2013仁爱七年级英语下册Unit 7 Topic 3测试题(附答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网
Unit 7 Topic 3
第一部分 (20分)
Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。(5分)

1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________ 5. ________
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)
( )6. A. I hurt myself with the knife. B. It doesn’t matter. C. Thank you.
( )7. A. Jack was. B. Jack does. C. Jack did.
( )8. A. I’ll enjoy myself.
B. I’ll have a party.
C. I’ll get many presents.
( )9. A. No, I didn’t. B. I don’t know. C. Yes, I do.
( )10. A. Thank you all the same. B. This way, please. C. OK, let’s go.
Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5分)
( )11. A. She watched the magic trick show.
B. She did her homework.
C. She watched TV.
( )12. A. A birthday party.B. Jane’s family. C. Their likes.
( )13. A. Yes, she did. B. No, she didn’t. C. We don’t know.
( )14. A. Books. B. Pictures. C. Flowers.
( )15. A. Because he did his homework.
B. Because he watched a football game.
C. Because he played computer games.
Ⅳ. 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。(5分)
( )16. Tom rode a bike to school yesterday.
( )17. Tom fell down on his way home.
( )18. Tom didn’t see a doctor.
( )19. There is something wrong with Tom’s legs.
( )20. Linda tells Tom to be careful next time.

第二部分 英语知识运用(55分)
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10分)
( )1.?Why didn’t Tom come to school yesterday afternoon?
?He _____ and hurt his leg on the playground.
A. fell downB. fell offC. falls down D. falls off
( )2.?Don’t eat in class, please, Jake.
?I’m sorry, Mr. Lee. _____
A. I will do it. B. I won’t do that again.
C. That’ll be OK. D. It’s my favorite.
( )3. We can’t use computers to do our homework. We have to write it down _____ hand.
A. onB. inC. byD. with
( )4. Miss Gao often tells students _____ to school early.
A. comeB. comingC. cameD. to come
( )5.?Do you enjoy _____ at the party?
?Yes, we do.
A. yourselfB. yourselvesC. oneselfD. myself
( )6.?Happy birthday to you!
A. Thank you!B. Welcome to my home!
C. The same to you. D. That’s OK.
( )7.?_____, Bob?
?I forgot my school bag.
A. How are youB. Is there anything wrong with you
C. What’s matter D. What’s the matter
( )8.?I went to bed at about eleven forty last night.
?_____ it was too late.
A. I wishB. I hopeC. I’m afraidD. I’m sure
( )9.?Where is the library, Jane?
A. This way, please.B. I don’t know, either.
C. Sorry, I can’t. D. Of course I do.
( )10.?What time _____ Lily go to the park yesterday?
?At about eight o’clock.
A. doesB. doC. didD. was
Ⅱ. 情景交际。(5分)
A: Hi, Linda. Glad to see you!
B: Glad to see you, too.
A: I didn’t see you yesterday. 11
B: Oh. I went to my friend’s birthday party.
A: 12
B: It was Rose’s.
A: Today is March 17th. Oh, I see. Her birthday is March 16th.
B: You’re right.
A: 13
B: We sang, danced and played games at the party.
A: Did you have a good time?
B: Yes, we did. All of us were very happy.
A: 14
B: We had the party in a restaurant.
A: 15 I will have my birthday party in a restaurant next time.
A. Whose birthday party was it?
B. How did you celebrate her birthday?
C. That’s wonderful.
D. When was her birthday?
E. Would you like to come?
F. Where did you have the party?
G. Where did you go?
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Ⅲ. 完形。(10分)
Junjun wanted to buy a birthday present for his mother. But he 16 much money. He was not happy. He thought and thought. Then he had 17 . He could make a 18 by himself. So he made a nice card. On the front, he 19 a beautiful picture of birds and flowers. And on the back he 20 ,“To my dear mother, I love you very much. Happy birthday!”
21 his mother’s birthday, Junjun gave her the present. After she saw the 22 , tears(眼泪)fell down her face. “ 23 are you crying (哭),Mom?”Junjun asked, “You don’t like it, right?”“ 24 .”She said, “I love it very much. I’m the happiest(最幸福的) 25
because I have a great son like you.”
( )16. A. didn’t haveB. not haveC. hasD. had
( )17. A. a problemB. an ideaC. a wishD. an office
( )18. A. presentB. planeC. dinnerD. book
( )19. A. drawsB. drawC. drewD. drawing
( )20. A. saidB. writesC. wroteD. says
( )21. A. AtB. InC. OutD. On
( )22. A. bagB. cakeC. bookD. card
( )23. A. whenB. whyC. whatD. Where
( )24. A. Of courseB. Of course notC. Yes, it isD. No, it isn’t
( )25. A. peopleB. oneC. motherD. father
Ⅳ. 理解。(30分)
Bob is eleven years old. One day, his friend Jenny said to him, “I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. Bob, can you come?”
Bob asked his mother, and his mother said, “Yes, you can go. ” On Saturday afternoon, his mother said to him again, “Now, Bob, when you go to the party, you must be polite(礼貌的), and don’t ask for food until someone gives it to you. ”
“All right, Mom. ” Bob said, and he went to Jenny’s house by bike.
There were many children at the party. They played games for about an hour, and then Jenny’s mother gave them some food, but she forgot Bob and didn’t give him any. After a long time, he took up his plate(盘子)and said loudly, “Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”
( )26. How old is Bob?
A. Nine. B. Ten. C. Eleven.D. We don’t know.
( )27. When was the birthday party?
A. On Saturday. B. On Sunday. C. On Friday. D. On Monday.
( )28. How did Bob go to Jenny’s house?
A. On foot. B. By taxi. C. On his bike. D. By boat.
( )29. Whose birthday is it?
A. Bob’s. B. Bob’s mother’s.
C. Jenny’s mother’s. D. Jenny’s.
( )30. Why did Bob take up his plate?
A. Because he wanted others to look at his clean plate.
B. Because he had a nice clean plate.
C. Because he wanted some food.
D. Because his plate was very clean.
Betty loved only one thing in life?chocolates. She enjoyed every kind, like chocolate cake, chocolate ice cream(冰淇淋)and so on.
On Betty’s birthday, her best friend, Lisa, wanted to prepare(准备) her dinner at a restaurant.
“Well, today is my birthday and I can order anything, right?”Betty asked Lisa.
“I guess so,”said Lisa,“But you shouldn’t eat too much.”
At the restaurant, Betty ate a lot of chocolates and a large box of chocolate ice cream. When the dinner ended, she didn’t look well.
“You surely ate a lot!”Lisa said to her.
“I know, but now I need something else.”Betty said.
“What? More chocolate?”Lisa asked.
“No, a doctor.”Betty said,“I’m not feeling(觉得)well.”
( )31. Betty’s favorite food is ______.
A. cake B. ice cream C. bread D. chocolates
( )32. Betty wanted to see ______after dinner.
A. her mother B. best friend
C. a doctor D. a restaurant
( )33. How was Betty after dinner?
A. She was fine. B. She was not well.
C. She was happy. D. We don’t know.
( )34. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. Betty only ate a big cake for dinner.
B. Lisa took Betty to dinner.
C. Betty and Lisa had dinner at a restaurant.
D. It was Betty’s birthday.
( )35. From the passage(短文), we can know ______.
A. Lisa is not Betty’s best friend
B. on Betty’s birthday, Lisa bought Betty a cake
C. Betty ate too much chocolate on her birthday
D. Betty needed something else to eat
Rose was born on February 29th, 2004. By 2010, her parents had 6 birthday parties for her. But most(大多数) of them were on February 28th. One day, she knew that only February 29th was her real (真实的) birthday. It comes every four years, so she didn’t want to have birthday parties on February 28th any more. After that, she had only one party. That was in the year 2014. On that day her grandparents, all her uncles, aunts and cousins came to her home to celebrate her birthday. She got so many presents. She thinks it’s much more interesting to have a birthday party every four years.
( )36. Rose’s parents had a birthday party for her on February 28th every year.
( )37. In the year 2014, Rose had a birthday party on February 29th.
38. By 2014, Rose had _________birthday parties.
39. Why does Rose want to have her birthday party on February 29th.
40. ____________________________________________________

第三部分 写作(25分)
Ⅰ. 词汇部分。(10分)
41. Did you watch the _____ (有魔力的) trick show on TV last night? It was so interesting.
42. The boy comes from a _______(贫穷的)family.
43. _____ (每人) had a good time at Lucy’s birthday party.
44. The food in this restaurant is very _______ (美味的). We all like eating here.
45. We all ________(忘记)the time because it was a great party.
46.?Who _____ (blow) out the candles last night?
?Ann did.
47.?It’s a _____(sun)day today. Let’s go for a picnic.
?Good idea!
48. Maria usually does some ______(wash) after school.
49.?Did he hurt ______ (him) in the accident?
?No, not at all.
50. The young woman ______(bring)some toys for the children last Monday.

Ⅱ. 句型转换。(每空一词)(5分)
51.I did my homework at home yesterday. (改为否定句)
I _____ _____ my homework at home yesterday.
52.Lucy sang a Chinese song at her birthday party. (改为一般疑问句)
_____ Lucy _____ a Chinese song at her birthday party?
53.I had a good time in Beihai Park last week. (改为同义句)
I _____ _____ in Beihai Park last week.
54.Our school art festival was very nice. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ your school art festival?
55.Lucy and Lily sang English songs and performed ballet at the party. (对画线部分提问)
_____ _____ Lucy and Lily _____ at the party?
Ⅲ. 书面表达。(10分)
提示:今天你参加了Lucy 的生日聚会,大家给她带去了很多礼物,Lucy 很喜欢。生日聚会上有一块大蛋糕,上面有十三支点燃的蜡烛。Lucy 许了愿之后,把蜡烛吹灭了。大家在聚会上进行了表演,你表演了中国功夫,Ellen 跳了舞,Susan 唱了英文歌,大家玩得很开心。
_______________________________________________________________________________ _

听 力 材 料

Unit 7 Topic 3
Ⅰ. 听句子,选择正确图片。每个句子读一遍。
1. Jane sang an English song yesterday.
2. There are thirteen candles on the birthday cake.
3. Kangkang performed Chinese kung fu last night.
4. Bill, don’t be so late next time.
5. Li Tao can perform magic tricks very well.
Ⅱ. 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。
6. What’s the matter?
7. Who lost the Musical Chairs game at the party?
8. Jim, how do you plan to celebrate your birthday?
9. Mike, did you play computer games last week?
10. Where is the washroom, Judy?
Ⅲ. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。
11.M: Hi, Jenny! Did you watch the magic trick show on CCTV last night? It was so
W: I’d like to watch it. But I had so much homework to do.
Q: What did Jenny do last night?
12.M: How was Jane’s birthday party?
W: It was great. We all liked it very much.
Q: What are they talking about?
13.M: I like Betty’s English songs at her birthday party. What about you, Joy?
W: Me, too.
Q: Did Joy like Betty’s English songs?
14.W: Mark, thanks for your beautiful flowers.
M: That’s OK. Happy birthday!
Q: What is the birthday present?
15.W: Tony, you are late for school again. Why?
M: Sorry, last night I watched a football game and went to bed late.
Q: Why did Tony go to bed late?
Ⅳ. 听对话,判断正(T)误(F)。对话读两遍。
W: Hi, Tom!
M: Hi, Linda!
W: What’s the matter?
M: Yesterday, on my way to school, I fell down from my bike.
W: Did you see a doctor?
M: Yes, and he said there was not anything wrong with my legs.
W: Be careful next time.
M: Yes, thanks very much.

Unit 7 Topic 3
Ⅰ. 1. C 2. E 3. A 4. D 5. B
Ⅱ. 6. A 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. B
Ⅲ. 11. B 12. A 13. A14. C15. B
Ⅳ. 16. T 17. F 18. F19. F20. T
第二部分 英语知识运用X k B 1 . c o m
Ⅰ. 1. A fall down “摔倒”,fall off “从……上掉下来”,根据yesterday可知用过去式fell,故选A。
2. B 考查祈使句否定形式的答语。I won’t do that again.“我不再那样做了”。
3. C 考查固定词组。by hand“手工”。
4. D 考查固定短语tell sb. to do sth.“告诉某人做某事”。
5. B 考查 enjoy oneself “过得愉快”;根据答语Yes, we do. 可知you指“你们”,oneself应用yourselves。故选B。
6. A 考查交际用语,别人对你说“生日快乐”,你应该说“谢谢”。
7. D 考查 What’s wrong (with sb. /sth. )及What’s the matter (with sb. /sth. )句型。wrong 前无定冠词the,而matter前一定要加定冠词the, 根据答语可知B错,故选D。
8. C I’m afraid…用于礼貌的表达令人不愉快,失望或感到遗憾的事,其后常接一个完整的句子。
9. A 考查交际用语This way, please,用于指路。
10. C 考查特殊疑问句的一般过去时,由yesterday可知用did,故选C。
Ⅱ.11. G 12. A 13. B 14. F 15. C
Ⅲ.16. A 根据上一句Junjun想给妈妈买一份生日礼物,和后一句他不开心,可知他没有钱。
17. B have an idea“有了想法,想到一个主意”。
18. A 自己制作生日礼物。
19. C 本文叙述的是过去的事情,应使用一般过去时,draw为不规则动词,其过去式为drew。
20. C 在卡片的背面,他写了……。
21. D on one’s birthday“在某人生日的时候”。
22. D Junjun的妈妈看到卡片之后,泪流满面。
23. B Junjun以为他妈妈不喜欢他做的生日卡,所以问了一句“为什么哭?”
24. B Of course not. 是对上一句You don’t like it的否定。双重否定即肯定,表达他妈妈的喜欢。
25. C 根据文章最后一句…because I have a great son like you.可知此处为最幸福的妈妈,故选C。

Ⅳ. (A)
26. C 根据文中第一句Bob is eleven years old.可知Bob是11岁,故选C。
27. A 根据I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday,可知生日聚会在周六举行,故选A。
28. C 根据 … and he went to Jenny’s house by bike,可知Bob是骑车去参加生日聚会的,故选C。
29. D 根据Jenny said to him, “I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday. ” 可知是Jenny过生日,故选D。
30. C Bob把盘子举起来,向大家说有人想要干净漂亮的盘子吗?他的目的是让大家看到他的盘子上什么也没有,他需要些食物,故选C。
31. D 根据短文第一句Betty loved only one thing in life ?? chocolates.可知Betty’s favorite food is chocolates,故选D。
32. C 根据短文最后一行No, a doctor…feeling well.可知Betty吃太多了,需要看医生,故选C。
33. B 根据短文最后一句I’m not feeling well.可知Betty吃太多了,身体不舒服,故选B。
34. A 根据短文第五段Betty ate a lot of chocolates and a large box of chocolate ice cream.可知,Betty吃了很多巧克力和一大盒冰淇淋,并没有吃蛋糕,故选A。
35. C Betty吃太多了,吃出了毛病,故选C。
36. F
37. T
38. seven/7
39. Because February 29th is her real birthday.
第三部分 写作
Ⅰ.(A)41. magic42. poor 43. Everyone44. delicious 45. forgot
(B)46. blew47. sunny48. washing49. himself 50. brought
Ⅱ.51. didn’t do52. Did; sing53. enjoyed myself
54. How was55. What did; do
Ⅲ. 参考范文:
It is Lucy’s birthday today. I came to her birthday party. We brought her many presents. Lucy liked them very much. There was a big birthday cake with thirteen candles on it. We all sat around it. After Lucy made a wish, she blew the candles out. At the party, I performed Chinese kung fu, Ellen danced to disco and Susan sang an English song. We had a wonderful time!

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/72021.html

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