
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

(A) 选出你所听到的选项(听一遍)
( ) 1. A. HJK B.GHJ C.JGH
( ) 2. A. good B. book C. look
( ) 3. A. thirteen B. thirty C. three
( ) 4. A. Are you ten? B. Are you tall C. Are you twins?
( ) 5. A. 35462 B.34625 C.35264

(B) 听对话及问题选择正确答案(听两遍)
( ) 6. A. She's fine. B. He's fine. C. He's happy.
( ) 7. A. She's Sally. B. She's illie. C. She's Lily.
( ) 8. A. They aren't classates B. Yes, they are. C. No, they aren't.
( ) 9. A. He's Lily's cousin. B. He's Lily's twin brother. C. He's Andy's cousin.
( ) 10. A. He's a teacher. B. He's a doctor. C. She's a student.

(C ) 听Peter介绍他的家庭,判断以下信息是否正确( “T”正确/“F”错误)。(听两遍)
( ) 11. Peter is an English boy.
( ) 12. Kate is Peter’s sister, she is a student.
( ) 13. r. Brown is a doctor in Nanjing no
( ) 14. rs. Brown is an English teacher.
( ) 15. They are very happy in Beijing.
( ) 1. Harry has three ___________.
A. box B. boxes C. boxs D. a box
( ) 2. There is a window _________ the wall.
A. on B. in C. behind D. under
( ) 3. ___________ a ten. ________ are eleven.
A. You, You B. I, You C. I, I D. You, I
( ) 4. _________ your dog sall?
A. Are B. Is C. A D. Does
( ) 5. I have two new friends. They _________ Sa and Pat.
A. a B. Are C. are D. is
( ) 6. __________ an English boy. _________ nae is Peter.
A. He's, His B. He's, He's C. His, He's D. His, His
( ) 7. —__________ your English teacher very good? —Yes, _________.
A. Are, he is B. Is, he's C. Is, he is D. Does, he’s
( ) 8. There _______ a pencil and two pens in the bag.
A. is B. have C. are D. has
( ) 9. There _______ soe balls in the box.
A. are B. is C. have D. has
( ) 10.—How any students ______ in your class? —Sixty.
A. is there B. are there C. there are D. there is
( ) 11. Is there ________ art roo in your school?
A. the B. an C. a D. /
( ) 12. The boys are fro _________.
A. Aerican B. English C. Aerica D. Chinese
( ) 13. I a not happy today. I a ________.
A. sad B. fine C. nice D. good
( ) 14. Is this _______ dog?
A. they B. your C. he D. you
( ) 15. What is your father? —________________.
A. He is a doctor. B. y father is 40. C. Yes, he is. D. No, it isn’t
( ) 16.CD eans __________.
A. 随身听 B. 光盘 C. 录音机 D. 播放器
( ) 17.—Are you a girl ? —No, ______ not.
A. I an't B. I' C. he is D. she’s
( ) 18.—________ is he ? —He is 46.
A. How any B. How old C. How about D. what about
( ) 19.—I have a photo here. —Let e _______.
A. have a look B. have a see C. soe photos D. have a look at
( ) 20.You are in ________7,Grade2.
A. class B. Class C. Classes D. classes

Dear Sandy, y faily and I 1 in Nanjing, China. We are very happy. I a 2 student in No. 11 iddle School. Is our school 3 ? No, it isn't very big, but it's very beautiful. There 4 any swiing pools in it. But our school __ 5_ two basketball courts. There is a garden and any tall trees in our school. There are about fifty __6 _ in our school. I a in Class 2, Grade 1. y classroo is _ 7 the second floor in _ 8 A. There are twenty boys and twenty-five boys in y class. iss Fang is our Chinese teacher. 9 is a very good teacher. We all like her very uch. ay(愿)you be 10 ! Hope to see you soon. Yours, Lily
( )1. A. a B. is C. are D. be
( )2. A. a B. an C. the D. /
( )3. A. sall B. big C. beautiful D. nice
( )4. A. are B. is C. aren't D. isn't
( )5. A. have B. has C. there's D. there're
( )6. A. class B. grade C. classes D. grades
( )7. A. on B. in C. between D. at
( )8. A. building B. Building C. the building D. the Building
( )9. A. He B. she C. She D. he
( )10.A. thin B. sli C. happy D. strong

This is a picture of r Green's faily. The an in the iddle is r Green, father. The woan is rs Green, other. They have a son and a duaghter. The son is behind r Green. He looks like his other. His nae is Ji. He's fourteen. kate is behind rs Green. She is a girl of twelve. She's their daughter. Ji and Kate are in the sae(同样的)school. But they are not in the sae grade. They are good students at school.
( ) 1. In the picture we can see _________ people.
A. three B. four C. five D. six
( ) 2. Who is in the iddle?
A. other B. Father C. Son D. Daughter
( ) 3. Ji is r. and rs. Greens' __________.
A. daughter B. brother C. son D. sister
( ) 4. Ji and Kate are ____________.
A. in the sae class B. in the sae grade
C. friends D. brother and sister
( ) 5. Kate is a iddle school student. Ji __________.
A. isn't B. is, too C. is a teacher
There are four hats. They are red, yellow, green and white. They are ike’s, Bill’s, To’s and John’s. To’s hat is not yellow, green or red. John’s hat is not green. And ike’s hat is not yellow or green. What colour are their hats?
( ) 6. ike’s hat is ________.
A. redB. yellowC. whiteD. green
( ) 7. ________ hat is green.
A. ike’sB. Bill’sC. To’sD. John’s
( ) 8. Is To’s hat white or green?
A. Yes, it is.B. No, it isn’t.C. It’s white.D. It’s green.
( ) 9. Is the yellow hat John’s or To’s?
A. It’s John’s.B. It’s To’s.C. It’s ike’s.D. It’s Bill’s.
( ) 10.How any kinds of colours about their hats?
A. Two.B. Three.C. Four.D. Five.
This is a photo of our classroo. The classroo is not new, but it is clean. It has two doors and four windows. There is a blackboard on the wall. Beside the blackboard, there are 2 aps. One is a ap of China. The other is a ap of England. Above the blackboard there is a clock. It is half past ten no We all like our classroo.
( ) 11. It's a photo of y bedroo.
( ) 12. The classroo is clean.
( ) 13. There are four doors and four windows in it.
( ) 14. There are two blackboards in the classroo.
( ) 15. There are two aps of China on the wall.

1. How are you, __________ (今天)
2. y other is a _________ (护士)
3. Lily is y __________ (同班同学). She is very polite.
4. I like watching TV in the __________ (晚上)
5.It’s cold(冷) today. Please ________ (关)the door.
6. There are five ____________ (百) students in this school.
7. Is this a ___________ (花园).
8. It’s not good to pick __________ (花) in the park.
9. The sky (天空) is __________(蓝色).
10. Sally’s ___________ (毛衣) is yello

1. 你叫什么名字?我的名字叫illie.
What is ________ nae? _________ nae is illie.
2. 你的裙子是什么颜色?是黑白相间的
_________ _________ is your skirt? It is ________ and ________.
3. 你多大了?我十五岁
_______ old ________ you? I a __________.
There ________ a book and three _________ _________ the __________ desk.
5. 我有一个房间。它既大又干净.
I a roo. It is ___ and ___ .
6. —“你爸是干什么的?” —“是教师。”
—“________ your father?” —“ _________ a teacher.”
7. 这是谁的外套?是她的。
__________ _________ is it? It’s hers.

1. She is a teacher. (变成否定句)
She ________ ________ a teacher.
2. There are forty students in y class. (对划线提问)
________ ________ students are there in _______ class?
3. His house is between the two big trees. (对划线提问)
_______ ________ his house?
4. There are soe English books on the desk. (改为单数)
There _______ _______ English ________ on the desk.
5. His cousins are very polite. (对划线提问)
_______ ________ his cousins?
6. She is y sister. (对划线提问)
_______ is she?
7. It’s a cat. (对划线提问)
_______ is it?
8. I a a student. (改为复数)
_______ ________ students.
9. I a fro China.
(1). (对划线提问) _______ _______ _______ fro?
(2). (同义句改写) I _______ fro China.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/50539.html
