
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

班别____________ 姓名_____________ 学号_______________

部分 (20分)
一.听句子, 根据所听内容选择相应的图片. 句子读一遍。(5分)

( ) 6. What day is it today?
A. onday B. Wednesday C. Friday
( ) 7. What day is Jack's favorite day?
A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Thursday
( ) 8. What's the weather like in Kate's city(城市)?
A.It's hot. B. It's war C. It's cool.
( ) 9. Does Bob like spring?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn't. C. We don't kno
( )10. What does Linda do after school?
A. Plays football. B. Goes swiing. C. Plays basketball.

三,听对话,根据所听内容选择正确答 案。对话读两遍。(5分)
( )11. When do they eet?
A. In the orning. B. In the afternoon. C. In the evening.
( )12. What day is it toorrow?
A. It's Friday. B. It's Saturday. C. It's Sunday.
( )13. What's the weather like today?
A. War. B. Hot. C. Cool.
( )14. What's that over there?
A. A dog. B. A bird. C. A cat.
( )15. What color is it?
A. Black. B. White. C. Brown.

16. Linda is ______________ years old.
17. Linda's favourite colour is ____________.
18. Eric is Linda's new ____________.
19. Eric and Linda like ___________.
20. Today is _____________.

( ) 21. 字母Ii 是字母表中第______个字母。
A. 8 B. 9 C. 10 D. 11
( ) 22. 在英字母表中,______, _______ 两个字母能独立构成单词。
A. I ; Y B. A ; a C. I ; a D. i ; A
( ) 23. ---- _________
---- Yes, I’ ike.
A. What’s your nae?B. What are you?
C. How are you?D. Are you ike?
( ) 24. ---- Where is Yao ing fro?
---- He is fro _________.
A. ChinaB. EnglandC. Japan D. Canada
( ) 25. ---- _________ is she?
---- She’s ten.
A. How old B. HowC. Where D. What
( ) 26. ---- Are you fro England?
---- No, we ________.
A. are B. aren’t C. isn’t D. a not
( ) 27. What's that _______ English?
A. with B. in C. of D. to
( ) 28. ---- _________
---- I’ fine. Thank you.
A. Are you ichael?B. How do you do?
C. How are you? D. Hi!
( ) 29. ----Today is Sunday. What day is it toorrow?
---- ________.
A. onday B. Friday C. Saturday D. Sunday
( ) 30. Daing can ________ basketball very well.
A. playing B. plays C. play D. to play
( ) 31. To _________ y friend. _________ pencils _________ blue.
A. is; His; are B. are; His; is C. are; His; are D. is; His; is
( ) 32. To is ______ Aerican boy, ________ he is in China no
A. a ; and B. an ; and C. a ; but D. an ; but
( ) 33. ---- Let’s _______ at the school gate (门口) toorro
---- OK. See you then.
A. eet B. eeting C. eets D. to eet
( ) 34. ---- Thank you for your help.
---- ___________.
A. Excuse e B. How do you do C. You’re welcoe D. OK.
( ) 35. ---- What is twelve and five?
---- It’s ________.
A. fifteen B. sixteen C. seventeen D. eighteen
( ) 36. ---- _________?
---- B-L-A-C-K.
A. Are you spell "black" B. Spells "black", please.
C. How to spells "black" D. How do you spell "black"
( ) 37. ________ the weather ________ in England?
A. How’s; like B. What’s; like C. How ; / D. What; like
( ) 38. ---- Are these your pencils?
---- Yes, _________.
A. these are B. those are C. they are D. they’re
( ) 39. Let ______ help you.
A. y B. e C. I D. we
( ) 40. ----Do you like football?
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I do. C. Yes, I a. D. No, I a not.
Hello! 41 nae is Li Ying. I’ twelve. I’ fro Kuning. Now I’ in Beijing No.14 High School. I’ 42 Class Five, Grade One. I’ Nuber 4. iss Gao 43 y English teacher. She is 44 old teacher. I have a pen, a ruler and two 45 in y pencil-box.
Liu Ping is in Grade One, too. She is 46 Guangzhou. She is y good 47 . We are in 48 sae class. Now she 49 at school. I think(认为) she is at hoe. Look! That is a 50 . But it is not y book.
( ) 41. A. IB. yC. YouD. e
( ) 42. A. froB. toC. notD. in
( ) 43. A. is B. areC. aD. be
( ) 44. A. aB. anC. goodD. /
( ) 45. A. busesB. desksC. schoolbagsD. pencils
( ) 46. A. in B. toC. froD. but
( ) 47. A. friendB. teacherC. studentD. o
( ) 48. A. theseB. theC. anD. a
( ) 49. A. is B. isn’tC. areD. aren’t
( ) 50. A. eraserB. rulerC. penD. book
三,理解。(30分) A

( ) 51. ---- How old is Rose?
---- _________
A. She is 10.B. She is eleven.C. She is twelve.D. He is 13.
( ) 52. ---- Where is Rose fro?
---- She is fro _________.
A. JapanB. EnglandC. the U.S.A.D. English
( ) 53. ---- What’s the boy’s nae?
---- His nae is _________.
A. FredB. KeikoC. RoseD. aria
( ) 54. ---- What’s Fred’s telephone nuber?
---- _________
A. (010)7233-7569. B. (010)2639-7567.
C. (010)112-8973. D. (010)7355-4231.
( ) 55. Keiko is in _________.
A. Class 2, Grade 2 B. Class 5, Grade 1
C. Class 3, Grade 3 D. Class 1, Grade 3

There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, suer, autun and winter.
Spring is a beautiful season. It’s fro arch to ay. In spring, the trees turn (变成) green and the flowers coe out (开放).
Suer is a happy season. It’s fro April to August. In su er, we can swi and eat a lot of ice creas. Of course, we have a long holiday ---- suer holiday.
Autun is a colourful (多彩的) seaso n. It’s fro Septeber to Noveber. In autun, the leaves (叶子) on the trees turn yello Soeties they are yellow and red. The colours are beautiful.
Winter is a cold season. It’s fro Deceber to February. In winter, it begins to snow in ost places of China. Snow is white, and everything looks white. The children like playig with sno

( ) 56. What’s the eaning (意思) of the underlined (下划线的) word in Paragraph 1?
A. 时期 B. 时代 C.季节 D. 节日
( ) 57. How any seasons are there in a year?
A. Two. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six
( ) 58. In _______, everything looks ne
A. spring B. suer C. autun D. winter.
( ) 59. Winter is fro ________ in China.
A. January to arch B. Deceber to February
C. arch to ay D. Septeber to Noveber
( ) 60.Can the children play with snow in winter in ost places of China?
A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they can.
C. No, they aren't. D. No, they can't.


( ) 61. This is Ji. He is twelve. He isn’t in y class.
He is in Class Seven. He is y good friend.
( ) 62 Hello, y nae is Wang Hong. I’ glad to eet
everyone. I like English. I speak English.
( ) 63. y favourite sport is swiing. I like swiing
very uch. I often go swiing with Daing.
He likes swiing, too.
( )64. y father is a teacher. He likes listening to
usic and watching TV. He often watches TV.
( ) 65. y English teacher is iss Li. She likes playing
the piano (钢琴). She is very good.A. y father
B. y good friend, Ji
C. y English teacher
D. I’ Wang Hong
E. y favourite sport
F. y hobby (爱好)

66. ---- Can you spell “pencil”?
----- S__________, I don’t kno
67. There are __________(二十) boys in our class.
68. ---- What colour is it?
---- It's __ ________ (橘色).
69. Sa can ___________(绘画) soe beautiful pictures.
70. ---- y b_________ is on Septeber 12th. Would you like to coe to y party?
---- Yes, of course.

71. —这是周小姐。
.---- __________ _________ iss Zhou.
---- _________ to eet you.
72. 到工作的时间了。
It’s _________ _________ work.
73. 秋天很凉快。
It’s cool _________ __________.
74. 请打开你的书。
Please _________ _________ __________.
75. 请你举手。
Please __________ __________ your ________.
76. 请坐下。
Please __________ __________.
77. 你喜欢唱歌吗?
_________ _________ like singing?
78. 你们班有多少学生?
_________ _________ __________ are there in your class?


flower, teacher, desk, English, sport, look, student, ap, classroo, swiing

Please 79_________ at the picture. It’s a picture of our 80________. In the picture, you can see soe 81_________ and chairs. On the blackboard, you can see two pictures of red 82_________. A 83________ is on t he wall. It’s a ap of China. Under the 84_________ desk is a ball, but you can’t see it. The girl in the hat is y good friend Kate. She is a new 85___________ here. She is an 86__________ girl. We like 87_________, so we often go 88_________ in suer.

(A) 阅读下列短,完成下列信息表格。(5分)
Hello, I a Zhang Hua. I a twelve years old. I a happy to study at the new school. I a in Class 2, Grade 7. I have a lot of new friends here. They are Lingling, Tony, Peter and David. We are in the sae class. Tony and Peter like football very uch. They often play football after class. Lingling and I like reading. We often go to the library at weekends (周末). Our teachers are nice to us. We all like studying here.
Inforation Card
NaePersonal inforation (个人信息)Hobby
89____________She is twelve years old.She likes 90______________
TonyHe is in 91_________, Grade 7.He likes 92______________
PeterDavid is his good friend.He often plays football
with 93__________.
(B) :假设你是Linda,根据下面表格的信息写一遍介绍你自己。
Age (年龄)twelve
ClassClass 3, Grade 7
Favourite colourblue
Favourite sportrunning
Telephone nuber6990371

( ) 1. _______ will spend the suer holidays in Hawaii.
A. She, you and I B. You, she and I
C. I, you and she D. Her, e and you
( ) 2. I like playing ______ football and he likes playing ______ guitar (吉他).
A. the; / B. / ; / C. the; the D. / ; the
( ) 3. Angela ________ basketball.
A. can not plays B. can not play C. can not to play D. can to play
( ) 4. Beckha is David Beckha’s ________ nae.
A. iddle B. given C. faily D. first
( ) 5. y other is a _________. She works in a factory.
A. anager B. teacher C. doctor D. worker
( ) 6. Welcoe back _______ our school, boys and girls.
A. to B. with C. of D. in
( ) 7. Betty’s other is a ______ __.
A. hotel anager B. hotel’s anager
C. hotel anagers D. hotels anager
( ) 8. ---- ________ does your other work?
---- She works at a school.
A. What B. Who C. Where D. How
( ) 9 . David is ________. He is fro________.
A. English; English B. English; England
C. England; England D. England; Englishw
( ) 10. Sa sits ___________ e. He is so tall that I can’t see the blackboard.
A. next to B. on the left of C. on the right of D. in front of
en plays football
with 93_Tony________.

(B) :假设你是Linda,根据下面表 格的信息写一遍介绍你自己。
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/43658.html
