
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网
第一卷 (共50分)
Ⅰ.选择 (20分)
( ) 1. We can see ________ sun in the daytime and ________ moon in the night.
A. a, a B. an, an C. the, the D. a, the
( ) 2. He has two _________and two__________ on his bed.
a.watch, wallet B. watch, wallets C. watches, wallet D. watches, wallets
( ) 3. I don’t like ______ hamburgers. I’d like ______ cakes.
A. some; some B. some; any C. any; some D. any; any
( ) 4.He often has some _______ and _______ for breakfast.
A. sausages; bread B. sausages; breads C. sausage; bread D. sausage; breads
( ) 5.We often _______ on Sunday .
A. read books B. reading books C. look at books D. see books
( ) 6.Football is ________ favourite sport .
A.I B. me C. my D. mine
( ) 7. ―Are the gloves _______? ―No, they aren’t.
A. you B. your C. yours D. you’s
( ) 8. ―________ wallet is this?
― It’s________.
A. Whose, my B. Whose, mine C. What, my D. What, mine
( ) 9. I can’t find my mobile phone. Let’s go and ________ it in the lost and found box.
A. to watch B. see C. look for D. seeing
( ) 10. Are there ________ people in the airport?
A. three hundreds B. three hundreds of C. three hundred D. hundred of
( ) 11.She is not so careful. She often_____ things.
A. lose B. lost C. loses D. losing
( ) 12. ― How many ________ do you find?
A. kilos of sausage B. kilos of sausagesC. kilo of sausages D. kilo of sausage
( ) 13. __________ cameras are black.
A.Tony and Jim B.Tony and Jim’s C.Tony’s and Jim’s D.Tony’s and Jim
( ) 14. He runs to the classroom ______________.
A. in hurries B. in a hurry C. in hurry D. in hurry
( ) 15. -__________. Are these your orange gloves?
-No. They are____.
A. Excuse me; her B. Excuse me; hers C. Sorry; her D. Sorry; hers
( ) 16. Please be quiet. Parents ___________.
A. sleep B. is sleeping C. are sleeping D. sleeps
( ) 17. ―Are these __________ crayons?
―No,________ are over there.
A. theirs, their B. their, their C. theirs, theirs D. their, theirs
( ) 18.Your gloves are here but where_____?
A. are mine B. is mine C .are my D. is my
( ) 19. We usually get up_____9:00______Sunday.
A. on; on B. at; at C. on; at D. at; on
( ) 20. ---Would you like some orange juice?
---________. I’m very thirsty.
A. No, thanks. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, I would D. That’s Ok.

Ⅱ. 完形(10分)
Wang Yang gets 1 late. He rides his bike to the school quickly. He doesn’t look 2 the traffic lights, so he hits(撞) a 3 .The driver 4 him to hospital right now. The doctor looks over Wang Yang very carefully. Wang Yang wants to go to 5 but the doctor and the driver 6 him to stay in bed.
“Now my boy,” says the doctor.
“Could you 7 me your name, please?”
“What are you going to do?” asks Wang Yang.
“I’m going to tell your parents and your 8 .” answers the doctor.
“But my parents 9 my name and my teacher knows my name, 10 .”says Wang Yang.
( ) 1.A.downB. outC. upD. away
( ) 2.A.atB. onC. afterD. for
( ) 3.A.light B. bikeC. carD. man
( ) 4.A.takesB. bringsC. carriesD. puts
( ) 5.A.hospipalB. school C. bedD. chair
( ) 6.A.sayB. askC. speakD. talk
( ) 7.A.tellB. sayC. speakD. talk
( ) 8.A.classmateB. studentC. friend D. teacher
( ) 9.A.listenB. hearC. knowD. write
( ) 10.A.tooB. elseC. otherD. also
Ⅲ. 理解(20分)
Mr. Smith lives in a village, but he works in a big city. He goes to work by train every morning and comes home in the same way.
This morning, when he is reading his newspaper on the train, a man behind him says “hello” to him and begins to talk to him, “Your life is not interesting, is it? You take the same train every morning, and you always sit in the same seat and read the same newspaper.” “How do you know all that about me?” Mr. Smith says angrily(生气地).
“Because I always sit in the same seat behind you.” the man answers.
( )1. Mr. Smith works ____________.
A. in a town B. in a village C. in a city
( )2. He comes back home from work _____.
A. by train B. by bus C. on foot
( )3. When he is on the train, Mr. Smith often_____.
A. reads books B. reads newspaper C. talks to others
( )4. Mr. Smith _____.
A. likes the man very much B. likes reading books
C. doesn’t like the man at all
( )5. The man knows Mr. Smith because_____
A. he is Mr. Smith’s good friend.
B. he works in the same factory.
C. he sits behind Mr. Smith on the same train every day.
My uncle is a bus driver. He goes to work at a quarter to six in the morning. Every day he is very busy and gets home very late. Sometimes he comes back at about 12 at night. He likes helping other bus drivers do more work. He is the first driver to come to the bus station, and the last one to leave.
My uncle has a son. He and I are in the same class. He is taller than I. He says he loves his father and wants to be a bus driver like his father. But his mother wants him to be a scientist and wants him to study hard like his two sisters.
( ) 6.My uncle works in a bus station.
( ) 7.He goes to work at five forty-five.
( ) 8.There are six people in my uncle’s family.
( ) 9.Tom and I are in different classes.
( ) 10. My uncle works very hard and his daughter studies hard, too.
第二卷( 共70分)
Ⅳ. 根据句意及汉语提示完成句子(5分)
1. The ________ are yellow. (leaf)
2. Look at the sky. It’s a ________ day. (sun)
3. I don’t know all the ________ of the year. (month)
4. Whose tapes are __________ (these的对应词)?
5. Zhao Ming is the ________ in the exam. (three)
Ⅴ. 用所给词的适当形式填空(15分)
Mum: So many clothes 6 (be) on the floor.
Nancy: But I 7 (not like) them. Can you 8 (buy) me some new clothes, Mum?
Mum: 9 (forget) it. Let me 10 (see). 11 (be not) this skirt nice?
Nancy: Yes, but Kate 12 (have) the same one.
Mum: OK. And this?
Nancy: Do you think yellow 13 (be) a nice colour?
Ⅵ. 句型转换 (10分)
14. There are some flowers in the garden. (变为否定句)
There ________ ________ flowers in the garden.
15. Kangkang does his homework in the evening. (变为一般疑问句)
________ Kangkang ________ his homework in the evening?
16. These are their pens. (对划线部分提问)
_______ _______ are these?
17. The camera is my brother’s. (对划线部分提问)
__________ ________ the camera?
18. Those are his gloves. (同义句)
_______ gloves are ________.
Ⅶ. 完成句子 (15分)
19. 你学英语很细心。
You are _________ _________ English.
20. 在失物招领箱里有两部手机。
There ________ ________ mobile phones in the ________ _______ box.
21. 放学后,学生常常把课本落在学校里。
Students often _________ theirs after school.
22. 成百上千的人们每天来这个飞机场。
________to the airport every day.
23. 汤姆正在找他的手机。
Tom is _________ _________his mobile phone.
Ⅷ. 补全对话 (10分)
A: Good morning, Zhou Jun. 24
B: I usually come to school on foot.
A: 25
B: Six. I have four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon.
A: What’s your favorite sport?
B: 26
A: 27
B: Because it’s very exciting(令人兴奋的).
A: 28
B: Mr. Zhao. Look! He is playing basketball there.
A. How many lessons do you have every day?
B. Why do you like it?
C. Who is your P.E. teacher?
D. How do you usually come to school?
E. My favorite sport is basketball.
Ⅸ. 书面表达 (15分)


AnnGet upGo to schoolBegin classSchool overHave lunchHave a rest



I. 1~5 CDCAA 5~10 CCBCC 11~15 CBCBB 16~20 CDADB
II. 1~5 CACAB 6~10 BADCA
Ⅲ. 1~5 CABCC 6~10 TTFFT
Ⅳ. 1. Leaves 2. Sunny 3. Months 4. Those 5. third
Ⅴ. 6. are 7. don’t like 8. buy 9. Forget 10. see 11. Isn’t 12. has 13. Is
Ⅵ. 14. aren’t any 15.Does do 16.Whose pens 17.Whose is 18.Those, his
Ⅶ. 19. careful with 20.are two Lost and Found 21.lose books
22.Hundreds of people come 23. looking for

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/68777.html
