
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网


  A Letter to a Friend

  Dear Petty,

  I am happy to receive your letter and I am glad to hear that you have good days recently. I hope you can keep your happiness all the time. But I am not happy these days, because I feel great pressures. Two weeks ago, I caught a cold and then had a fever. I could do nothing in those days. Therefore, I asked for leave for four days to stay at home. I came back to school until the midterm examination. I was not surprised that I did not do well in the exam. It makes me unhappy. I worked so hard to prepare for it. My parents comfort me that I would be better if I had not been ill. I hope I can recover soon. And I hope you can take good care of yourself.

  sincerely yours,






本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/123012.html
