No matter how much fun you had last night, a bad hangover the next morning is never worth it.无论昨晚你玩的多么开心,可恶的宿醉在第二天一早留下的头痛、恶心会让你觉得多么开心都不值得。Luckily, there are some preventative measures you can take while drinking that will help you avoid feeling like death for most of the next day.幸运的是,这里有一些你在喝酒时可以采取的措施,它们可以防止你第二天大部分时间感觉像是死了。We chatted with Dr. Ralph Holsworth, a osteopathic family medicine physician and director of clinical and scientific research for Essentia Water, for some tips that will ensure you stay hangover-free.我们跟拉尔夫医生聊了聊一些可以保证你免受宿醉之苦的小贴士,他是家庭医学骨科的内科医生,并且是“水的本质”临床及科研主任。Make sure you’re hydrated before you start drinking.在饮酒前确保你已经摄入了足够的水分。According to Dr. Holsworth, about 70% of the population is dehydrated at a subclinical level, meaning symptoms aren’t yet severe, but it’s still dehydration.据拉尔夫医生所言,大约70%的人表现为亚临床级脱水,这意味着虽然症状不是很严重,但仍然是脱水的。When you drink, you become (further) dehydrated from both the alcohol itself and the chemicals your body produces as it tries to break down the alcohol you’ve consumed.在你饮酒时,由于酒精、和你身体中合成的那些解酒的化学物,你变得更加脱水。So if you begin a night of drinking already dehydrated, you’re going to end up majorly dehydrated by the end of the night, which will only worsen your hangover the next day. To prevent this from happening, make sure to drink plenty of water before moving on to alcohol. Dr. Holsworth says your urine color is a good indicator of dehydration; you want it to be as clear as possible.所以,如果你在饮酒之夜开始之前已经脱水了,那晚结束时你最终会严重的脱水,那只会使你第二天的宿醉反应更加糟糕。为了防止这些糟糕的反应发生,拉尔夫医生说,你的小便颜色是一种很好的脱水指示器;摄入更多的水使你的小便颜色尽可能更加透明。Continue drinking water while you’re drinking alcohol.在饮酒过程中持续摄入水。Dr. Holsworth says you should be matching the amount of alcohol you drink with an equivalent amount of water. For beer or wine, that’s easy. If you order a 16-ounce beer, make sure to drink 16 ounces of water before moving onto another beer. A glass of wine should be matched with an 8-ounce glass of water.拉尔夫医生告诉我们,你应该摄入与酒精量相等的水。对于啤酒和红酒来说,这很简单。如果你点了16盎司的啤酒,在你点别的啤酒之前,保证摄入16盎司的水。喝一杯红酒应该配着一杯8盎司的水。Things get a little trickier when it comes to consuming hard alcohol. Since a shot of liquor is much more concentrated than beer or wine, you’ll want to match that with an 8-ounce glass of water. That means if you make yourself a rum and coke with two shots of rum, that’s two glasses of water you’ll need to drink before making yourself another drink.要是喝烈酒的话事情变得有点复杂了。因为一口杯的烈酒的酒精度比啤酒和红酒多得多,你要配着一杯8盎司的水。那意味着如果你用两口杯的朗姆酒为自己做一杯朗姆混可乐鸡尾酒,在喝下一杯之前,你需要多喝两杯水。Dr. Holsworth says this helps to prevent a hangover in two ways. One, it keeps your body hydrated, and two, it will slow down the rate you’re consuming alcohol, which means you’ll probably end up drinking less in the long run.拉尔夫医生说,这种方法通过两种途径防止宿醉。一,这种方式保持你身体富含水分,二,这种方式会减缓你摄入酒精的速度,也就是说从长远看,最终你可能会喝的更少一点。Stay away from salt-heavy drinks.远离高盐鸡尾酒。Salt-rimmed margaritas may taste good, but they won’t help you avoid a hangover. According to Dr. Holsworth, sodium helps your body absorb alcohol more quickly. This is because the opening at the bottom of your stomach that leads into your small intestine ? called a duodenal sphincter ? becomes larger when you consume large amounts of sodium.盐边玛格丽特鸡尾酒尝起来可能很好,但是它并不能帮助你避免宿醉。据拉尔夫医生所言,钠使你的身体更快的吸收酒精。这是当你摄入大量钠元素的时候??被称作十二指肠括约肌的肌肉??会打开你的胃的底部通往小肠的道路。So if you’re hoping that bloody Mary you order at brunch on Sunday is going to cure the after-effects of your Saturday night, think again. You’re better off just sticking with water.所以如果你希望你在周日的早午餐上点的“血腥玛丽”可以治疗你周六晚上宿醉带来的后遗症,请你三思,你最好还是只喝水吧。