
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

Australia is the top destination for millionaires on the move.澳大利亚是百万富翁移居的首选目的地。
An estimated 11,000 millionaires moved to Australia in 2019, according to a new report by wealth research firm New World Wealth. That compares to 8,000 millionaires who moved Down Under the previous year.据财富调查公司新世界财富的一项新报告,2019年估计有11000万富豪移民到了澳大利亚。而前一年移居澳大利亚的富豪人数为8000。The US and UK have traditionally attracted the highest number of wealthy migrants. But the allure of Australia has increased in recent years, especially for wealthy citizens of China and India.传统上,吸引富豪移民人数最多的国家是美国和英国。不过,近年来澳大利亚的吸引力一直在增强,特别是对中国和印度的富人。New World Wealth said migrating millionaires are drawn to the sunny Australian lifestyle, as well as the country’s highly rated health care system, which is considered to be in better shape than those in the US and UK.新世界财富公司表示,富豪移民被充满阳光的澳洲生活方式所吸引,同时澳大利亚的医疗保健系统评价很高,超越了美国和英国。It’s considered a safe place to live and raise children, and it’s geographically isolated from conflicts in the Middle East and the refugee crisis in Europe.澳大利亚在地理上与中东的战乱和欧洲的难民危机隔绝,被认为是生活和育儿的安全地方。Business considerations also play a role: Australia is a good base for doing business in emerging Asian countries such as China, South Korea, Singapore and India, the researchers said.研究人员称,商业上的考虑也是其中一个因素:对于中国、韩国、新加坡和印度等新兴亚洲国家的人而言,澳大利亚是做生意的好基地。The U.S. is still considered a highly desirable destination, welcoming 10,000 foreign millionaires last year. New World Wealth expects demand to remain high.美国仍然被视为非常理想的移民目的地,去年吸引了1万富豪移民。新世界财富公司预计移民美国的需求将会继续保持在高位。"We don’t think the new leadership in the U.S. will have a big impact. We expect another big net inflow of high-net worth individuals into the U.S. in 2019," said Andrew Amoils, head of research at New World Wealth.新世界财富公司的研究部主管安德鲁.阿莫伊尔斯说:“我们认为美国的新领导人对移民趋势不会产生太大影响。2019年我们预计还将有大批高净值个人移民美国。”Canada also saw of surge of 8,000 new millionaires coming to its shores. Rich Chinese citizens are moving to Vancouver while Europeans generally head to Toronto and Montreal.加拿大也迎来了8000个富豪新移民。富裕的中国公民选择移居温哥华,而有钱的欧洲人则移居多伦多和蒙特利尔。Meanwhile, France is suffering from a major exodus of rich individuals.与此同时,法国正遭遇富人大举外迁的局面。Over 12,000 millionaires left France last year, according to New World Wealth. In total, the country has experienced a net outflow of over 60,000 millionaires since 2000.据新世界财富公司的数据,去年超1.2万富人离开了法国。自2000年以来,离开法国的富豪总人数已经超过了6万。The authors cited religious tensions as one reason why the rich are packing their bags and moving to countries including the U.K., Canada, Australia, the U.S. and Israel.研究报告作者指出,宗教紧张局面是富人们举家迁往英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、美国和以色列等国家的原因之一。France’s sluggish economy and recent terror attacks may also be contributing to the exodus.法国疲软的经济和近期的恐怖袭击事件应该也是导致外迁的原因。New World Wealth said that crime, taxes and financial issues are some factors that push millionaires to leave their home countries. Increased migration is worrying because millionaires "take large amounts of money with them, which impacts negatively on the local currency, local stock market and local property market."新世界财富称,犯罪、税收和经济问题是迫使富人离开祖国的一些因素。移居国外人数增多令人担忧,因为富人们“带走了大量金钱,对当地的货币、股票市场和房地产市场都会造成负面影响。”The group’s annual report is based on wealth statistics, property data, investor visa information and interviews with migration experts, second citizenship platforms, wealth managers and property agents.新世界财富的这一年度报告基于财富数据、房产数据、投资签证信息和与移民专家、第二国籍平台、理财经理和房产中介的访谈。Rich individuals still face visa and passport restrictions when moving to a new country.在移民到一个新国家之前,富人们还是要面临签证和护照的种种限制。Investor visa programs have become an increasingly popular option, especially for millionaires in the Middle East and Asia. But only one in five migrating millionaires actually use these programs for their move.投资签证是日益受欢迎的移民途径,尤其对中东和亚洲的富豪而言。但只有五分之一的富豪移民通过投资签证达到目的。"Most still come in via work transfers, second passports, ancestry visas, spousal visas and family visas," the authors said.报告作者写道:“大多数富人依然是通过工作调动、第二国护照、祖籍签证、配偶签证和家庭签证实现移民的。”
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1117050.html
