
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


部分 (共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)
( )1.Where does Lily coe fro?

( )2.When does the shop open today?

( )3.Is this Daniel’s T-shirt?

( )4. What is the boy going to do this Saturday?

( )5. Where are Kate’s glasses?
A. On the table. B. Under the chair C. In the bag.
( )6. Whose books are these?
A. Kitty’s B. Sandy’s C. illie’s
( )7. Can ary speak English?
A. Yes, she can B. No, she can’t C. Sorry, I don’t kno
( )8. Where is the other going?
A. To the sports shop B. To the superarket C. To the clothes shop
( )9. How uch does he spend?
A. 10 yuanB. 20 yuan C.40 yuan
( )10. Is the desk heavy or light?
A. Big B. Sall C. Heavy

第二部分 听对话和短回答问题
( )11. Where does the boy see the strange bird?
A. In the park B. In the zoo C. Behind his house
( )12. What colour is the bird?
A. Black B. White C. Red
( )13. What will ary do this evening?
A. Go to Beihai Park B .Study at he aunt’s hoe C eet her friends
( )14. Hoill she go toorrow ?
A. By bus B . By taxi C. By car
( )15. When will they eet?
A.8:30 a. B. 7:30 a. C.9:00a.
( )16. How old is Nick?
A. 13 years old B. 12 years old C. 1ears old
( )17. Where is fro?
A. Aerica B. England C. Canada
( )18. Can Nick speak a little Chinese?
A. Yes, he can’t. B. No, he can’t. C. Yes, he can.
( )19. What does Nick often do with his father on Sundays?
A. Go swiing. B. Go shopping. C. Play basketball.
( )20. How any people are there in Nick’s faily?
A. 2 B.8 C. 4

( )21. --- _______ do you go hoe, Li eng? --- Once a week.
A. How any ties B. How often C. When D. How long
( )22. It’s good ________ a student ________ three ties a week.
A.to, exercise B.for, to exercise C.with, exercising D.as, to exercising
( )23. --? Would you like a glass of ilk?
---________. I’d like only a cup of tea.
A. Yes, please B. No, thanks C. Yes, thank you D. Please don’t.
( )24. To often _______ soe ilk and bread for breakfast.
A. eats B. drinks C. have D. has
( )25. --? I want to be _______, What should I do?
--- First, you ust keep _______ every day.
A. health, happy B. healthy, happily C. health, happily D. healthy, happy
( )26. Here are any vegetables _____ you and they are vegetables _____ Aerica.
A. to, fro B. of, in C. for, at D. for, fro
( )27. --- _________________. --?I’d like to buy soe books.
A. Can you help e?B. Excuse e.
C. Can I help you?D. Do you like books?
( )28. The shoes are too dear. Do you have a cheaper _______?
A. oneB. shoeC. shoesD. pair
( )29. The light_______ the eyes, the nose and the teeth.
A. shines inB. shines byC. shines through D. shines at
( )30. They had a party __________ the evening of October 1.
A. in B. at C. on D. /
( )31. y father enjoys ___________ newspapers ________ breakfast.
A. watching ;on B. seeing ; at C. reading ; at D. to read ; at
( )32. ---________. ---I think it’s very interesting.
A. What do you like the fil? B. How do you think the fil?
C. How do you like the fil? D. Do you like the fil?
( )33. Don’t eat ______ sweets. There is _______ sugar in it.
A. too any, too uch B. too uch, too uch
C. too any, too any D. too uch, too any
( )34. ---How uch are the apples, please? ---______ three yuan a kilo.
A. They are B. There are C. It is D. They have
( )35. You don’t like English. ---________. I read English every day.
A. Yes, I do. B. No, I don’t. C. Yes, I don’t. D. No, I do.

Welcoe to y clothes store. The nae ___36___ y clothes store is “ Cheap Clothes Store”.The roo is big ___37____ clean. The light in the store is bright. You can ___38____ at the clothes clearly. There are soe ___39____ in it. You can sit down and have a rest if you are tired.
We have all kinds of clothes. They are in ___40___ colors. And they are at a very good price. You can ___41____ bags, shirts, hats, skirts, shorts, sweaters and other clothes. We have sports shoes, feather shoes, plastic sandals and other shoes. All the clothes are on sale..
Our clothes are new, nice and fashionable (时尚的)。 Do you want to look ___42____? Please wear the clothes we ___43____ in the store, and walk in the street, people can look at you and sile. You are so beautiful. Coe and ____44_____ for yourself at the Cheap Clothes Store. ___45____ forget to tell your friends to coe with you. You’ll be nicer when you put on clothes in our store. w .x k b 1
( )36. A. for B. of C. with D. to
( )37. A. and B. but C. or D. else
( )38. A. coe B. run C. look D.get
( )39. A. desks B. beds C. tables D. chairs
( )40. A. big B. long C. different D. sae
( )41. A. buy B. sell C. know D. clean
( )42. A. sorry B. bad C. cool D. sad
( )43. A. see B. watch C. know D. have
( )44. A. take B. see C. touch D. count
( )45. A. Don’t B. Aren’t C. Can’t D. Didn’t

Coe and see the Indian(印度的) elephants and the new tigers fro Aerica. The horses are waiting to eet you, and the onkeys fro China are waiting to throw things at you. The lovely dogs fro Australia (澳大利亚)are waiting to laugh at you, and the giraffes fro Zabia (赞比亚) are waiting to look down on you.
TicketsOpening tie
Grown-ups: $ 2.00
Children: Over 12 : $1.00 Under 12: Free onday-----Saturday : 9:00 a.. ---- 4:00 p..
Sunday : 10:00 a.. ----- 3:00 p. .

Keep the zoo clean!
Do not touch(触摸), give food or go near the anials.
( )46. How any kinds of anials are there in this passage ()?
A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.
( )47. Now r. Sith is in the zoo with his two sons. One is 14 and the other is 10.
How uch are the tickets together?
A. $ 4.00B. $ 3.00C. $2.00D. $1.00
( )48. Which of the following can we do in the zoo?
A. To give soe food to the fishB. To touch the onkey on the head.
C. To throw things everywhere.D. To take a few nice photos.

A friend of ine coes to Aerica. One day he goes to a cafeteria(自助餐厅)to have lunch. He sits down at a table and waits for soeone to take his order.
He waits for about half an hour. Nobody coes. 'aybe they are too busy,' he says to hiself. So he waits for another half an hour. Still nobody coes. He is very hungry and angry. At the tie, a woan sits beside hi and begins to eat.
‘How do you get your food?' y friends asks.
'Walk along the line there, pick out the food you want, and pay at the end,' the woan answers. 'It's very easy.'
'Fro that eal I understand life in Aerica,' the friend tells e. 'Life is like a cafeteria here, If you ove you body and use your head, you can get anything you want. But if you just sit and wait, nobody will bring anything to you.'
( )49. y friend goes to the cafeteria to_______.
A. have breakfast B. have lunch C. have supper D. have a rest
( )50. Who tells y friend how to get food?
A.A woan B.A boy C.A girl D. A an
( )51. Fro this story we know if we want to have a better life_______.
A. we ust ove our body and use our head B. we can wait
C. we can ask a woan D. we should go to a cafeteria

It’s Jiy’s birthday and he is 9 years old. He gets a lot of presents fro his faily and one of the is a big dru( 鼓 ). His grandfather buys it for hi.
Jiy likes it very uch. He plays with it every day and he often akes a terrible noise (可怕的声音). His father works in the day and Jiy is in bed when he gets hoe in the evening. So his father doesn’t hear the noise.
But rs. Black doesn’t like the noise, so one orning she takes a sharp (锋利的) knife and goes to Jiy’s roo when he hits his dru. She says to hi, “Hello! Jiy. Do you know there is soething very nice in your dru? Here is a knife. Please open the dru and let’s find it.”
( )52. What does Jiy get on his birthday?
A. He gets only one present fro his grandfather.
B. He gets a lot of presents.
C. He gets a knife and a dru.
D. He gets a dru fro rs Black.
( )53. When his father gets hoe in the evening, what does Jiy do?
A. He hits his dru with his grandfather.
B. He watches TV with rs Black.
C. He sleeps in bed.
D. He does his hoework with his grandfather.
( )54. What’s the Chinese eaning of “hits” in this passage?
A. 敲击 B. 拿着 C. 知道 D. 看见
( )55. rs. Black gives Jiy a knife because ( 因为 ) _______.
A. she likes Jiy’s druB. she knows there is soething in the dru
C. she doesn’t like the noise D. she wants to knohat is in the dru

五、词汇 (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
56. _________(三月) is the third onth of the year.
57. You ust _________(改变) your lifestyle if you want to be fit.
58. He coes into the classroo __________(没有) anything in his hands.
59. All of us are _______ (激动) about the good news
60. u, I a very ________(饥饿的). I want to eat a haburger.
61. Do the teachers need _________(tell) the students everything?
62. I like _____________ (toato). What about you?
63. English is very __________ [I ‘pɔ:tənt]and we ust learn it well.
64. Is this your first tie _______ (watch ) the fireworks?
65. Thank you very uch for ___________ (give) e so uch oney.

He ______ ______ have juice and bread for breakfast.
We should ________ ore to _______ fit.
It’s very _________ _____ children to get ________ to watch TV for 4 hours.
I want to ________ ______ _______ a princess at the party.
Please don’t a trick hi.
I don’t knoho is at hoe.Let’s the door.
I______ ______ every day.
Let’s _________ a lantern _________ ________ an orange.

The Spring Festival is a Chinese festival. It has t____ 74_____ different naes for each Chinese year. We c_____75_____ it the year of the dog, the year of the onkey,the year of the t____76_____… Now is the year of the rabbit..
Before the day of the festival, people are b_____77____ shopping and cleaning their houses. On the eve (前夕) of the festival, there is a big f____78_______ dinner. After dinner, all the failies stay up(熬夜) l_____79____ to welcoe the New Year. At idnight we eat d_______80______ and watch any kinds of prograes on TV. On the f_____81_____ day of the New year, people, especially children, put on their new clothes and go to v____82____ their friends. They say “ Happy New Year” and other greetings(问候) to each other. People have a good t____83_____ during the festival.
74.__________75._________76.________77.__________78._________ 79.__________ 80_________81.________82._________ 83.________

An Apple's Words
I a an apple. You can find e growing in any places in the world. I a like y cousins, pear and banana. I a ore round than a pear, and bananas are longer than I. I a delicious, so people all over the world like to eat e. I cost very little oney and I help ake people healthy. There is a saying in English: An apple a day keeps the doctor away. Don't you think I' great?
84. The bananas is than the apple.
85. The apples are _________in any places all over the world.
86. The banana is the apple's .
87. Here the underlined word“saying”eans in Chinese .
88. The underlined sentence eans you eat an apple every day and you can be .

Dear friend,
y nae is Erick. I a 12.y birthday is on October 12th.I a fro Aerica. I' in Class 3, Grade 7.We are learning Chinese in our school. Our Chinese teacher's nae is Wang Hao.
Here are soe of y friends. Jiy is tall and he has black hair. He is good at playing basketball. He is a eber of the Basketball Club. ay is short and she wears glasses and a yellow dress.
She likes English very uch and speaks English very well . Sally is a black girl. She has short hair. She likes swiing. She swis best in the swiing tea. I like usic. I' the boy with glasses. Write to e soon and tell e about your friends.
Erick’s friends
JiyHe has black hair and is tall.He is (90) ________________
the Basketball Club.

ayShe wears glasses and her dress is (91)____________.She is good at(92)_________.
SallyHer hair is short.She likes swiing.
She is a very good (93)_________.

DietWhy Exercise
Breakfastan egg, an apple, bread, ilk自己发挥Play volleyball after school for half an hour

Lunchrice, eat, vegetables, bananas
Suppernoodles, fish, vegetables
Dear Peter,
I’ a student fro China. y nae is Li Li. I’ glad to know you. Now let e tell you soething about y lifestyle.

I think I have a healthy lifestyle. How about yours? Can you tell e?
Yours, Li Li

1. W: Where does Lily coe fro?
: She is fro Aerica.
2. : Excuse e, but when does the shop open?
W: At ten o’clock today.
3. W: Is this your T-shirt, Daniel?
: Yes, it is.
4. W: What are you going to do this Saturday?
: Oh, I’ going to the library to borrow soe books.
5. A. Ji, where are y glasses?
B: Oh Kate, look , they are under the chair.
Q: Where are Kate’s glasses?
6. A. illie, are these books yours?
B. No, they are Sandy’s.
Q. Whose books are these?
7. A. Can you speak English, ary?
B. Yes ,but only a little.
Q. Can ary speak English?
8. A. u, y T-shirt is too short?
B. Ok, let e go and buy a new one for you.
Q. Where is the other going?
9. A.Oh, you’ve bought so any things .How uch are they?
B. The pencil-box is ten yuan and this bag is ten yuan ,too.
Q. How uch does he spend?
10. A. I’ sorry I can’t carry the desk.
B. Oh ,it’s too heavy. Let e help you.
Q. Is the desk heavy or light?
A. Lucy, I saw a strange bird behind y house yesterday.
B. Really? What does it look like , Andy?
A. It looks like a duck.
B.Oh, what colour is it?
A. It’s a white bird.
A. Are you going to Beihai Park toorrow, ary?
B. Yes, but I a not going there by bus toorro
A. Oh , why not?
B.I a studying at y aunt’s hoe this evening, and she is driving e to Beihai park after breakfast.
A. Oh, good, but are we going to eet at the gate of the park at 8:30 a.?
B. Yes of course. we are leaving he hoe at 7:30 a. , so I won’t be late
Nick is y pen pal. He is 12 years old. He is fro England. He speaks English. His favorite subject is ath. He likes Chinese, too. And he says he can speak a little Chinese, but he can’t write in Chinese.
Nick likes sports, too. He likes swiing best. He often goes swiing on Sundays with his father. He says he can swi very well.
Nick has a big faily. There are eight people in his faily, his grandpa, granda, father, other and his brothers and sisters. He has two brothers and two sisters. They are Bob, Ti, Jane and Susan. They are happy!
I. 1-5 AACAB 6-10 BACBC  11-15 CBBCA 16-20 BBCAB
41-50 B A C D C A C D B A
51-60 C B D B A A BCAC 
五、词汇 (每小题1分,满分15分)
89. Hobbies 90. in 91. yellow 92. English 93. swier
Dear Peter,
I’ a student fro China. y nae is Li Li. I’ glad to know you. Now let e tell you soething about y lifestyle.
I have y new diet no I have an egg, soe bread, a glass of ilk and an apple for breakfast. They help e start the day. For lunch, I have rice, eat, vegetables and bananas. This eal gives e energy for the afternoon. For supper, I often eat noodles, fish and vegetables. I think y new diet is good for e.
I also spend half an hour exercising every day. I like playing volleyball with y classates after school for half an hour.
I think I have a healthy lifestyle. How about yours? Can you tell e?
Li Li

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/47313.html
