The incredibly cheap and simple wardrobe hacks that will change your life 超级简单又便宜,改变你世界的衣橱小妙招
1. Removefluff with a razor: Few things are more irritating than your favourite jumper or a pair of tights accumulating bizarre bobbles. But according to experts, there's a very simple solution - just take a razor and run it over the lumps and bumps to remove them in one swift movement. 1.用剃刀刮掉绒毛:没有什么比你最喜欢的套头毛衣或者一双紧身裤袜起球更让人抓狂的了。但是专家说,有个很简单的办法-拿一个剃刀让它从凸起的毛球上面划过,很快地去除毛球。
2. Fix a stuck zipper: Rather than spending hours tugging away at a zipper, simply rub candle wax, Vaseline, crayons or soap along the teeth of the zipper a few times to unstick it in seconds.
3. Use shaving foam to remove makeup stains: If you've turned your favourite white shirt orange thanks to a bronzer mishap, simply rub some shaving foam over it before dabbing it off with a damp sponge. 3.用剃须泡沫去掉化妆污渍:如果你倒霉地用古铜色化妆品把最喜欢的白衬衫变成了橙色,在上面涂一些剃须泡沫,再用海绵轻轻擦掉就好。
4. Make shoes sparkle with window cleaner: If your patent heels have become dull and scuffed, just spritz them with some window cleaner to make them shine like new. 4.用玻璃清洗剂让你的鞋子重新闪亮:如果你的新高跟鞋变得粗糙又有磨损,只要往鞋子上喷一点玻璃清洗剂就能让它们看起来焕然一新了。
5. Beat oil stains with talcum powder: If you spill oil on your favourite items, just sprinkle some talcum powder over the affected area and leave it overnight before wiping clean in the morning. 5. 用滑石粉去油污:如果你把油溅到你最喜欢的东西上了,只要在污渍区域撒一些滑石粉,静置一晚上,第二天就又是干净的了。
6. Lemon juice to help remove armpit odour: If you have a perspiration problem and it's left your clothes yellow, simply spritz some lemon juice in the underarm area to banish the stain. 6. 柠檬汁可以去腋臭:如果你容易出汗而导致你的衣服变黄了的话,只要在衣服腋下变黄的地方撒点柠檬汁就可以去掉了。
7. Stretch new shoes with a hairdryer: Instead of putting yourself through the pain of breaking in your new shoes, wear a pair of thick socks with them and blast a hairdryer over your feet to stretch them. 7. 用吹风机让你的新鞋子舒展开:与其忍受自己穿新鞋让鞋子舒展开的疼痛,还不如先穿一双厚袜子,穿上鞋子,用吹风机猛吹你的脚,这样来让鞋子舒展开来。
8. Beat shoe odour with baking soda: If your sweaty feet leave your shoes with an unpleasant odour, sprinkle baking soda into the shoes to make them smell fresh again. 8.用小苏打去除鞋子里的味道:如果你的臭汗脚给你的鞋子带来一股难闻的气味,在鞋子里撒一些小苏打让鞋子重新没有异味吧。
9. Use clear nail varnish to tighten sunglasses: If your favourite sunglasses have become loose over the years, apply some clear nail polish onto the hinge to stiffen the arms so that they fit snugly again. 9. 用透明指甲油让太阳镜变紧:如果你最喜欢戴的太阳镜几年之后变松了,在折点处涂一些指甲油让镜腿变粘,这样镜子就又紧贴脸部了。
10. Beat lipstick stains with hairspray: If your bold red lipstick has smudged all over your favourite clothes, spritz some hairspray directly onto the stain before putting the garment into the wash. 10.用头发定型剂去除口红印:如果你粗粗的红色口红弄脏了所有你最喜欢的衣服,在污渍上直接涂一些头发定型剂,再洗一下衣服就好了。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/1316559.html