初一英语教案:Finding your way

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

Unit 3 Finding your way



1. 别害怕 don’t be afra id 2. 跟着我走 follow me

3.穿着警察制服的三个人three men in police uniform

4.走不同的路线 take different routs

5. 在交通灯处 at the traffic lights 6. 开心地笑 laugh happily

7. 尽力做某事 try to do something

8. 一次幸运的逃脱 a lucky escape

9. 向右转到公园路 turn right into park road

10. 停止做某事 stop to do\doing sth

11. 从……跳出来jump out of 12. 在右边 on the right

13.做 笔录take notes 14. 穿过隧道 go through a tunnel

15. 游过游泳池swim across the swimming pool

16. 下楼梯 go\walk down the stairs

17. 去……的路 the way to 18. 邀请某人做某事 invite sb to \to do

19.一直向前走walk\go straight on 20. 路标 Road signs

21. 在派出所 at the police station 22. 向市场走去walk towards the market

23. 期待做某事 look forward to doing 24. 爬小山 climb up the hill

25. 去野餐 have a picnic

26.失败做某事 fail to do sth = fail in doing sth

27.开车送某人去某地 drive sb. to sp.

28. 计划一次春游 plan a spring outing


1. Let’s drive to Hill Building quickly.=Let’s g o to Hill Building by quickly .

2. He uses a knife to open the door .= He opens the door with a knife.

3.Take the second turning on the left ight.= Turn left ight at the second turning .

4. Cross the road and you’ll see the museum .

“祈使句+ and\or + 简单句” 结构, 简单句常用将来时。


一、 根据汉语完成单词

1. Did you see three men in police ________ ___ (制服) ?

2. Let’s meet at the __________ (入口) to the cinema .

3. Don’t worry. The medicine will ___________ ( 奏效) .

4. The climbers tried to find a new __________ (way to go from one place to another) to the top of mountain .

5. Turn left and take the third t_________ on your left .

6. The two __________ (抢劫者) ran away from t he bank quickly .

7. The three men ___________ (use their hands to make something move forward) Justin and Paul into the back of green van.

8. He _________ (ran quickly) into the room and help ed the man out .

9. Taiwan lie in the ___________ (东南方) of China .

10. Daniel is writing an i____________ letter for the fa rewell party .


( )1. Tomorrow will be rainy,Kitty take the umbrella with her.

A.have to B.has to C.had to D.will have to

( )2. Which is your new house?

A. the way to B. the way C.the way to get D.the way getting to

( )3. I usually go to school .

A. by the bike B.by an bike C.on bike D.on the bike

( )4. The police ca ught the robbers .

A. at end B.in the end C. in last D.at the last

( )5. It’s very hard the swa mp.

A. across B. c ross C. to across D. to cross

( )6. This route is wrong .I will take one .

A. the other B. other C.another D.any other

( )7. We try to do the work,but it doesn’t .

A. do B.did C. work D. works

( )8. Let’s go to the supermarket undergr ound.

A. on B.in C.by D.with

( )9. The men police uniforms robbers

A.with,is B.with,are C.in,is D.in, are

( )10.There a meeting next week.

A. has B. is going to have C.is going to be D.will have

( )11. I go to bed my father came back.

A.won’t until B.didn’t until C.will until D. / ,when

( )12. Is your bedroom the third floor the house?

A. at, of B. in ,in C. on, in D.on, of

( )13. is easy to finish this work in three days.

A.He B. This C.That D. It

( )14. I my pen ,but I can’t it.

A.am looking for,find B. am finding ,look for

C. am looking for,look for D. am finding ,find

( )15.—The room is very dirty. we clean it ?---Ok!

A. Will B. Shall C. Did D. Are


1. Daniel and Simon will join us.(改为否定句)

Daniel and Simon us.

2. Turn right at the first crossing.(改为同义句)

the first on the .

3. Climb up the tree,plea se.(改为否定句)

up the tree.

4. My mother is going to buy me a CD.(对划线部分提问)

your mother going to .

四、用所给动词的适当形式填空:(1 0)

1、 Tom orrow is Sunday. Susan (visit)her garden.

2、Look! The boys (start) a campfire. we (cook )some food?

3、Thank you for (come)!The party (be gin) soon.

4、Please stop (talk). The teacher is coming.

5、Would you like (carry) this bag for me?

6、Finally people (catch) the thief into the police station.

7、Why not (take ) another route?

8、What about (play) basketball?



Can you tell me get to the shopping center?


,and you’ll find it .

3、下课了,同学们 跑出了教室。

Class is over. The students walk the classroom.


you see the traffic lights

5.Paul 试着开门但失败了。


I hope _______ _____ __ ________ tomorrow .

7. 你能告诉我去阳光镇火车站的路吗?

Can you tell me ________ ________ _________ Sunshine Town Railway Station ?

8. 穿过田野,你会看见前面有棵树。

Walk _______ the field _________ you _____ ___ _________a big tree .


Dea r Bill,

Thank you 1 all of your kindnes s. I really 2 at your house for a month.

Would you like 3 me in Japan next August? My younger brother 4 his holidays in China next summer, and you can 5 his room! But 6 be too surprised when you see it. He’s crazy about football, so he has many pictures of famous football players 7 the wall. His room is very comfortable, and you will enjoy staying in it.

In his room 8 a colour TV. It’s not a big one. You can use my brother’s CD player,too. I 9

sure you will like Japan. Say 10 to everyone in your family for me. Write back soon.

Your friend,


( )1. A.very much B.with C.for D.in

( )2.A.like to stay B.like staying C.enjoyed to stay D.enjoyed staying

( )3.A.visit B.visited C.visiting D.to visit

( )4.A.has B.had C.have D.will have

( )5.A.use B.borrow C.stay D.live

( )6.A.don’t B.won’t C.mustn’t D.needn’t

( )7.A.in B.on C.to D.up

( )8.A.have B.has C.there is D.there are

( )9.A.think B.gues s C.am D.will

( )10.A.yes B.hello C.no D.hi

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/177262.html
