
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


A) 根据你所听到的对话及问题,选择正确答案。每小题听两遍。
1. What do the students often do after school?

A. B. C.
2. What would Sandy like as her birthday present?
A. B. C.
3. : What does Lily often do in the evening?

A. B. C.
4. What is the girl father?

A. B. C.
5. What tie is it now?
A.7:50 B.7:15 C.7:10
6. What does the girl like?
A. Apples. B. Oranges. C. Pears.
7. Whose chair is red?
A. Cathy’s. B. Cathy’s brother’s. C. Their other’s.
8. What does the woan do on Sunday orning?
A. To see a friend. B. To see her other. C. To take her dog for a walk.
9. How any boys are there in the class?
A. 22. B. 46. C. 24.
10. How does ike go to school every day?
A. On foot. B. By bus. C. By bike.
11. What color is Jane’s cap?
A. Gray B. Green C. Red
12. whose cap is it?
A. Lily’s B. Sally’s C. aria’s
Li ingHis otherHis father
Hobbyplaying football14_______reading
Job/ a teachera 15_______
13. A. 40 B.15 C.14
14. A. cooking B. shopping C. reading
15. A. cook B. doctor C. teacher
16.Peter is _______ years old.
A. eleven B. twelve C. thirteen
17. There are _______ people in his faily.
A. five B. six C. seven
18. Peter’s parents are _______ .
A. teachers B. workers C. nurses
19. _______is only three years old.
A. Peter B. To C. Tony
20. _______ are in the sae school.
A. Peter and To B. Peter and Tony C. Tony and To
21.To has _______uncle. He is _______old an.
A. a, a B. an, an C. a, anD. an, a
22. —_______ pictures are there on the wall? —Three.
A. How any  B. How uch C. Whose  D. What
23. He says “_______” to his parents when he goes to bed.
A. Good eveningB. Hello C. Goodbye D. Good night
24. There are three _______and two _______on the desk.
A. book, box B. books, boxes C. books, box D. book, boxes
25. This pair of shoes _______ for y sister.
A. are B. has C. is D. be
26. iss Fang is _______ English teacher. _______ is a good teacher.
A. our, Her B. her, He C. y, Her D. our, She
27. —_______ is this boy in the art roo?
—He’s y new friend.
A. Who B. What C. How D. Whose
28. There aren’t _______ pictures on the wall.
A. soe B. any C. a D. an
29. The woan with glasses is _______PE teacher.
A.To and Peter B. To and Peters C. To and Peter’s D. To’s and Peter
30、— is the box? —It’s white.
A. What B. Where C. Whose D. What colour
31. -Would you like _______ilk? -Yes, thanks.
A. soe B. any C. any D. a lot of
32. -Are these _______books? -Yes, they are_______ .
A. your; our B. his; y C. his; ine D. your; ours
33. —Happy birthday to you!
A. Don’t say so.B. The sae to you. C. Thank you. D. You, too.
34、-To, _______late for school again. -Sorry, I won’t.
A. isn’t B. doesn’t beC. don’t be D. not be
35. -Are there any birds _______the tree? -_______, but there is only one.
A. on; Yes B. in; Yes C. on; No D. in; No
I’ Tony. I’ a student in a iddle school. I’ glad to eet you here. First let e say soething about y 36 . There’re five people in 37 faily. y other, y father, y sister, y brother and I.
y father is an 38 worker. y other is a 39 . She teaches English. y sister is eighteen and y brother is sixteen. I’ fourteen. We 40 are in the sae iddle school. We all study hard.
We live at the foot of West Hill. There’s a big river near our 41 . Behind it there is a hill. There’s a big tree and soe sall 42 around our house, the big tree is a pear tree and the sall trees are apple trees, 43 there aren’t any pears or apples on the.
44 a photo of y house. In the photo, you can see three cats are in y bedroo, one is white, the other two are black and white. We like 45 very uch.
( )36. A. faily
( )37 . A. his
( )38 . A. big
( )39 . A. teacher
( )40 . A. two
( )41 . A. bedroo
( )42 . A. trees
( )43 . A. but
( )44 . A. He’s
( )45 . A. itB. school
B. her
B. sall
B. doctor
B. four
B. house
B. rivers
B. and
B. She’s
B. hiC. friend
C. y
C. young
C. cook
C. three
C. roo
C. houses
C. so
C. It’s
C. eD. everyone
D. your
D. old
D. work
D. five
D. hoe
D. schools
D. or
D. They’re
D. the
y nae is Bill. I’ an Aerican boy. I’ twelve. I’ a student in a iddle school. I’ in Class1, Grade 7. Li Lei is y friend. We’re in different classes. He is eleven. Here is a photo of his faily. Let’s look at it. His father, the one behind the tree, is a policean. His other, the one on the bike, is a Chinese teacher. Li Lei has two sisters. They are twins. They have a cat. Its nae is ii. Look! It’s on the floor under the table. The twins are iddle school students, too. They look after e at school. We are good friends.
46. Bill is fro________.
A. England B. Aerica C. China D. Japan
47. Li Lei is ________.
A. twelve B. ten C. eleven D. nine
48. Bill and Li Lei are ________.
A. classates B. twins C. friends D. brothers
49. Where is Li Lei’s other in the photo?
A. behind the tree B. under the table C. on the bike D. on the bus
50. Who looks after Bill at school? ________.
A. His parents B. The twins C. ii D. a policean

Tie DayondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFriday
7:30~8:10 ChineseathChineseath English
8:20~9:00English HistoryEnglishHistoryChinese
9:10~9:50athChineseEnglishEnglish ath
11:45~1:30Noon break (午休)
51. Every orning Peter has________.
A. Chinese and usic B. ath and Chinese
C. English and Chinese D. English and ath
52. He finishes his orning lessons at________.
A. 7:30a.. B. 10:50 a.. C. 1:30 p.. D. 3:05p..
53. He has noon break ________.
A. fro 11:45 a.. to 1:30 p.. B. fro 3:05p.. to 3:45p..
C. fro 10:30 a.. to 11:00a.. D. fro 11:00a.. to 2:00 p..
54. How any English lessons does Peter have in a week? ________.
A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven
55. They have no lessons on ________.
A. onday ornings B. Friday ornings
C. Friday afternoons D. onday afternoons
Dick is seven years old, and his sister ay is five. One day, their other takes the to their aunt’s house to play and she goes to the town to buy soe new clothes. The children play for an hour, then at half past four their aunt takes Dick into the kitchen. She gives hi a nice cake and a knife and says to hi,“Now here is a knife, Dick. Cut this cake in half and give one of the pieces to your sister, but reeber to do it like a gentlean(绅士).”
“Like a gentlean?” Dick asks. “How do gentleen do it?” “They always give the bigger piece to the other person,” answers his aunt. “Oh,” says Dick. He thinks about this for a few seconds(秒). Then he takes the cake to his sister and says to her,“Cut this cake in half, ay.”
56. Which child is younger? ________.
A. ay is B. Dick is
C. ay is as old as Dick D. Dick’s brother is.
57. The children’s other leaves the at their aunt’s house because she wants ________.
A. to go to work B. to see a fil
C. to go to a party D. to do soe shopping
58. Who wants Dick to cut the cake?
A. A gentlean B. His aunt C. His uncle D. His other
59. How does a gentlean do when he has two pieces of cake?
A. He eats the up at once.
B. He gives the bigger piece to soeone else.
C. He keeps the bigger piece for hiself.
D. He gives the saller piece to soeone else.
60. Dick Wants ay to cut the cake because he________.
A. doesn’t like it B. wants to be a gentlean
C. wants the bigger piece D. wants the saller piece
A) 根据所给汉语提示及句意写出单词,每空一词。
61.Ten ________(孩子) go to the zoo on Sundays.
62. I often help y other (洗) clothes after school.
63. They have a Coputer lesson on ________ (星期四) .
64. illie is ________(有礼貌的),we all like her.
65. Li Hua is a very good football ________ (运动员 )
B) 根据句意用括号中所给单词的正确形式。
66. I have a cat. Can you look after ________ (it) when I a out?
67 Look! The nice roo is ________ (Kate) roo.
68 There ________(be) a boy and two girls in the roo.
69. It’s tie (have) supper.
70. I spend an hour _________ (do) y hoework every day.
C) 根据首字母或音标写出单词的适当形式。
71. Please ________ [kləuz] the door, I don’t want to go out no
72. y other likes black ________ ['trauzəz].
73. y birthday is y f________ day of the year.
74. We can get a lot of i________ on the Internet .
75. We know Eddie is Hobo’s _______ _.
76. Andy and illie do their hoework at school.(改为否定句)
Andy and illie ________ ________ their hoework at school.
77. They are orange trees . (改为单数句)
________ ________ orange tree.
78. What's the tie now?(改为同义句)
________ ________ is it now?
79.These are his shoes(对划线部分提问)
________ ________ are these ?
80.She can put this picture near the gate.(对画线部分提问)
________ ________ she put this picture?
七、补全对话 (共5小题;每空1分,满分10分)

A.How is she?
B.Hello, Lily.
C. I’ OK no
D.Are you Lily?
E.Lily and you look the sae.


A. Of course.B. By bus. C. I often go to the park.
D. Yes, we do.E. Who do you usually go with?

八、任务型阅读 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
Business hours: 10:00 a.. to 10:00 p..
Haburger $55Chocolate $35
Hot Dog $ ?Coke Sall $25
Big $35
Fries (Sall) $25
(Big ) $30Black Tea (Sall) $15
(Big ) $25
Fried Chicken $40Orange Juice $30
c Chicken $65Ice Crea $10
Jane goes to a restaurant with her friend, Helen at 6.00p. dollars, other, two, gives, Jane's, her, hundred. Jane orders(点) two hot dogs, a sall fries and a big Coke. Helen has five hundred dollars. She orders two pieces of fried chicken, a sall black tea and an ice crea. They pay for their own food. When Jane leaves the restaurant, she has eighty dollars.
91. Jane and Helen go to a restaurant for .
92. dollars, other, two, gives, Jane's, her, hundred (将画线单词连词成句)
93. The price of a hot dog is dollars.
94. —What drink does Helen have? —A sall black .
95. This restaurant is open hours a day.
Her nae is Sally. _________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________
She hopes that she can be in the Reading Club.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/48292.html
