
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 七年级 来源: 高中学习网


满分:100分 时间:100分钟 得分:

( ) 1. A. His nae is Bob B. Her nae is Jennifer C. He is a teacher
( ) 2. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, it is C. Yes, I a
( ) 3. A. No, it isn’t B. Yes, she is C. Yes, he is
( ) 4. A. y teacher is iss Green B. y other is Juila
C. y doctor is r. Sith X Kb 1.C o
( ) 5. A. Yes, they are B. Yes, you are C. Yes, we are

( ) 6. What is the an’s nae?
A. John Willias B. Jack Willias C. John willis
( ) 7. How does the woan spell her last nae?
A. -A-S-S B. -E-S-S C. -O-S-S
( ) 8. What’s the an’s telephone nuber?
A. 208-9763 B. 280-9763 C. 280-9736
( ) 9.What’s the boy’s first nae?
A. To B. Ji C. Toy
( ) 10. What is the teacher’s last nae?
A. Rebecca B. Sith C. Sipson
( ) 11. What is the boy’s telephone nuber?
A. 685-2358 B. 658-3258 C. 658-2358
( ) 12. olly Sipson is a __________
A. priary school student
B. iddle school student
C. high school student
( ) 13. rs. Sipson is __________
A. an English teacher B. a good teacher C. a Chinese teacher
( ) 14. olly and her other are _________
A. in the sae class B. in the sae grade C. in the sae school
( ) 15. There are ________ people in olly’s faily
A. three B. four C. five

一,语音辨析,选出发音不同的一项 5
( ) 1. A. yellow B. color C. hello D. OK
( ) 2. A. ruler B. blue C. nuber D. afternoon
( ) 3. A. pen B. red C. spell D. key
( ) 4. A. black B. thank C. nae D. and
( ) 5. A. fine B. nice C. in D. white

二,单项选择 10
( ) 1. This is _______ orange. _______ orange is ________ orange.
A. an; A; a B. a; An; a C. an; The; / D. an; An; an
( ) 2. —Bob, this is elon. — _________
A. Yes, I a B. No, I’ not C. Nice to eet you D. Fine, thanks
( ) 3. —_______ is your pencil case? —It’s blue and white.
A. How B. What color C. What D. How color
( ) 4. Hello! _________ your nae? I a ary.
A. What is B. What C. How is D. How
( ) 5. —What’s your phone nuber? — _________ 18711112222.
A. I a B. You are C. That is D. It is
( ) 6. y nae is Bai Xiaofei. Bai is y _______ nae.
A. first B. late C. last D. fast
( ) 7. _______ his nae ike?
A. A B. Is C. Are D. What’s
( ) 8. Is _______ your uncle? And what’s _______ nae?
A. she; is B. he; her C. he; his D. she; her
( ) 9. —Is that Gina? — ________
A. Yes, it is B. Yes, that isn’t C. No, that is D. No, that isn’t
( ) 10. To is y uncle. He is y father’s ________
A. cousin B. sister C. father D. son

三,完形 10
y ___1____ is Lucy Green. I’ a ___2____. I’ Aerican(美国人). y teacher is a ___3____. ___4____ nae is Linda. She is an ___5____ teacher. David Sith is y friend. He is English. He is 14. David is his ____6___ nae, and ___7___ is his faily nae. David and I ____8___ in Class 3, Grade1. We are in the sae(相同的) ____9____. Look, ____10____ is that? She is David’s sister. Her nae is Jenny.
( )1.A.nae B.nuber C.class D.row
( )2.A.an B.woan C.girl D.boy
( )3.A.boy B.an C.English D.woan
( )4.A.His B.He C.Her D.She
( )5.A.JapaneseB.EnglishC.Chinese D.good
( )6.A.last B.faily C.first D.one
( )7.A.Linda B.Sith C.Lucy D.Green
( )8.A.are B.a C.is D./
( )9.A.faily B.school C.nuber D.photo
( )10.A.who B.what C.how D.what color

四,理解 20
Hello! I a Jack. This is y roo. What’s this? It’s a pen. It’s a blue pen. What is that? It’s a ruler. And it is yello This is y quilt. It is red. What is that on the quilt? It is a jacket. It is a blue jacket. What is on the desk? Oh, it is a ap.
( ) 1. What color is the quilt?
A. red B. blue C. green D. yellow
( ) 2. What is on the quilt?
A. a pen B. a ruler C. a jacket D. a ap
( ) 3. The _______ and the _______ are blue.
A. ruler; jacket B. pen; quilt C. pen; jacket D. quilt; ruler

ary 15:30:10
Hi, Jack, nice to eet you!
I a a girl. y nae is ary Green. y favorite(最喜欢的) color is green. y telephone nuber is 984-0215. I live in China.

Jack 15:31:50
Hi, ary, nice to eet you, too!
I a a boy. y nae is Jack iller. y favorite color is yello And y telephone is 378-1653. I live in England.
( ) 4. ary likes _________
A. red B. green C. blue D. yellow
( ) 5. Jack’s telephone nuber is _________
A. 378-6153 B. 984-0215 C. 378-1653 D. 984-2015
( ) 6. The boy and the girl are on line() ________
A. in the orning B. in the afternoon C. in the evening D. at night

Hello, y nae is Linda Green. I a the only girl in y faily. I have a big faily. Coe and eet y faily. This is y grandfather Frank Green and this is y grandother Cindy Green. They are old but they are very energetic(有活力的). This is y father To Green and that is y other Alice Green. Ji is y brother. He is a nice boy. He is five. Oh, who is she? She is our aunt, Gina. And this is her cat, ii. I love y faily.
( ) 7. y grandfather’s nae is ________.
A. Frank B. Cindy C. Dale D. Alice
( ) 8. Cindy is Linda’s _________.
A. father B. brother C. grandfather D. grandother
( ) 9. Linda and Ji are _________.
A. sister and brother B. brothers C. sisters D. cat and ii
( ) 10. There are ________ people in y faily.
A. four B. five C. six D. seven

五,补全对话 5
A: Good orning, Jane.
B: _______1________, Sally
A: Oh, Jane, this is y sister, Kate. Kate, this is y friend Jane.
C: Nice to eet you, Jane.
B: _______2________. Are those your parents?
C: , ______3_______.
B: And ______4_______
A: He is y brother, Paul.
B: Oh, I see. Well, _______5_______.
A/C: Thanks! You, too. Bye!
A. Yes, they are. B. Good orning C. have a good day D. who is he? E. Nice to eet you, too.

六,句型转换 10
1. Her father is fine. Her other is fine. (合并句子)
Her _______ _______ fine.
2. These are oranges.(改为单数) _______ is _______ orange.
3. How is he? (改复数) How _______ _______?
4. His nae is Ji (划线部分提问) _______ _______ nae?
5. He is Jack. (一般疑问句) _______ _______ Jack?

七,翻译 10
1. 你的电话号码是多少? _________ your telephone _________?
2. 这是我的全家福。 _________ is a _________ of y faily.
3. To 姓什么? _________ To’s _________ nae?
4. Linda, 你妈妈好吗? _________ _________ your other, Linda?
5. 我的朋友在中国。 y friend is _________ _________

Hi, I a Frank. Here are t___1____ nice photos of y faily. y father and other are in the f___2____ photo. These are y g____3___, Alan and ary. In the next picture are y sisters. Linda and Alice. These two b___4____ are y brother To and y c___5____ Ji.

九, 10
First Nae: arkLast Nae: Cooper
Age: 12Telephone nuber: 427-0635
Class: 2Grade: 1
Father: Jack Cooper other: Alice Cooper
Sister: Gina CooperPet dog: Wangwang

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuyi/91667.html
