
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网


词形变换是各省市中的一个保留题型,它所涉及到的形式主要包括:名词的数与格;代词及其格(主格、宾格、所有格);数词的形式(基数词和序数词);动词(单数第三人称、过去式、过去分词和现在分词) 及非谓语动词(动词不定式、动名词和分词);形容词,副词及其比较等级;反义词和同音异义词等。词形变换题一般有三种出题形式:一种是按括号内的要求转换词形;一种是根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空;还有一种是括号内给出汉语,要求根据句子意思及所给汉语提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。第一种题型,即按括号内的要求变换词形比较简单,要做好它靠平时多积累,强化即可。第二、三种题型较复杂,它涉及动词的时态、语态及各类词之间的相互转化等。



1. 通读全句,弄清句意;

2. 弄清所给单词的词义、词性以及具体要求。

3. 要考虑到该词所处的语境及其他词对它的限制;

4. 注意单词拼写务必正确。


I. 用所给名词的正确形式填空。

1. The _______ are going to France by air. (Smith)

2. These coats are for women. ________ coats are over there.(man)

3. —Where are you going?

—I’m going to my _______. (uncle)

4. How many ______ did you see on the hill? (boy)

5. Don’t make any noise. The ______ are sleeping. (baby)

6. ______ like to play this game. (child)

7. He is wearing a pair of _______. (glass)

8. How much are the _______? (tomato)

9. There are many ______ in the book. (photo)

10. The radio says it will be cloudy at ______. (time)

11. He said he had been there three _______. (time)

12. A lot of ______ are watching the football match. (people)

13. Two _____ spoke at the meeting yesterday. (Japanese)

14. There are some ______ in front of the house. (sheep)

15. Please help yourself to some _______. (fish)

16. There are many different ______ in the lake. (fish)

17. He has caught ten ________. (fish)

18. There are many _______ over there. (factory)

19. The shop is one hundred _______ away from here. (metre)

20. Both Tom and Jim are ______ teachers. (man)


1. Smiths

2. Men’s

3. uncle’s

4. boys

5. babies

6. Children

7. glasses

8. tomatoes

9. photos

10. times

11. times

12. people

13. Japanese

14. sheep

15. fish

16. fishes

17. fish(es)

18. factories

19. metres

20. men

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/161256.html
