
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网



  Topic 1 Could you tell me something about the places that you visited?

  about 5000 years of history 大约5000年的历史

  吸引了许多游客 attract many tourists

  millions of数以百万

  a (great) number of许多

  the longest river/the second longest river/the third longest river第一、二、三长河


  the birthplaces of Chinese culture

  还有一些别的吗? Anything else?

  给某人取某物 fetch sth for sb=fetch sb. sth.


  I can fetch you Guide to China.

  详细介绍……introduce…in detail


  lie in(范围内) lie to(范围外) lie on(接壤)

  穿过 ,流经 run through

  汇入渤海 join the Bohai Sea

  淡水湖 the fresh water lake


  the second largest fresh water lake


  be in the southwest of China

  青藏高原 the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau

  很值得做某事 be well worth doing sth

  海拔 above sea level

  多么令人惊奇啊 What a surprise!

  最奇妙的地方 the most fantastic place

  听说过 hear of

  实现 come true

  国内外 home and abroad


  be surrounded on three sides by mountains

  陶醉于…,全神贯注于…, 沉浸于…… lose oneself in…

  因为 because of sth.

  …之乡 the home of

  龙井茶 the Dragon Well

  龙井茶之乡 the home of Dragon Well Tea


  look for a chance to do sth.

  与某人分享……share sth. with sb.


  不但……而且not only…but also…

  被认为是, 作为……而著名 be known as… 因……而著名be known for….

  把…看作/认为 regard …as …

  be regarded as=be considered as …

  东方明珠 the Oriental Pearl

  购物天堂 Shopping Heaven

  想起,考虑,认为 think of


  enjoy various delicious fruits

  来某处旅游 come to sw. for a visit

  作为……服务的桥梁serve as a bridge

  损坏,抛锚,变得恶劣 break down

  驾驶执照the driving license

  拿走 take away

  有不同的特点 have different feasures

  与…截然不同 be quite different from

  南北有很大的不同 There are many differences between the north and the south.

  零度以上/以下 stay below / above zero

  雪下得很大 snow heavily

  雨下得很大 rain heavily

  风刮得很大 blow strongly

  被…覆盖 be covered with

  做户外运动 do outdoor activities

  堆雪人 make snowmen

  仍雪球 throw snow balls

  滑冰 go skating

  温暖潮湿 mild and wet

  享受明媚的阳光 enjoy the bright sunshine

  在海滩上 on the beach
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/151572.html
