
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

时间:90分钟 满分:120分
( ) 1. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. China
( ) 2. A. place B. plane C. play
( ) 3. A. write B. light C. right
( ) 4. A. ball B. wall C. door
( ) 5. A. two B. too C. to
( ) 6. A. Good orning. B. Good afternoon. C. Good evening.
( ) 7. A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, I a. C. Yes, she is.
( ) 8. A. He is To. B. There’s a pen. C. This is a pen.
( ) 9. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes , I can. C. Yes, I a.
( ) 10. A. Thanks. B. No, thanks. C. Not at all.
( ) 11. A. seven thirty B. seven fifty C. seven forty
( ) 12.A. Lily’s B. Lucy’s C. Li Lei’s
( ) 13. A. Red. B. Blue. C. Green.
( ) 14. A. Behind the door. B. Under the bed. C. Under the chair.
( ) 15.A. One. B. Four. C. Five.
( ) 16. A. ride B. nice C. tie D. faily
( ) 17. A. photo B. office C. boy D. box
( ) 18. A. red B. pen C. she D. yes
( ) 19. A. ust B. uncle C. put D. usic
( ) 20.A. pear B. hear C. dear D. near
( ) 21.---What colour is the coat? ---It’s orange.
A. a B. an C. / D. the
( ) 22.Kate and I in the sae school.
A. a B. is C. are D. be
( ) 23.---Where can I put y shoes? --- You can under the bed.
A. put it B. put the C. to put it D. to put the
( ) 24.--- are the boys? ---They are in the classroo.
A. What B. HowC. Where D. Which
( ) 25.There a caera and soe on the table.
A. is, watchs B. is, watches C. are, watchs D. are, watches
( ) 26.I get up 6:30 _______ every orning.
A. at; onB. on; inC. at; / D. on;at
( ) 27. _______ clib the ountains().
A. Not B. Don’tC. Not do D. Don’t be
( ) 28. ---Is Lucy _______? ---Yes, she is.
A. an EnglishB. Aerica C. Aerican D. an English boy
( ) 29.---Hi, Lily and Kate, are you classates? ---Yes, _______.
A. we are B. we’reC. I a D. they are
( ) 30. There are any birds_______ the tree .
A. in B. on C. at D. up
( ) 31. Look! It is a photo _______ faily.
A. of y B. y of C. y D. of ine
( ) 32.---_______ girls are there in your classroo? ---There’re thirty-one.
A. How any B. How oldC. Who D. How uch
( ) 33.---u, I’ hungry. Can I eat _______ bread? --- Of course you can.
A. any B. soe C. a D. any
( ) 34.You can’t take the newspaper in the library_______ hoe.
A. at B. to C. in D. /
( ) 35.---Are there _______ students in the class? ---No, there aren’t.
A. two hundred B. two hundreds C. hundred of D. two hundreds of
I a a iddle school student. 36 nae is Lin Tao. This is our classroo. There 37 two blackboards and two aps 38 the wall. I sit 39 the iddle of the classroo. There are 40 new desks and chairs in the classroo. There is 41 English book and two 42 on y desk. 43 y chair there is a ball. On the 44 desk, there are soe flowers. 45 very nice.
( ) 36. A. y B. I C. eD. ine
( ) 37. A. isB. aC. areD. be
( ) 38. A. behind B. onC. inD.in front of
( ) 39. A. at B. onC. inD. to
( ) 40. A. aB. anyC. soeD. uch
( ) 41.A. aB. anC. the D. soe
( ) 42. A.pencil B. pencil box C. pencil boxes D. pencil boxs
( ) 43.A. OnB. Under C. At D. in
( ) 44.A. teacherB. teacher’s C. teachersD. teachers
( ) 45.A. They’reB. It’sC. That’sD. These
( A )
Hi, I a Liu ing. This is y school. It’s big and beautiful. There are twenty classes. There are 900 students in y school. There are four beautiful gardens in it. This is a building in y school. On the first floor, there are two offices and a hall. There are six classroos on the first floor, too. On the second floor, there are fourteen classroos. There are two toilets on the second floor. There is a big library and soe reading roos in y school, too.
( ) 46. How any classes are there in the school?
A. Ten. B. Fifteen. C. Twenty. D. Fourteen.
( ) 47. Is there a building in the school?
A. No, there isn’t. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there are. D. No, there aren’t.
( ) 48. There are students in the school.
A. one hundred B. nine hundred C. eight hundred D. seven
( B )
Hi, I’ Lingling. I’ a student at No. 14 Secondary School. Do you want to know y life? Let e tell you about it. I usually get up at 7:00 in the orning. Half an hour later I have y breakfast. y parents always prepare the breakfast for e. I go to school at 7:50. We have 7 lessons every day fro onday to Friday. I like English lesson very uch. After school, I like playing ping-pong and basketball with y friends. There is a very big playground in our school.
( ) 49. I have breakfast at .
A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 7:50 D. 6:30
( ) 50. I go to school .
A. every day B. five days a week C. at the weekend D. six days a week
( ) 51. There is a big in No.14 Secondary School.
A. garden B. library C. playground D. football field
( C )
There are seven days in a week. They are Sunday, onday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. ost children go to school fro onday to Friday. ost people don’t work on Saturday or Sunday. In England ost shops are closed on Saturday and Sunday. But in China shops are open every day. In England soe people go to church(去做礼拜). The tie between Friday evening and onday orning is the weekend. It is the tie for rest. We can’t work all the tie. We have to work fro tie to tie. We rest over the weekend(周末期间).
( ) 52. ost children don’t go to school on and Sunday.
A.Saturday B.onday C.Wednesday D.Tuesday
( ) 53.In China shops are open .
A.on Tuesday B.every day C.Thursday D.fro onday to Friday
( ) 54. ost children have _______ days’ holiday(假日).
A.two B.one C.three D.four
( ) 55. There are _______ people in ost shop in England on Sunday.
A.soe B.any C.no D.any.
56. It’s very cold. Put on your _______ _(毛衣), please.
57. There are four _______ _(警察)in the street.
58. How _______ _(可爱的)the little dog is!
59. His brother is a _______ _(医生).
60.They usually play football at _______ _ (大约) 5 o’clock.
61. I like taking photos. I want to buy a new ______ _(照相机).
62. ---Are there _______ _ (四十) books on the teacher’s desk? ---Yes, there are.
63. ---_______ _ (who) pens are these? ---They’re Peter’s.
64. ---What about _______ _ (sing) after school? ---Ok, let's go.
65. I _______ _(not have)seven lessons every day.
66. ---How any _______ _(dress)are there in the shop? ---There are two hundred.
67. This is _______ _(we)art classroo. It’s very beautiful.
68. The blue coat is not ______ _ (she). Her coat is red.
69. You can’t park your bikes here. But you can park ______ _ (they) under the tree.
70. y school is very big. There are two _______ _ (library) in it.
71. There is a tree on y left, and there is a tree on y right, too. (改为同义句)
I’ _ the _ .
72. This is a box.(改为复数形式)
_ are _ .
73. I have a coputer.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答)
--- _ you _ a coputer? --- _ , I _ .
74. I can see soe books on the desk. (改为否定句)
I _ _ _ books on the desk.
75. You can’t shout in the library. (改为祈使句)
_ _ in the library.
76. Her cousin is a nurse.(对划线部分提问)
_ _ her cousin?
77. They get up at 6:30 in the orning.(对划线部分提问)
_ _ do you get up in the orning?
78. There is a book on the desk. (用on the chair改成选择疑问句)
_ _ a book on the desk _ on the chair?
I can’t sing and dance. But I can play the violin and the piano.I can dance but I can’t sing. I can play the drus(鼓) but I can’t play the violin.
I can’t dance, but I can sing, I can play the violin and the piano.I can sing and dance. I can play the trunpet(喇叭) and the guitar.
79. _ can sing, play the violin and the piano.
80. Kaith can _ and play the drus.
81. Jay and _ can play the violin and the piano
82. Tina and Sion can _ and play soe instruents(乐器).
83. Kaith and Sion are good at _ .

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/44617.html
