
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

五、补全对话。 (10分)
A:Hi, Linda.76 .
B:Nice to eet you,too,Jane.
A:Let’play tennis.
B:77 But I don’t have a tennis racket.
A:What do you want to do?
B:78 .
A:Buy a sweater?
B:Yes. There is a sale in Huaxing Clothing Store. The clothes are
very cheap.
A:Really?79 ?
B:They have sweaters in all colors at the price of 2uan.
A:80. ?
B:Yes, they have T-shirts. Can you go there with e?
A:OK. Let’s go.

六、完成对话 (在每条线上填入一个完整的句子,确保上下意思连贯)(10分)
  A: How are you today?
  B: Very well, thanks. 1
  A: I’ fine, too. Do you like playing basketball?
  B: 2 And I often play basketball with y classates.
  A: Does your brother like playing basketball, too?
  B: 3 He only likes playing football.
  A: When do you usually play basketball?
  B: 4
  A: I see. 5
  B: It’s five o’clock.
  A: Let’s go and play basketball.
  B: Great.
Ⅵ.1.How are you ?/ And you ?
  2.Yes, I do./ Yes , very uch./ Yes.
  3.No, he doesn't./ No.
  4.In the afternoon./ After class./ After school.
  5.What tie is it ?/ What’s the tie?

A. Sorry. I don’t kno You can go and ask the policean.
B. You can?t iss it.
C. Thank you anyway.
D. Excuse e, Do you know the way to Tian An en Square?
E. First. You need to take the No.47 bus and then you can change to the NO.22 bus at Xidan.
F. Excuse e. Could you tell e the way to Tian An en Square?

A. 选用方框中所给句子完成对话,有一句是多余的。
A: Hello! ay I speak to Bill??
B: Speaking!?
A: Hi, Bill! This is Jane speaking.?
B: Hello! 1
A: I called you yesterday, but nobody answered the telephone. 2 ?
B: I went to the World on Water (水上世界) with y parents.?
A: Really? 3 .?
B: It was great. We saw the dolphin show (海豚表演). It was very wonderful.?
A: That sounds interesting.? B: 4 .?
A: Oh, the day after toorroill be y birthday. 5 ?
B: Yes, I'd love to. Thanks a lot.?
A: You're welcoe.?
celebrate, dance, Sure, I’d love to, perfor, There is

1.________ 2.________3. ________4. ________5. ________
1.There is 2.Sure,I’d love to 3.celebrate 4.perfor 5.dance

B. 根据对话内容, 从方框中选出正确的单词或短语补全对话。
ichael: Hi, Jane. 1 a party in the usic hall tonight, would you like to coe?
Jane: 2 , what kind of party is it??
ichael: You see the New Year is coing, we hold a party to 3 it.?
Jane: That sounds exciting. What tie does it start?
ichael: Half past six, by the way, would you like to 4 soething at the party??
Jane: I can 5 ballet, is that OK??
ichael: Sure, it’s great!?
A: By the way, why did you call e?
B: How long did you stay there??
C: Would you like to coe to y birthday party??
D: What’s up??
E: Hoas your trip??
F: Where did you go?

1.________ 2.________3. ________4. ________5. ________

Paul: Hi, y nae is Paul. 1_________________________
Nick: y nae is Nick.
Paul: 2_______________________
Nick: Nice to eet you, too.
Paul: Do you like playing basketball?
Nick: 3_____________________.
Paul: Do you have a basketball?
Nick: 4_______________________ I have a soccer ball.
Paul: Let’s play soccer together(一起)!
Nick: 5_______________________ Let’s go!
(B) 1. What’s your nae? 2. Nice to eet you.
3. Yes, I do. 4. No, I don’t. 5. That sounds good.

三. 根据对话内容,完成对话,每空一词。(共6分,每空1分)
A: Hi, can I help you?
B: Yes, please. I want to _____1_____ the usic club.
A: Good. Can I have your _____2_____?
B: John Sith.
A: How _____3_____ are you?
B: Twelve.
A: Can you sing?
B: _____4_____, a little. I like singing and dancing.
A: Do you have an _____5_____ address?
B: Yes, it’s . co. cn.
A: Great. _____6_____ a lot.
B: Thank you.
三. 完成对话,每空一词。(共6分,每空1分)
1. join2. nae3. old
4. Yes5. e-ail (eail)6. Thanks

IX. 交际运用。
从对话后方框中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项, 其中有两项是多余的。
Paul: ___51___, Nick? Is it tie to go hoe?
Nick: No, it’s 3:15.It’s tie to go and play gaes. ___52___?
Paul: I don’t kno I can’t find it.
r.Li: Whose is this watch? Is it yours, Nick?
Nick: ___53___.
r.Li: What color is your watch, Paul?
Paul: ___ 54 ____.
r.Li: Is this one yours?
Paul: Oh, yes, it’s ine.
r.Li: Paul, ___55___. Put it in your schoolbag.
Paul: Thank you, r. Li.
A.It’s blue.
B.But where’s your watch?
C.They’re blue.
D.No, I think it’s Paul’s.
E. What tie is it now?
F. What day is it today?
G. You ust look after (照看) your things.
答案A:51.E 52.B 53.D 54.A 55.G

A.Five dollars each. They’re on sale.
B.How any do you want?
C.Can I help you?
D.Yes, please. How uch are the T-shirts?
E. U, I’ll take four.
F. Five dollars? Great. I want soe white ones.
C. 56._______ 57.______ 58._______ 59._______ 60.______
答案B: C 56.D 57.A 58.F 59.B 60.E

Sports Club
Nae:David Cooper Telephone nuber: 832-3790
Age: 14 Eail address: .
Can: play tennis well; play basketball a little;
Why: healthy, friends
When to coe: Sunday

rs. Black: What can I do for you, young an?
David: I like sports. I want to _____61______.
rs. Black: OK. What’s your full nae, please?
David: David Cooper.
rs. Black: ______62______?
David: 14.
rs. Black: What’s your favorite sport? Can you play tennis?
David: Yes, I can.
rs. Black: Do you like playing basketball?
David: Yes, but I ____63____ play it very well.
rs. Black: Why do you want to join the club, ay I ask?
David: Because I really want to keep healthy and _____64______.
rs. Black: Oh, I see. Can I have your phone nuber and eail address?
David: Yes, y telephone nuber is 832-3790 and y eail address is
rs. Black: OK. Welcoe to our sports cluB.You can coe here ____65____.
答案C: 61.join the sports club 62.What’s your age?/ How old are you?
63.can’t 64.see/ eet/ake friends 65.on Sunday
A:Can I 60 you?
B:Yes, 61 .I want a 62 .
A:What 63 do you like?
A: 64 you are.
B:How 65 is it?
B:I’ll 66 it.Thank you.
A:You’re __67______.

David: What club do you want 68 join?
Lisa: We 69 to join the chess 70.
David: Can you 71 chess?
Lisa: No, I 72.

A: 73 this in English?
B: 74 a guitar.
A:How can you 75 it?
A: 76 it?
B:It’s behind the door.
A:Can you 77 the guitar?
B:Yes,I can.

---_ 78___he like to play basketball?
--- Yes, he does. And he 79__ it very well.

答案 五、根据对话情景,完成短。(20%)
60. help 61. please 62. sweater63. color 64. Here
65. uch66. take 67. welcoe 68. to 69. want
70. club71. play 72. can’t 73. What’s 74 . It’s
75. spell76. Where’s 77. play 78. Does 79 . plays

  Ji: Hi, Li Lei! What's the tie, please?
  Li Lei: Sorry. I don't kno
  Ji: Look!  1  is that girl over there? Do you know?
  Li Lei: I think  2  Lucy. Let's go and ask her.
  Ji and LiLei: Hello! Lucy.
  Lily: Hello!  3   4   5  Lucy, I a Lily.
  Ji: Oh, sorry, you  6   7   8
  Lily: Yes, we are  9
  Li Lei: How is Lucy? Is she at school?
  Lily: No, she isn't. She is at hoe.
  Ji: Oh, Lily. What's the tie? Do you know?
  Lily: Let e see. It's four thirty. It's tie  10  go hoe.
  Ji and Li Lei: Let's go.
 (六)1.Who 2.she's 3.I 4.a 5.not 6.look 7.the 8.sae 9.twins 10.to

A: Excuse e. (71)
B: Let e have a look. (72)_____________ I think it’s Lily’s.
A: Lily. Is that coat yours?
C: (73)________________
A: It’s grey.
C: (74)____________ I can’t find it.
A: It’s over there. Put it on, please.
C: (75)_____________

71---- 75 bcaed

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/42682.html
