
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网



1.表示地点:at ,in, on, to, above, over,below, under, beside, behind , between

2.表示时间:in , on,at, after, from, since for, behind

3.表示运动:across, through, past, to, towards, onto, into, up, down

4.表示进行:at, under, on

5.表示其他:on, about, by, with, in



according to 按照 irrespective of 不顾

ahead of 在...之前 owing to 由于

but for 要不是 together with 与...一起

prior to 在...之前 as for 至于

save for 除了 what with 由于


in line with 与...一致 in place of 代替

for lack of 因缺少 in return for 对...的回报

by way of 经由,作为 on account of 由于

by force of 凭借 with respect to 关于


for the purpose of 为了...的目的 at the mercy of 受...的摆布

for the sake of 为了 in the care of 由...照管

in the teeth of 不顾,逆着 on the eve of 在...的前夕

on the ground of 根据 on the part of 在...方面

to the exclusion of 把...排除在外 with an eye to 为了

under the auspices of 在...的支持下 under the guise of 在...的幌子下

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1140620.html
