’t the an want to buy this pair of shoes?
A. They are too expensive.B. They are too sall.C. They are too big.
() 13. Where is Peter?
A. In Hainan.B. In the USA.C. In Harbin.
() 14. What’s Peter doing now?
A. He’s cooking dinner.B. He’s visiting his aunt.C. He’s having lunch.
() 15. What’s the weather(天气) like in Hainan?
A. Sunny.B. Cool.C. Cold.
() 16. How do Ji and his other go shopping?
A. By bus.B. By car.C. By bike.
() 17. Why do they buy a lot of things?
A.Because they are hungry.
B.Because they like buying things.
C.Because his uncle’s faily are going to visit the
() 18. Who opens the door of the car?
A. Ji.B. Ji’s other.C. The policean.
() 19. Whose car do they open?
A. A an’s car.B. Ji’s car.C. The policean’s.
() 20. What do you think of the policean?
A.Polite and helpful.
B.Friendly and helpful.
C.Helpful but not careful.
() 21. ---There is ____________ art lesson this orning.
---Yes. But where is ____________ art roo, do you know?
A. an; aB. an; /C. an; theD. the; a
() 22. --- Does r Zhu teach ____________ English?
---Yes, ____________ does.
A. their; heB. the; sheC. their; sheD. the; he
() 23. ---Who would you buy the coat ____________ ?
---I’ll give it to y brother ____________ a present.
A. for; forB. to; asC. for; asD. for; to
() 24. Her other often akes her ____________ all the bags when they go shopping.
A. bringB. takeC. carryD. send
() 25. ---ay I have a cat at hoe, Dad?
---Yes, you can. But you ust know how to ____________ a cat.
A. look afterB. look atC. look forD. look up
() 26. ---Do you often do exercise, John?
---No, ____________. I don’t like sports at all.
A. neverB. oftenC. usuallyD. always
() 27. To usually ____________ a bike to school. Look, he _________ to school no
A. rides; is ridingB. is riding; is riding
C. rides; ridesD. is riding; rides
() 28.Li ing is a football fan. He often talks about ________ football with his friends.
A. playB. playsC. to playD. playing
() 29. ---Look, there ____________ a pair of trainers under the sofa.
---Oh, yes. The trainers ____________ ine.
A. is; areB. are; isC. are; areD. is; is
() 30. ---You look very happy.
---Yes, ____________ I eet y old friend again.
A. butB. becauseC. /D. aybe
() 31. ---It’s 10:00 p.. Is the shop ____________ ?
---No, it’s ____________ .
A. open; closeB. closed; opened
C. open; closedD. closes, opens
() 32. ---Would you like to drink ____________ ilk?
---Yes, I’d love to. But there isn’t ____________ ilk in the cup.
A. soe; soeB. soe; anyC. any; soeD. any; any
() 33. ---How any ____________ can you see in the kitchen?
--- Three.
A. cartons of orangesB. cartons of orange
C. carton of orangesD. carton of orange
() 34. ---____________ do you think of playing football?
---It’s interesting. But soeties it’s not easy.
A. HowB. WhatC. WhoD. Why
() 35. ---Excuse e, ay I ask you a question?
---____________ . I a listening.
A. SorryB. No, you ay not
C. Of courseD. Certainly no
I have a friend called To. He is an 36 boy. Now he lives in Zhenjiang with y 37 . To doesn’t know Chinese, 38 he is studying it. He often 39 Chinese to all of his friends, but soeties we don’t understand hi because he isn’t good 40 it yet. It’s Sunday orning. To goes out. He wants to buy 41 P5. He walks along the street. He is looking for a shopping all, but he doesn’t know 42 to go. Finally, a girl helps 43 find the all. He is very 44 and buys a nice P5. He hopes he will spend soe 45_ tie in Zhenjiang. However, he will go back to his country next week. () 36. A.Chinese B.English C.Aerica D.French
() 37. A.hoeB.failyC.houseD.roo
() 38. A./B.orC.butD.because
() 39. A.saysB.speaksC.tellsD. talks
() 40. A.atB.inC.onD.for
() 41. A.aB.anC.theD./
() 42. A.whatB.whichC.when D.where
() 43. A.hiB.hisC.heD.her
() 44. A.sadB.happyC.funnyD.hungry
() 45. A. uchB. oreC. anyD. ost
What do you eat every day? Soe people think about it. And soe people will not ake plans for their eals.
any people like to have fast food near their offices. This kind of food can ake the fat and it is bad for their health. Even it will ake the ill when they are old.
What should a healthy person eat every day? Well, I will tell you the ‘healthy eating habit’. It coes fro doctors.
When people do a lot of work, the energy is burning(燃烧). So you need noodles, rice, ilk, bread and eggs. If you don’t eat the, you will feel tired. You should eat fruits and vegetables, too. There are a lot of vitains in the. They can ake you strong. And they can give you water.
( ) 46. People like to eat fast food near their ___________.
A. officesB. schools
C. hoesD. shops
() 47. Fast food can ake people ____________ .
A. strongB. healthy
C. tiredD. fat and ill
() 48. In fruits and vegetables, what can ake you strong?
A. Water.B. Vitains.
C. Energy.D. Calories.

Every year, on the third Sunday of June, there is a day just to thank the fathers. It is Father’s Day. Every father in the USA gets a present fro his wife or children.
The present isn’t too big or expensive. It is just soething with love. This present is to let the father know he is special and iportant in the faily. The present ay be an easy sentence(句子). But it is really very iportant.
Being a father is hard today. They ust do a lot of things. And in the USA, people try to let fathers know how special they are. It is very iportant to let each father know, without hi, life will be very hard and boring.
() 49. When is Father’s Day?
A. On the third Sunday of June.B. On the third Saturday of June.
C. On the third Sunday of July.D. On the third Saturday of July.
() 50. What is the present like?
A. It’s very big.B. It’s very expensive.
C. It sends love to the father.D. It is only fro the children.
() 51. Which is NOT right?
A. Being a father is very easy today.
B. Fathers are special.
C. Fathers have a lot of things to do.
D. Without fathers, life will be hard and boring.
Today is Sunday, so Peter doesn’t go out. He asks his parents about the traditional Chinese clothes. other tells hi that Qipao is the traditional dress of China. Qipao is usually ade of silk. Soeties Qipao is ade of cotton. any woen in the West like it very uch too. Father say all the VIPs in iportant eetings like wearing Tang suit (唐装). People look sart in the traditional Chinese clothes. any young people find it cool to wear the clothes in their own styles. Peter’s cousin says the odern clothes are better. Finally, they think the fashion should be cofortable first.
() 52. Where does Peter talk with his parents?
A. At hoe.B. At school.
C. At a fashion shoD. At a clothes shop.
() 53. How do the VIPS in iportant eetings wear clothes?
A. In odern styles.B. In Tang Styles.
C. In the style fro the 1980s.D. In their own styles.
() 54. Who is at Peter’s hoe, too?
A. His sister.B. His brother.
C. His grandfather.D. His cousin.
() 55. What do they think the clothes should be like first?
A. Beautiful.B. Cheap.
C. Cofortable.D. Expensive.
A) 根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式。
56. We should help the students in ____________ (贫穷的) areas.
57. The red coat and yellow sweater are both beautiful. I don’t knohich one to _________(选择).
58. They have hot drinks and fruit ____________ (在……之间) eals.
59. Halloween is on ____________ (十月) 31st in the West.
60. I was ____________ (出生) in a sall town in Jiangsu.
61.y other’s ____________ (hobby) are reading and running.
62. It is y ____________ (one) tie to watch the lion dance.
63. Every Friday afternoon, we have a ____________ (dance) lesson.
64. Our club eeting starts at 3:30 p.. and ____________ (finish) at 5:00 p..
65. The little girl is very pretty. We ____________ (real) like her.
66. Sion studies in No. 8 iddle School.(改为否定句)
Sion ____________ ____________ in No.8 iddle School.
67. I have soe good news.(改为一般疑问句)
____________ you have ____________ good news?
68. The clothes in the box are fro the 1980s. (对划线部分提问)
____________ ____________ the clothes in the box ____________ ?
69. We are all here, but Daniel isn’t.(改为同义句)
We are all here ____________ Daniel .
70. y English teacher walks to school. (用at the oent作时间状语改写句子)
y English teacher ____________ ____________ to school at the oent.
71. 我表弟经常在操场上放风筝。
y cousin often ____________ a ____________ on the playground.
72. 我讨厌家庭作业,因为太多了
I hate hoework because I have ____________ ____________ .
73. 你可以多吃蔬菜而不会发胖。
You can eat ore vegetables ____________ ____________ fat.
74. 看!To手里有本书看上去很开心。
Look! To ____________ a book in his hand and ___________ very happy.
75. 天色暗了,请打开灯。
It’s getting dark. Please ____________ ____________ the lights.
In China, any students spend their weekends studying at school or doing hoework at hoe. What are the students doing at weekends in Aerica?
Kathy: We’re washing people’s cars. y friends and I are working together. The oney fro the car washing is for our school basketball tea.
To: I’ watching an interesting fil with y friend. It’s noon. y friend is laughing at soething. I a laughing, too. We’re laughing at the interesting dog in the fil.
Tony: I’ with y grandother in the park. y parents are working today. We’re playing and talking. She and I are good friends. She’s telling e interesting stories.
Kitty: I’ sitting in bed with y notebook coputer. It’s 11:00 at night. I’ writing letters to friends. They’re in other countries. But I’ thinking about the. I a happy.
Kathy, To, Tony and Kitty are 76 students. They spend their weekends in different ways. Kathy is washing people’s cars 77 her friends. To and his friends are laughing at the interesting 78 in the fil. Tony is 79 to his grandother’s interesting stories. Kitty is using her notebook 80 to write letters to her friends in other countries. All of the are happy at the weekend.
Hello, everyone! It’s the tie of the year again—Xinhua’s fantastic sale(热销). There are any kinds of things. Do you like skirts? We have skirts in all colours. Each of the is 50 yuan! Do you need any presents for your friends? We have hair clips. They each cost just 6 yuan! We have all kinds of usic boxes. They are each just 20 yuan. Do you need any flowers for your parents or teachers? You just spend 1uan on each. For boys, we have basketballs and yo-yos. A basketball is 98 yuan and yo-yo is 1uan. Just coe and see for yourself.
Xinhua’s fantastic sale
SkirtsEach of the is 50 yuan.They look 81 .
Hair clipsThey each cost 6 yuan.They are good 82 for your friends.
usic boxesYou just 83 20 yuan for each.There are all kinds of usic boxes.
FlowersYou just spend 1uan on each.They are suitable 84 your parents or teachers
BasketballsThe 85 _of each is 98 yuan.It’s good for boys.
Yo-yosYou can buy one with 1uan.
81. __________ 82. ____________ 83. ____________ 84. ____________ 85. __________
Students in any countries are learning English. Soe of these students are sall c 86 . any are adults. Soe learn at s 87 . Soe learn English over the radio, on TV, or in fils. One ust work h 88 to learn English.
Why do all these people w 89 to learn English? It is difficult to a 90 this question. any boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of t 91 lessons . They study Chinese, 92 and English. English can help people’s work, s 93 soe people learn it. any people learn English for their higher studies. Soe of their books are written(写) i 94 _English. Other people learn English because they want to r 95 English newspapers and look for things on the Internet.
86. c___________ 87. s____________88.h___________ 89.w__________ 90. a__________
91. t__________ 92. __________ 93. s___________ 94. i__________ 95. r__________
Teachers and students友好,乐于助人
Buildings around school前面是车站,后面有新开的大型购物中心,旁边是川菜馆
School life做早操,学校伙食很好,很多兴趣小组
Chinese New Year寒假即将临,中国人将要过春节,2012年的春节是1月23日,……(至少再发挥两点)
The nae of our school is Beijing Sunshine Secondary school. ____________________________

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/42228.html
