新目标初一英语下册 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas 导学案

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网
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一、课题 Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?
1.Let’s…句型。 Let’s see the lions.是一个let’s开头的祈使句,表示邀请,建议;意为“让我们…吧”let’s是let us缩写,后面接动词原形。即let sb do sth肯定回答用All right或OK。否定回答用Sorry, I……
①Let’s (play)volleyball, All right.
②Let’s (go) to a movie.
③Let me (tell) you about it.
例Why do you like…?
Why does he/she like…? Because they are .
① do you like panadas? Because they are cute.
②My mother likes elephants because they are friendly.(划线提问)
3.want实义动词 “想要”①want sth想要…②want to do sth想要做…
①She wants (一个笔友)in China.
②I want (see)the lions first.
4.kind of表示程度,意为“有几分,有点儿”,同义词组a little]
①The pants are / short.
②Why do you like dolphins? Because they are interesting.
A.a kind B.a kind of C.kind of
5.eat grass(草)不可数名词eat leaves(复数) 树叶单数为“leaf”
6.small形容词“小的”侧重于重要、面积,反义词为“large, big”.
①He lives in a house.
②The girl is kind of clever.
③I have a milk.
①What animals do you like? I like dogs,too.
one…the other…“一个…另一个…”
②I have two brothers is a teacher is a doctor.
also“也”用于实义动词之前, be动词之后
①I like penguins, =I like penguins.
①The elephants are friendly, I like them.= the elephants are friendly, I like them.
※because 和 to 只能要一个
10.during “在…期间” 例 during the holiday 在放假期间
①Koalas sleep the day and get up night.
[2a] listen and cirle the description words you hear.
1.ugly 2.clever 3.friendly 4.beautiful
5.small 6.cute 7.shy 8.scary
[2b]listen again. Fill in the chart use description words.

AnimalMaria’s wordsTony’s words
1.Do you want the tiger?
A.see B.to have a look C.to see D.to look
2.Pandas are interesting.
A. a kind of B.a kind C.kind of D.kind
3.-Is that elephant?
-No. It’s lion.
A.an; a B.an; an C.a; an D.a;a
4.Why she like koalas?
A.do B.does C.is D.are
5.Tigers, pandas and snakes are all .
A.meat B.food C.animals D.fruit
1.He is very l and does nothing every day.
2.We go swimming every day d summer(夏天).
3.I think tigers are scary, s I don’t like them.
4.In spring, l turn green.
5.I’m feeling ill, and I can’t s well at night.
6.Lions eat m .
1、一头大象 2.get up
3、12岁 4.go to bed
5、在晚上 6.during the day
7、与……玩 8.be from
9、一些树叶 10.an interesting book
1.He wants (go) to the zoo.
2.Does he (have) breakfast at home?
3.Where (he) Tom and Mike from?
4.Let me (tell) you about it.
5.The lion usually (relax)20 hours every day.
6.The koalas gets up at night and eats (leaf).
7.Students (sleep) nine hours a day.
8.The baby is sleeping. Please (be )quiet.
9.Let’s go and (see) the monkeys.
10.Tigers like (eat) meat.
1.I like dogs because they are friendly.(对画线部分提问)
you dogs?
2.He likes elephants.(对画线部分提问)
Does he like?
3.He likes lions, too.(改为同义句)
He lions.
4.She doesn’t like Chinese.(改为肯定句)
She Chinese.
1. the zoo.欢迎到动物园来。
2 go to see pandas .让我们先看熊猫吧。
3. he like dogs? They are .他为什么喜欢狗?因为狗很聪明。
4. animals do you like?你还喜欢别的什么动物?
5.She is .她12岁。
6.She to play her friends and eat .
7.She is , please . 她很腼腆,因此请保持安静。
8. he ? 难道他不可爱吗?
9.He usually and 20 hours every day.他通常睡觉并且每天娱乐20小时。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/77661.html
