七年级上册英语odules 1-5模块试题(2013外研版带答案)

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网

odules 1-5模块检测试题
(120分钟 120分)
Ⅰ. (20分)
(Ⅰ)录音中有五个句子, 听一遍后, 选择与之相符的图片。(5分)

6. A. Black. B. Blue. C. White.
7. A. Yes, he does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes, I do.
8. A. Bananas. B. Apples. C. Pears.
9. A. Spring. B. Suer. C. Winter.
10. A. In Aerica. B. In England. C. In China.
11. How any people are there in the girl’s faily?
A. Three. B. Four. C. Seven.
12. What is the girl’s father’s job?
A. A hotel anager. B. A doctor. C. A teacher.
13. What’s the boy’s favourite food?
A. Beef. B. Pork. C. Fish.
14. What’s the girl’s favourite food?
A. Pork. B. Fish. C. Pork and fish.
15. Does the girl’s brother like beef?
A. Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. No, he likes haburgers.
16. It’s a picture of __________. Xk b1 .C o
A. boys and girlsB. desks and chairs C. a classroo
17. Where are the two pens?
A. They are in the pencil case. B. They are on the teacher’s desk.
C. They are in the classroo.
18. How old is Linda?
A. Ten. B. Eleven. C. Twelve.
19. Who is not in the picture?
A. ike. B. iss Green. C. Linda.
20. ike and Linda are _________.
A. teacher and studentB. brother and sisterC. friends
Ⅱ. 单项选择(15分)
1. —This is aria.
A. Nice to eet you. B. OK. C. Fine, thank you. D. And you?
2. There __________ a pen and two pencils on the desk.
A. beB. haveC. areD. is
3. __________ the weather__________ in China?
A. How’s; likeB. What’s; like C. How’s; /D. B and C
4. Betty and I __________ good friends.
A. aB. isC. areD. a not
5. To is __________. He is fro __________ .
A. England; English B. an English; England
C. English; EnglishD. a English; England
6. I haven’t got __________ oranges __________ bananas.
A. soe; orB. any; orC. soe; andD. any; and
7. Robert is __________ brother. __________ is in Class Two.
A. I; HeB. y; HisC. y; HeD. e; He
8. —What colour __________your shoes?
— __________ black.
A. is; It’sB. is; IsC. are; TheirD.are; They’re
9. __________do you spell “tree”?
A. WhereB. What C. How D. Who
10. —Can I help you?
—I’d like a cup of coffee __________ilk __________it, please.
A. at; in B. with; inC. with; onD. at; on
11. —Is there a book shop on the Fifth Avenue?
—Yes, __________.
A. here is B. they areC. it isD. there is
12. Apples __________ healthy food, __________ ice crea isn’t healthy food.
A. are; and B. is; but C. is; andD. are; but
13. —__________ people are there in your faily?
—There are four.
A. How anyB. How uchC. How oldD. How are you
14. Look at the nice roo. It’s __________ roo.
A. Pingping and LinglingB. Pingping’s and Lingling’s
C. Pingping’s and LinglingD. Pingping and Lingling’s
15. —Would you like a cup of tea?
—__________ . I’ve got enough.
A. Yes, pleaseB. No, thanks
C. I’ sorryD. Yes, I’d love to
Ⅲ. 完形(10分)
Look at the girl. She is 1 good friend. She is 2 English girl. 3 nae is Betty. 4 twelve. y 5 Li ei. 6 a Chinese girl. I’ fourteen.
Betty 7 a sports collection (收集): five 8 ,three basketballs, and four soccer balls, 9 she only has one baseball. Betty likes sports, so she seldo(极少地) 10 TV.
1. A. IB. youC. eD. y
2. A. aB. anC. theD. /
3. A. HisB. SheC. HerD. Her’s
4. A. SheB. She’sC. HerD. His
5. A. naeB. bookC. naesD. nae’s
6. A. IB. I’C. SheD. She’s
7. A. have gotB. has gotC. doesn’t have gotD. doesn’t has got
8. A. tennisB. tennisesC. tennissD. tennis’s
9. A. butB. soC. andD. or
10. A. watchingB. watchesC. watchD. watchs
Ⅳ. 理解(25分)
Here are the twin sisters, Lily and Lucy. They are in iss Gao’s class. They are two new students. They’re eleven. This is their roo. It’s a nice roo. There are two beds in the roo. One is Lucy’s and the other (另一个) is Lily’s. They look the sae. Their coats are on their beds. We can’t see their shoes. They are under their beds.
The twin has two desks and chairs. Their clock, books and pencil boxes are on the desk. Their schoolbags are behind the chairs.
1. Lily and Lucy are __________.
A. daughters B. sonsC. sistersD. brothers
2. -What kind (种类) of roo is it?
-It’s a __________.
A. classrooB. bedrooC. big rooD. nice roo
3. Which one is NOT right?
A. Lily’s coat is on the bed. B. Lucy’s shoes are under the chair.
C. Two beds are in the roo. D. They are students.
4. Where is Lucy’s schoolbag?
A. On her chair. B. In her desk.
C. Behind the desk.D. Behind her chair.
5. Where are their books?
A. On the desk.
B. On the beds.
C. Under the beds.
D. Behind the chairs.
Look at the picture. This is our school. There are five buildings in our school. There are thirty- two classroos in the Teaching Building. Our gy is behind the Teaching Building. The teacher’s offices are in the Office Building. Our Library Building is next to the Office Building. There are any books and agazines (杂志) in the library. Is the Library Building next to the Science Lab Building? No, it’s in front of it. There are seven labs in it. Behind the Science Lab is the dining hall. In the dining hall there are any tables and chairs. We have eals there. Welcoe to our school.
6. Our school has got __________ buildings.
A. 2 B. 3C. 5D. 8
7. The Teaching Building is __________ the gy.
A. behind B. in the front of C. in front ofD. next to
8. The Library Building is __________ the Office Building.
A. next to B. behindC. onD. in front of
9. The Library Building is in front of __________.
A. the Teaching BuildingB. the gy
C. the Science Lab Building D. the Office Building
10. The students have eals in __________.
A. the dining hall B. the library
C. the science labD. the offices
Ann is an Aerican girl. She’s in China no Her father works in China. Her father is a teacher. He teaches English. He teaches in a iddle school. Ann’s other doesn’t work. She is at hoe. Ann studies in a different iddle school. She has two Chinese friends-Li Fang and Lin Xia. Li Fang’s father is a shop assistant. He works in a factory. Her other is a Chinese teacher. She works in a iddle school. Li Fang and her other are in the sae school. Lin Xia’s father is a driver. He works on a far. Her other is a doctor. Their parents all work hard. They all love their children.
11. Where is Ann now?
12. What does Ann’s father do?
13. Is Ann in the sae school with her father?
14. What does Li Fang’s other do?
15. Is Lin Xia’s father a driver?

第Ⅱ卷 (共50分)
Ⅴ. 词汇运用(10分)
1. This is a picture of Ann’s f__________. Look! This is her sister.
2. y other is a n__________ and she works in a hospital.
3. Sixteen and twenty- four is f__________.
4. Beijing is a big c__________.
5. There are l__________ of books on y desk.
6. On Kate’s birthday, her other often akes a big birthday cake for __________ (she).
7. This is the __________ (teacher) book.
8. y brother __________ (have not) got any apples.
9. Can you see how any __________ (toato) in the box?
10. eat and fish are __________ (health) food.
Ⅵ. 完成句子(10分)
_ ________ _________ in English?
2. ——今天星期几?——星期五。
—__________ __________ __________ __________ today?
—__________ Friday.
3. 你最喜爱的体育运动是什么?
__________ __________ __________ sport?
4. 让我们明天去购物吧。
Let’s__________ __________ toorro
5. 每天多读对你的英语学习有好处。
ore reading is __________ __________ your English study.
Ⅶ. 补全对话(10分)
A. Does he run every day?
B. What does he like for dessert(甜食)?
C. Where is your brother?
D. Yes, he does.
E. Oh, is this your brother?
F. It’s a faily photo.
G. Fish and eat are healthy food.
A: Hello, Paul! What’s this?
B: 1 And it’s y faily photo.
A: 2
B: No. He’s y uncle. He’s a runner.
A: He’s great! 3
B: Yes, he does.
A: He looks healthy. Does he eat well?
B: 4 He eats lots of healthy food every day.
A: 5
B: He likes ice crea.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
Ⅷ. 短文填空(10分)
从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺w W xK b 1. c o
frowithwatch year hoelivebyseelunchhe
Bill is twenty 1 old. He 2 and works in London. He works in a big factory. They ake achines (机器) there. His house is far away fro his factory. He usually goes to work 3 train. Today, the train is late. So he drives to the factory.
He works 4 onday to Friday. He has 5 in the factory on weekdays. On Saturday he soeties goes to 6 a fil 7 his wife or goes to see 8 friends. On Sunday he soeties takes his children to the zoo or stays at 9 and 10 TV with his faily.
1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________ 5. __________
6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________ 9. __________ 10. __________
Ⅸ. 书面表达(10分)
SchoolNo. 14 iddle School
LikesFoodbeef, haburgers, fish
Sportsswiing, tennis
DislikesFoodrice, ice crea

(Ⅰ)1. y brother can play football.
2. She has got a dictionary.
3. Her other will give her a birthday cake on her birthday.
4. Tony is in the gy no
5. Potatoes and toatoes are healthy vegetables.
答案:1~5. CBACB
(Ⅱ)6. : Which jeans do you like, ary?
W: I like the blue ones. Blue is y favourite colour.
Q: What colour does ary like?
7. : I like the white car. How about you,rs. Black?
W: I like the yellow one.
Q: Does rs. Black like the white car?
8. W:Do you like bananas, Ji?
:Yes, I do. I like the a lot.
Q: What fruit does Ji like?
9. W: Which season do you like, a Jun?
: I like spring.
Q: Which season does a Jun like?
10. W: I live in England. Where do you live, David?
: I live in Aerica. But y parents work in China.
Q: Where does David live?
答案:6~10. BBAAA
: Have you got a big faily?
W: Yes. There are seven people in y faily—y grandparents, y father, y other, y two sisters and I.
: What are your parents’ jobs?
W: y father is a hotel anager and y other is a doctor in a hospital.
W: What’s your favourite food?
: I like beef. Do you like it?
W: No, I don’t like it. But I like pork and fish.
: What about your brother? What’s his favourite food?
W: He doesn’t like fish. He likes beef, too.
答案:11~15. CAACA
(Ⅳ)This is a picture of a classroo. The classroo is big and clean. You can see a teacher’s desk, five desks and six chairs. You can see a girl and a boy, too. Three books are on the teacher’s desk. A pencil case is on the desk. Two pens and two rulers are in the pencil case. A schoolbag is under a chair. A ball is on the floor. The girl is Linda. She is 11. The boy is ike. He is 12. They are in Class Two, Grade Seven. They are friends. The teacher is iss Green. She is not here.
答案:16~20. CABBC
Ⅱ.1.【解析】选A。两个人初次见面时用“Nice to eet you. ”表达问候。故选A。
2.【解析】选D。There be句型中,be动词要遵循“就近原则”确定其单复数;a pen为单数,故选D。
3.【解析】选D。考查询问天气的句型。 What’s the weather like? = How’s the weather? “天气怎么样?”故选D。
4.【解析】选C。考查be动词的单复数。因为句子的主语是Betty and I,是两个人,所以谓语动词要用复数形式。故选C。
5.【解析】选B。English的意思是“英国人”;England的意思是“英国”;“一位英国人”是an English。故选B。
8.【解析】选D。your shoes是复数,所以be动词和代词均为复数。故选D。
11.【解析】选D。此处是There be句型的一般疑问句的回答,所以用there is。故选D。
13.【解析】选A。对可数名词数量提问用How any。故选A。
15.【解析】选B。由后句的“I’ve got enough. ”可知此处为否定回答,应用No, thanks。故选B。
4.【解析】选B。结合上文可知,她是个女孩。故用人称代词she作主语。She’s是She is 的缩写形式。
7.【解析】选B。句意:贝蒂有一个运动收集。主语Betty是第三人称单数形式。因此用has got。
8.【解析】选B。考查tennis的复数形式。tennis是以- s结尾的单词,其复数形式是在tennis后加-es。即tennises。句意:贝蒂有一个运动收集,她有五个网球……。
9.【解析】选A。A项意为“但是”,表示转折;B 项意为“因此,所以”,表示因果;C项意为“并且”,表示并列;D项意为“或者”,表示选择。句意为:……但是她只有一个棒球。
10.【解析】选B。句子的主语是she, 其谓语动词应用第三人称单数形式watches。故选B。
Ⅳ.1.【解析】选C。由第一句“Here are the twin sisters, Lily and Lucy. ”可知莉莉和露西是双胞胎姐妹。故选C。
2.【解析】选D。由第一段第六句“It’s a nice roo. ”可知该题选D。
3.【解析】选B。由文中的“Their coats are on their beds. ”可知A项正确;由“There are two beds in the roo. ”可知C项正确;由“They are two new students. ”可知D项正确;由“We can’t see their shoes. They are under their beds. ”可知B项错误。故选B。
4.【解析】选D。由文中第二段最后一句“Their schoolbags are behind the chairs. ”可知该题选D。
5.【解析】选A。由文中第二段第二句“Their clock, books and pencil boxes are on the desk. ”可知该题选A。
6.【解析】选C。由第三句话“There are five buildings in our school. ”可知该题选C。
7.【解析】选C。由文中的“Our gy is behind the Teaching Building. ”可知教学楼在体育馆的前面,故选C。
8.【解析】选A。由文中的“Our Library Building is next to the Office Building. ”可知该题选A。
9.【解析】选C。由文中的“Is the Library Building next to the Science Lab Building? No, it’s in front of it. ”可知图书馆在科学实验室楼的前面。故选C。
10.【解析】选A。由最后的“We have eals there. ”可知学生们在食堂里吃饭。故选A。
答案:11. She’s in China no
12. Her father is an English teacher.
13. No, she isn’t.
14. Her other is a Chinese teacher.
15. Yes, he is.
Ⅴ.答案:1. faily 2. nurse 3. forty 4. city 5. lots
6. her 7. teacher’s8. hasn’t9. toatoes10. healthy
Ⅵ.答案:1. What’s this2. What day is it; It’s
3. What’s your favourite4. go shopping5. good for
Ⅶ.答案:1~5. FEADB
Ⅷ.答案:1. years2. lives 3. by4. fro5. lunch
6. see7. with8. his9. hoe10. watches
I have a good friend. Her nae is Kathy. She is 16 years old. She is a girl student and she studies at No. 14 iddle School. I know what she likes and what she dislikes. She likes beef, haburgers and fish, but she doesn’t like rice or ice crea. She likes swiing and tennis, but she dislikes football.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/90342.html
