
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网
Class:    Name:    Marks:   (满分100分)
基础专项训练 (Unit 1)
Ⅰ. 根据图片提示写出相应的词语完成句子。

1题图 2题图 3题图 4题图 5 题图
1. He likes to do Chinese      .
2. Why does your sister want to join the       club?
3. You can’t       here.
4. We often play games at Jim’s      .
5. Her uncle and aunt       very well.
Ⅱ. 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。
1. The boy from the USA can’t s      Chinese.
2. This game is fun. Come and j      us.
3. There are three p      in Cindy’s family — her parents and her.
4. Miss Jones asks me to w      my name on the blackboard.
5. Jim is in Class Two and his cousin is a      in Class Two.
Ⅲ. 根据汉语提示写单词完成句子。
1. Tom always       (说话) to Kate in class.
2. Can you       (展示) your photos to me?
3. Helen’s and Rose’s    (小提琴) are in the classroom.
4. I think these       (故事) are very interesting.
5. What do you usually do on       (周末)?
Ⅳ. 从方框中选择适当的单词完成句子。
today, good, or, chess, musician
1.— Can you play the piano       the violin?
— I can play the piano.
2. He likes music very much and he wants to be a      .
3.      I’m very busy, so I don’t have time to see you.
4. Rose is       at singing.
5.— Let’s play       after dinner.
— That sounds good.
Ⅴ. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. We are from China, and we are all      (Chinese).
2. Mum says those TV       (show) are boring.
3. Can your uncle play the       (drum)?
4. His parents are      (teach). They work in a school.
5. He wants     (make) friends with these English boys.
Ⅵ. 看图写出下列同学想要加入的俱乐部名称。

1题图 2题图 3题图
1. Chen Li wants to join the            .
2. We want to join the            .
3.Susan and Helen want to join the            .
Ⅰ. 根据要求完成句子,每空一词。
1. I really don’t like volleyball. (改为一般疑问句)
      you really       volleyball?
2.— Can you play baseball? (作肯定回答)
—      ,            .
3. He wants to join the sports club. (对划线部分提问)
                 he want to join?
4. Tony speaks French and English. (对划线部分提问)
            does Tony speak?
5. Please help us to learn history. (改为同义句)
Please       us       our history.
Ⅱ. 根据汉语提示写出句子,每空一词。
1. 这支乐队需要音乐人。
The band            .
2. 这些讲英语的学生都是三班的。
These             are from Class Three.
3. 感谢你加入我们的俱乐部。
Thank you             our club.
4. 我爷爷可以给我们讲故事。
My grandfather can                   .
5. 我想了解有关这所学校的情况。
I want to     something      this school.
Ⅲ. 根据所给单词及标点提示连词成句。
1. on, busy, are, weekend, the, you (?)
2. be, in, you, school, our, can, festival (.)
3. them, with, can, games, play, you (?)
4. not, want, I, to, join, health, do, club, the (.)
5. need, at, the, they, old, home, people’s, help (.)
Ⅰ. 从方框中选择正确选项填入括号内。
( )1. Let’s join the basketball club.
( )2. What club do you want to join?
( )3. What can you do?
( )4. Where’s Jim from?
( )5. Do you have a test this afternoon?
A. No, we don’t.
B. Sounds good.
C. He is from England.
D. The volunteer club.
E. I can sing and draw well.
Ⅱ. 将句子按照正确的顺序排列组成一段完整的对话,序号写在横线上。
A. I want to join the sports club.
B. Hi, Jake. What club do you want to join?
C. Then join two clubs — the tennis club and the soccer club.
D. The sports club? What sports can you play?
E. OK, let me join now.
F. I can play tennis and soccer.
一. 单项选择 (10分)
( )1. I have     good breakfast every day. I have some bread, two eggs and a cup of milk.
A. a B. an C.the D. /
( )2. Lily doesn’t like Tom, so she    talks with him.
A. never B. always C. usually D. sometimes
( )3. We usually have dinner   half past seven     the evening.
A. at; on B. at; in C. in; at D. in; on
( )4. Mom tells me to     my teeth after eating.
A. make B. show C. brush D. look
( )5. — What’s her    ?
— She is an English teacher.
A. job B. name C.color D. time
( )6.— Does the hamburger     good?
— Yes. I want to eat another (另一个) one.
A. look B. taste C. sound D. make
( )7. Fruit and vegetables are good     me. I eat them every day.
A. for B. with C. at D. to
( )8. — Help your brother    , Mary.
— OK, but where are his sweater and trousers?
A. clean the room B. do homework
C. get dressed D. eat breakfast
( )9. I’m sorry you can’t     because we have no water (水) now.
A. get up B. take a shower
C. take a walk D. go to bed
( )10. — What time do you get home?
—    .
A. On Sunday B. In the evening
C. At five o’clock D. After school
二. 完形填空 (10分)
Linda is a little girl. She 11 with her parents in a big city. But on weekends they often go to the country (乡村) to 12 . Her uncle lives there. There aren’t big hotels, supermarkets or parks, 13 she can find many interesting things there. Her uncle’s house is quiet, because it isn’t 14 the street. Linda sometimes (有时) draws pictures in front of the house and some-times 15 to play with her cousin Simon. They like going to a lake (湖). It’s their favorite 16 . There they can swim and fish (钓鱼). 17 it is fine, Simon usually takes her to eat outside. They eat a lot, because they’re 18 after playing. Linda and her parents go back home 19 Sunday afternoon. She hopes the 20 weekend can come soon.
( )11. A. walks B. plays C. talks D. lives
( )12. A. work B. relax C. study D. think
( )13. A. but B. and C. orD. so
( )14. A. between B. Behind C. near D. across
( )15. A. gets up B. goes out C. puts on
D. looks out
( )16. A. place B. subject C. day D. music
( )17. A. AfterB. BeforeC. If D. Because
( )18. A. sad B. angry C. busyD. hungry
( )19. A. in B. on C. at D. with
( )20. A. first B. third C. next D. last
三. 阅读理解 (20分)
Jane: Hey, Jill. Who’s this big boy in the photo?
Jill: He’s my uncle Leo.
Jane: What’s that in his hand (手)?
Jill: It’s a soccer.
Jane: Does he like soccer?
Jill: Yes, he does. And he plays soccer well.
Jane: Is he a soccer player?
Jill: No, he isn’t. He is a a sports host (主持人). And he works in a TV station.
Jane: What time is his TV show?
Jill: From ten to eleven in the evening.
Jane: Oh, it’s too late. I can’t see his show. I usually go to bed at half past nine.
( )21. Leo is Jill’s    .
A. friend B. brother C. cousin D. uncle
( )22. Leo can play     well.
A. tennis B. soccer C. basketball D. ping-pong
( )23. Leo works in a    .
A. sports clubB. middle schoolC. TV station
D. clothes store
( )24. Jane usually goes to bed at     p.m.
A. 8:30 B. 9:00 C. 9:30 D. 10:00
( )25. Which of the following is TRUE?
A. Leo works in the evening.
B. Leo doesn’t like his work.
C. Leo is always late for work.
D. Leo’s work finishes at twelve o’clock.
四. 词语运用 (10分)
B. 从方框中选择适当的单词填空。 (5分)
past, group, funny, teeth, best
36. Tom is my      friend.
37. I have a      story to tell you.
38. We eat dinner at half      six.
39. I brush my      three times a day.
40. I see a      of boys playing soccer there.
五. 情景交际 (10分)
A. I usually walk to school.
B. Yes. Every morning I run with my brother.
C. I get home at four thirty.
D. Yes, I do.
E. I go to bed at nine o’clock.
F. I usually get up at six o’clock.
G. I eat fruit and vegetables every day.
A: Morning, Jill. Can I ask you some questions?
B: Yes, sure.
A: Do you have healthy habits?
B: (41)    Every day I get up early and go to bed early.
A: What time do you usually get up?
B: (42)   
A: Do you eat healthy food every day?
B: Yes. (43)   
A: And do you exercise every day?
B: (44)   
A: Well, what time do you go to bed in the evening?
B: (45)   
A: Oh, your habits are really good.
六. 完成句子 (10分)
46. 你每天几点睡觉?
        do you go to bed every day?
47. 他早上起床晚。
He         late in the morning.
48. 妈妈通常六点到家。
My mother usually         at six.
49. 下次上学不要迟到了。
Don’t be         school next time.
50. 饭后去散步吧。
Let’s             after dinner.
八.书面表达 (20分)
作为一名七年级的学生,你每天的时间是如何安排的?请以My school day为题,写一篇60词左右的英语短文,介绍一下你一天的基本活动。
My school day

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/73540.html
