
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网




1. A. B. C.
2. A. B. C.
3. A . B. C.
4. A. B. C.

6. What does Sion like?
A. Singing. B. Swiing. C. dancing.
7. Does Sandy like dancing?
A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. 新 标 第一网
8. Who can’t find the cap?
A. Bill. B. Kate. C. Grace.
9. Where is the cap?
A. On the chair. B. In the bag. C. On the head.
10. How any buildings are there in ike’s school?
A. Two. B. Four. C. Three.
11. Are the library and teachers’ offices in the sae building?
A. Yes, they are. B. No, they aren’t C. We don’t kno
12. ike’s school _________.
A. is big. B. is sall. C. has no buildings.
13. When is the girl’s birthday?
A. On 7th. B . On 8th. C. On 9th.
14. What does she usually do for her birthday?
A. Watch TV. B. Play gaes. C. Have a party.
15. She often has _________ with her friends.
A. birthday cakes B. a class C. a look

16. Where are the Greens now?
A. In China. B. In England. C. In the USA.
17. r and rs Green teach ________ in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School.
A. Japanese B. Chinese C. English
18. On Sundays, they are soeties __________.
A. at school B. in the park C. in the classroo
19. How old is Nick?
A. Fourteen. B. Ten. C. Five.
20. The Green faily ___________.
A. have a new car B. like China very uch C. have three people.

21. The girl often plays _______ piano in her bedroo.
A. an B. the C. / D. a
22. The red skirts are for _______. And the white skirts are _______.
A. the, us B. theirs, ours C. their, our D. the, ours
23. --- _____your friend fro the USA ? --- No, he’s an English boy.
A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are
24. --- Hi, Li Ping. _______? --- It’s seven fifty no
A. How are you B. When do you get upC. What tie is it D. Where is your watch
25. --- Oh, it’s very cold. Who can _______ the open window for e?
--- Let e help you, Granny.
A. close B. closed C. open D. opened
26. Kitty _______ English. She often chats with us in English.
A. dislikesB. can’t speak C. is good atD. can’t read
27. Which sign eans ‘No eating or drinking’?
A. B. C. D.
28. --- are the new shoes? --- They’re shoes.
A. Whose, y B. Whose, hers C. Who’s, our D. Whose, he
29. --- ______ do you do to celebrate Christas?
--- We have a party and give presents to each other.
A. HowB. WhereC. WhatD. When
30. Soe birds ______ to the south before winter.
A. runB. swiC. walkD. fly
31. --- When do you want to do the shopping? --- _______.
A. After schoolB. y hoeC. A teddy bearD. Near the school
32. --- What is his sister? --- _______.
A. She does her hoework B. She gets up early
C. She goes swiing D. She teaches students
33. ---Your other ______ very young. --- Thank you.
A. looks at B. looks C. looks like D .look
34. --- Can you help your other do housework at hoe? --- Yes, I ______.
A. a B. can C. can’t D. do
35. --- What tie she usually lunch?
--- At about eleven thirty.
A. do, eat B. does, has C. does, have D. does, eats

Sion is a student. He is a nice 36 . Uncle ike lives beside hi. Uncle ike 37 no child and he 38 see anything. He works in a factory (工厂) near Sion’s school. He 39 to work at 7:30 in the orning and 40 at 4:30 in the afternoon.
Sion goes to 41 at 8:00 in the orning and coes hoe at 4:30 42 . On weekdays Sion gets up 43 to take Uncle ike to the factory. After school he takes Uncle illie hoe. Uncle ike 44 Sion very uch. He says, “Sion is a 45 boy. He is like y son.”
36. A. girlB. boyC. worker D. teacher
37. A. hasB. haveC. there isD. there are
38. A. don’t B. doC. can’tD. can
39. A. coes B. coeC. goD. goes
40. A. coes hoeB. gets upC. goes to workD. goes to bed
41. A. factoryB. houseC. schoolD. hospital
42. A. at nightB . in the eveningC. in the orningD. in the afternoon
43. A. lateB. earlyC. soonD. hard
44. A. takesB. thanksC. helps D. works
45. A. goodB. tallC. badD. short

四、理解 (共15小题,每小题2分,计30分)

Dear Sally,
How are you? Thank you for your letter (信). I know a lot about you and your school. Now I will let you know soething about y school and e.
I’ thirteen years old. I’ in Class Five, Grade Seven in Yang Zhou Secondary School. y father is a good doctor. He is very helpful. All the nurses like hi. y other is a teacher. She teaches English. She is friendly to her students.
Our school is very sall, but it is very nice. There are one hundred and fifty teachers and 1500 students in it. All the teachers and stud ents work hard and we feel happy every day.
Welcoe to y school. ay you be happy! I want to see you soon.
Yang Li
46. The letter is fro Sally to her friend Yang Li.
47. Yang Li tells Sally soething about her school in the letter.
48. Yang Li’s other is a good doctor.
49. There are 150 teachers and 1500 students in Yang Li’s school.
50. Yang Li likes her school very uch.

ason’s Clothes Store (商店)
ClothesColourPrice (价格)
Sockswhite, blue$ 4
Sweaterred, white$8
T-shirtred, green, black$7
Hatblack, red$6
51. How uch are two sweaters and a hat?
A. $14 B. $20 C. $21 D. $22
52. You can buy ________ in ason’s Clothes Store.
A. blaceans B. a blue sweater C. a green hat D. red socks
53. You like red and you only have $6. You can buy ________.
A. a sweater B. a hat C. a T-shirt D. nothing

Jenny is a school girl. She is twelve. She studies at a iddle school. She is in Grade Seven. She is a good girl. Jenny gets up at seven in the orning. Then she has her breakfast. For breakfast she has eggs and a cup of ilk. She doesn’t have juice for breakfast.
After breakfast Jenny goes to school. At twelve she coes hoe fro school. She has lunch with her other. For lunch she has haburgers and salad. She likes salad, but she doesn’t like haburgers.
At seven she has supper with her father and other. They have chicken, vegetables and toatoes. Her farther likes chicken, but jenny doesn’t.
54. Jenny has ______ for breakfast.
A. eggs and a cup of ilkB. eggs and juice
C. Juice and ilkD. eggs and salad
55. Jenny coes hoe for lunch _______.
A. in the orningB. in the afternoonC. at noonD. in the evening
56. Jenny has supper with _______.
A. her otherB. her classatesC. her fatherD. her parents

One afternoon rs. Green says to her husband, “Jack, there is a eeting of our woen’s at rs. Brown’s house at supper tie today, and I want to go to it. I will leave you soe fish for supper. Is that all right?”
“Oh, yes,” her husband answers, “That’s all right. What are you going to leave for y supper? ” “This tin of fish,” rs. Green says, “And there are soe cold potatoes and soe peas here, too.”
Then rs. Green goes to her eeting. All the woen have supper at rs. Brown’s house and at nine rs. Green coes back hoe. “Is your fish nice, Jack?” she asks. “Yes, but y feet are hurt,” he answers. “Why are they hurt?” rs. Green asks.
“Well, on the tin it is written(写)---OPEN THE TIN AND STAND IN HOT WATER FOR FIVE INUTES.”
57. r. Green has supper _______.
A. outside B. at hoe C. at rs. Brown’s house D. his friend’s house
58. What does r. Green have for supper that night?
A. A tin of fish, cold potatoes and peas. B. A tin of fish, toatoes and peas.
C. Soe fish and fruit. D. Soe vegetables.
59. What does “hurt” ean?
A. 过敏的 B. 刺破的 C. 痒的 D. 受伤的
60. Why are r. Green’s feet hurt?
A. Because he eats the tin of fish. B. Because he plays football.
C. Because he stands in hot water for five inutes. D. Because he kicks (踢) the tin.

Alice : I have a photo of y cousin Lucy .
Allan : 61
Alice : Yes , you can .
Allan : En , she is pretty . 62
Alice : Yes , she is .
Allan : Is she fro Aerica ?
A. What is she?
B. Of course she is.
C. Is she tall and sli?
D. Can I have a look?
E. she is English.
Alice : No , 63
Allan : Is she polite and helpful ?
Alice : 64
Allan : 65
Alice : She is a nurse.
Allan : She looks very happy in the photo .
Alice : Yes , all the patients(病人) like her very uch .
Allan : Really ? I look forward to eeting her soon.

66. Would you like to go with _________. (we)
67. We usually go ________ on Sundays. (shop)
68. Why not _________ in the lake? (swi)
69. Are there any ________ on the table? (flower)
70. y cousin often__________ the book fro the library. (borrow)
71. There __ a pair of trousers on the bed. (有)
72. She waters the flowers ________ and then she runs with her dog. (先)
73. Daniel is not tall and wears _______.(眼镜)
74. Does your brother love _________?(阅读)
75. They are y new __________. (同班同学)

七、句型转换 (共5小题;每题2分,计10分)
76. The classroo is big too.(改为复数形式)
The __________ __________ big too.
77. I get up at six in the orning.(就画线部分提问)
_________ _________ you get up in the orning?
78. y sister enjoys her weekends very uch.(改为一般疑问句)
_________ your sister ________ her weekends very uch?
79. She doesn’t go hoe by bus.(改为同义句)
She doesn’t ________ a bus _______.
80. There are soe books on the teacher’s desk.(改为否定句)
There ________ ________ books on the teacher’s desk.
Lily:Hi, Grace. Can you t 81 e about school?
Lily:Do you go to school a 82 seven thirty?
Grace:No, I don’t. I often go to s 83 at seven fifty.
Lily:Do you have four l 84 in the orning and two in the afternoon?
Grace:No, we d 85 . We have four lessons in the orning a 86 three lessons in the afternoon.
Lily:Do you like your school life?
Grace:Yes, I do. I have lots of f 87 in school. We often chat and play with the after school.
Lily:Do you usually g 88 hoe at five?
Grace:Yes, I do.
Lily:Do you have lots of h 89 ?
Grace:No. we don’t.
Lily:Oh, that’s really n 90 .

91. 很多女孩都擅长跳舞。

92. 你早晨什么时候起床?

93. 现在,她和她母亲住在扬州。

94. 他有时写电子邮件给他的朋友。

95. 我们不能在这里踢足球。

96. 请根据下列表格提示,写一篇60词左右的英语短,把你的朋友李雷介绍给你的外籍教师。

姓名Li Lei年龄15

A. 找出与所听句子相符的图画。(听一遍)
1. Sally, clean the desk please.
2. Spotty is between the two boxes.
3. Jill likes fish very uch.
4. Do you like the nice coat?
5. You can cross the road no
W: Good orning, Sion.
: Good orning, Sandy.
W: Do you like swiing?
: Yes, I do. I like it very uch. What about you?
W: e, too.
: I can’t find y cap , Grace . Where is it?
W : Don’t worry , Bill. Is it on your chair?
: No , it’s not on y chair .
W : Is it behind the door ?
: No , it’s not behind the door .
W : Is it in your school bag ?
: No , it’s not in y bag .
W: Oh, no, Bill ! Look, it’s on your head!
: Hello , Cindy. Welcoe to y school.
W : Hello , ike . Your school is very big. How any buildings are there in your school?
: There are four.
W: Where’s the library?
: It’s in Building B.
W: What about the teachers’ offices?
: Over there, in Building D.
W : Today is 8th April , toorrow is y birthday .
: Happy birthday !
W : Thank you .
: What do you usually do for your birthday ?
W : I often have a birthday party and share y birthday cakes with y good friends . y birthday is y favourite day of the year.
C. 听短,根据短内容选择正确答案。(听三遍)
r Green is fro England. He and his wife are teachers. They teach English in Beijing Sunshine Secondary School no They have two boys. They are Jack and Nick. Jack is a student, but Nick is not. He is only five. They have two bikes. One is big, and the other is sall. The big one is for Jack, the sall one is for Nick. On Sundays, they are soeties at hoe, but soeties they go to the park by bike. The Green faily like China very uch. They have a lot of Chinese friends.


1---5 CABAC 6---10 BCACB 11---15 BACCA 16---20 ACBCB
21---25 BDCCA 26---30 CBACD 31---35 ADBBC
36--- 40 BACDA 41--- 45 CDBBA
46---50 FTFTT 51---53 DAB 54---56 ACD 57---60 BADC
61---65 DCEBA
66. us 67. shopping 68. swi 69. flowers 70. borrows 71. is 72. first 73. glasses 74. reading 75. classates
七、句型转换 (共5 小题;每题2分,计10分)
76. classroos, are 77. When, do 78. Does, enjoy 79. take, hoe 80. aren’t, any
81. tell 82. at 83. school 84. lessons 85. don’t 86. and 87. friends 88. go 89. hoework 90. nice
91. any / A lot of girls are good at dancing.
92. When do you get up in the orning?
93. Now she lives with her other in Yangzhou.
94. He soeties writes e-ails to his friends.
95. We can’t play football here.
I have a good friend. His nae is Li Lei. He was born in Nanjing. He is fifteen years old no He is tall and strong, he has short black hair and doesn’t wear glasses. His hobbies are listening to usic and playing basketball. He is polite and helpful, he studies hard and often helps e with y aths. We all like hi.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/49299.html
