
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网




over and over again

prefer to do rather than do

concentrate on

achieve one’s dream

on time

make sb stressed out

make a diet

come out

happen to do

waste one’s time

spend time (in) doing sth

deal with/ do with

soap opera

to one’s surprise

feel/be proud of

have a chat with sb

end up doing

compare A to B

afford sth/to do sth

get mad at sb

prefer to do

make up

frustrate sb

regard sth as a challenge

attempt to do sth。

spend time with friends

have confidence in sth/dong sth

a fantastic idea

in the last few years

be influenced by one’s thought

bad behavior

look down on/upon

try out

put one’s heart into

no wonder

against the rules

be permitted to do sth。

as a result

look through

stand for

come up with

be crucial to sb

look across

take up

be allowed to do sth。

have/get sth.done

have an opportunity to do

be serious about sth



1. 如果你不注意老师现在所讲的,之后你就会全搞错。

_____________________________________ what the teacher is saying now, you'll get it all wrong later。

2. 和另一家旅馆比起来,这个干净多了。

_____________________________________, this is much cleaner。

3. 由一家日本玩偶公司制造的卡通形象蒙奇奇已经赢得了全世界年轻人的心。

Monchichi that is an animated character created by a Japanese doll maker _________________________________________________。

4. 尽管我们对这次书法比赛十分满意,但我们却不能给每人颁奖。

____________________________________ this handwriting competition, we can’t give prizes to everyone。

5. 当妈妈听说孩子安全时太激动了一句话也说不出来。

Mom ____________________________________ when she heard that her child was safe。

6. 天色已晚,你最好回家吧。 It’s getting dark now. _______________________________________________。

7. 今天天气很好,跟我一起出去散步怎么样?It is a fine day. ____________________________________________ with me?

8. 他起得太晚了,没有赶上早班车。He got up________________________________________________________。

9. 读书不仅能帮助我们获取知识,而且能使我们变得更睿智。Reading books ____________________________________________________。

10. 你怎么能让同学在操场上等你那么久呢?How can you _____________________________________________________?


1. If you don't pay attention to/pay no attention to

2. Compared with the other hotel

3. has won the hearts of young people all around the world

4. Even though we are very pleased/satisfied with

5. was too excited to/ was so excited that she couldn’t say a word

6. It’s getting dark now. You’d better go(back) home.7. It is a fine day. How (What) about going out for a walk with me?8. He got up too late to catch the morning bus/ so late he didn’t catch the morning bus.9. Reading books can not only help us gain / get /acquire knowledge but also make us wiser. 10. How can you keep your classmate(s) waiting for you (for) so long (a time)?

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1306662.html
