
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网
As much as we adore tropical astrology (the system that’s typically followed in the West), Chinese astrology can tell you just as much, if not more, about yourself. This astrological system is based on the lunar calendar, so its signs are determined by the year, as opposed to the months. The moon repeats its cycle every 12 years, so there are 12 signs (just like in tropical astrology). You might be familiar with some of them ? the Dragon, the Monkey, the Dog ? but, in celebration of the year of the Rooster, which begins today, we thought we’d take a closer look at the signs that make up the Chinese Zodiac.像我们青睐占星术一样(占星术在西方受到追捧),中国的生肖同样可以让你了解自己。中国的生肖是由农历决定的,因此每隔一年才会轮到下一个属相,这不同于占星术中按月份划分星座。月亮每隔2019年重复一次轨迹,因此产生了12种属相(属相的数目与星座相同)。对一些属相,你不会感到陌生,比如龙?猴子和狗,然而为了庆祝始于今日的鸡年,我们认为最好让大家具体了解这些生肖包含的所有属相。
Bear in mind that the Lunar New Year, on which the Chinese Zodiac is based, doesn’t have a fixed date, like the New Year in the Gregorian calendar (January 1st). It can happen as early as mid-January or as late as the end of February. And yes, this will affect which sign you identify with.记住,生肖衍生自农历,而农历新年的日期并不是固定的,这与格里高公历截然相反。农历新年可能早到一月中旬,也可能晚到二月底。是的,这会影响到你的属相。For example, if you were born in 1993, your sign would be the Rooster ? unless you were born before January 22, the lunar new year that year. In that case, you’d be a Monkey, as most 1992 babies are, since the lunar year technically hadn’t changed yet.比如,如果你出生于1993年,那么属相就是鸡--除非你的生日在当年的农历新年1月22日之前。如果生日在农历新年之后,你的属相与1992年出生的孩子就都是猴,因为按照农历,新年还没有到来。With that in mind, we’ve rounded up the 12 signs of the Chinese Zodiac, their defining characteristics, and the past years they’ve each ruled. For more in depth info on your sign, we recommend Theodora Lau’s book, Children of the Moon, and astrologer George Tang ’s work (our descriptions are based on their writing).明白了这些,我们列出了生肖包含的12种属相,及其对应的年份。如果想要深入了解属相的信息,我们推荐大家读一读西奥多拉?刘所作的《月亮之子》和占星师乔治?唐的作品(我们的描述正是基于他们的作品)。The Rat鼠Past years: 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2019对应年份:1948年?1960年?1972年?1984年?1996年?2019年Much like Aries, the first sign of the tropical Zodiac, Rats are natural-born leaders. Their self-assuredness can easily be read as arrogance, but don’t let that fool you. At their core, Rats are generous, intelligent folks who aren’t afraid to let their ambition show.像12星座的首位白羊座一样,属鼠的人都是天生的领袖。别人容易将他们的自信解读为傲慢自大,但是不要被表象蒙蔽双眼。属鼠的人内在都是大气而又智慧的人,无惧于展现自己的雄心壮志。The Ox牛Past years: 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2019对应年份:1949年?1961年?1973年?1985年?1997年?2019年Like their namesake, Oxes are hard-working, dependable people. By that same token, however, they can also be rather stubborn. As much as they may stick to their own opinions, Oxes are incredibly patient and gentle with others.像牛一样,属牛的人勤奋而又可靠,然而也相当固执。他们有多么坚持己见,在对待他人时就有多么充满耐性与温柔体贴。The Tiger虎Past years: 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2019对应年份:1950年?1962年?1974年?1986年?1998年?2019年Tigers are chiefly known for their bravery, but they also tend to be one of the flashier signs. Tigers are incredibly charismatic and often find themselves in leadership positions, even if they haven’t sought them out.属虎的人主要以勇敢著称,但是虎也是爱炫耀的属相。属虎的人拥有让人难以置信的魅力,即便不去刻意寻求,也会居于领导地位。The Rabbit兔Past years: 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2019对应年份:1951年?1963年?1975年?1987年?1999年?2019年Rabbits are as sharp-witted as they come, but don’t expect them to use their smarts to stir the pot. Conflict is Rabbit repellent ? they value peace and tranquility above all else. In keeping with that, Rabbits are highly affectionate and great at making others feel welcome.属兔的人就像兔子一样机灵,但他们不会用这份聪明惹是生非。抗争绝非属兔之人的天性,平和安静在他们的眼中胜过一切。与之相伴的是属兔的人平时表现出的富有爱心,很好相处的特质。The Dragon龙Past years: 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2019对应年份:1952年?1964年?1976年?1988年?2000年?2019年Dragons are as enigmatic as their mythic symbol would suggest, but that doesn’t mean they’re totally inscrutable. More accurately, people born in years of the Dragon are creative and highly adaptable ? their tastes may change dramatically, but they’re still the same passionate people underneath.属龙的人就像其神话中的龙一样颇为神秘,不过也并非完全难以捉摸。更准确地说,生于龙年的人善于创造,适应性强。属龙之人的喜好也许会产生极大的变化,但是内心仍然极富激情。The Snake蛇Past years: 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2019对应年份:1953年?1965年?1977年?1989年?2001年?2019年To put it lightly, Snakes can come off as a little intense. Their perceptive nature, wisdom, and overall sophistication can certainly add up to a strong personality, but Snakes can make fantastic allies, too, thanks to their ability to look at problems objectively.说得轻描淡写些,属蛇的人总会给人以性格尖锐的感觉。他们天生洞察力强,富有智慧,老成世故,个性极强。然而属蛇的人身边总会有极佳的盟友,这就要归结于他们客观看待问题的能力了。The Horse马Past years: 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2019对应年份:1954年?1966年?1978年?1990年?2002年?2019年Horses are naturally charming and sincere, which makes them a pretty popular sign ? and they don’t mind that in the least. That said, Horses like to balance the company of others with ample alone time, too. They aren’t loners, but absolutely crave independence.属马的人富有魅力,极为忠诚,马也是相当受欢迎的属相,而属马的人却对此毫不在意。属马的人善于掌握群居与独处之间的平衡,他们并非孤僻之人,不过渴求独立的天性也毋庸置疑。The Goat羊Past years: 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2019对应年份:1955年?1967年?1979年?1991年?2003年?2019年Also known as the Sheep, people born under this sign are known for their style and refinement. Despite what the symbol of the Goat may suggest, they’re rarely stubborn and would rather move through life with serenity.属羊的人以优雅得体著称。除却羊身上可能带有的天性,属羊的人很少固执己见,宁愿过平静安稳的生活。The Monkey猴Past years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2019对应年份:1944年?1956年?1968年?1980年?1992年?2004年?2019年In a word, this sign is tireless. Monkeys have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, adventure, and success. They’re equally quick with an idea as they are with a question. This spirited sign likes to keep others on their toes.一言以蔽之,属猴的人不知疲倦为何物,他们永不满足地渴求知识?冒险与成功,想出点子的速度有多块,提出问题的频率就有多高。这种属相的人总是希望他人保持警觉。The Rooster鸡Past years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005对应年份:1945年?1957年?1969年?1981年?1993年?2005年Roosters tend to be straight-shooters who appreciate the same practicality in others. They’re highly efficient in their work and trustworthy in their friendships. Roosters are classic self-starters who, unsurprisingly, also happen to very punctual.属鸡的人直来直去,也欣赏同样性格的人。他们既是效率极高的工作者,又是值得信赖的好朋友。属鸡的人有主见,并且非常守时。The Dog狗Past years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006对应年份:1946年?1958年?1970年?1982年?1994年?2006年Dogs are as amiable as they come ? they’re true collaborators with a generous and just attitude. Though loyal to a fault, they have a strong moral compass that they can rarely ignore. Dogs are both great shoulders to cry on and infallible sources of real talk.属狗的人和蔼可亲,慷慨而又公正,是真正的合作伙伴。尽管属狗的人有些过分忠诚,内心中却仍然存在着难以忽视而又坚定的道德准则。属狗的人既是倾诉的好对象,也是掏心窝子的好朋友。The Pig猪Past Years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007对应年份:1947年?1959年?1971年?1983年?1995年?2007年The noble Pig (or Boar) may not be the most humble sign, but its generous, even philanthropic, attitude makes it one of the most respected signs. Pigs have remarkable drive and value honesty, but they’re hardly cold ? they’re often quick with affection around those they’re close to.猪也许不是最谦逊的属相,但是属猪的人身上那慷慨大方甚至有些博爱的处事态度使猪成为了最受尊敬的属相之一。这种属相的人内心有强大的动力,而且注重诚实的品质,不过属猪的人往往并非冷酷无情的人--他们能够迅速察觉到身边人的关爱之情。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1304765.html
