初一英语教材Unit 12 Dont eat in class听力Section A

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  【—初一Unit 12 Don't eat in class听力Section A】关于—初一英语教材Unit 12 Don't eat in class听力Section A部分的内容,同学们认真看看。

  Section A 1b

  Ms Clark: Hey, Peter. You know the rules . Don't run in the hallways.

  Peter: Sorry, Ms Clark.

  Mr smith: Selina, don't eat in class.

  Selina: Oh,sorry, Mr Smith.

  Mr Smith: Hey, Nick. Don't listen to music in class , Nick!

  Boy: He can't hear you, Mr Smith.


  Cindy: What are the school rules,Alex?

  Alex: Well,we can't listen to music in the classrooms or hallways.but we can listen

  to it in the music room.

  Cindy: Uh-huh.

  Alex: And we can't eat in the classrooms, but we can eat in the dining hall.

  Cindy: Oh. And can we wear a hat in class?

  Alex: No ,we can't wear hats. What else? Oh, you can't fight with anyone. That

  makesthe teachers really unhappy.

  Cindy: I see...

  以上对Section A英语教材部分的听力学习,相信同学们对上面的知识已经能很好的掌握了,希望同学们的英语听力学习的很好。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/112031.html
