
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网


  6.1 动名词作主语、宾语和表语


  Fighting broke out between the South and the North.



  a. 动词后加动名词doing作宾语 V. + doing sth

  admit 承认   appreciate 感激,赞赏 avoid 避免

  complete 完成  consider 认为     delay 耽误   deny 否认    detest 讨厌      endure 忍受    enjoy 喜欢   escape 逃脱      prevent阻止

  fancy 想象   finish 完成      imagine 想象   mind 介意    miss 想念       postpone 推迟        practise 训练  recall 回忆      resent 讨厌     resist 抵抗   resume 继续      risk 冒险

  suggest 建议  face 面对       include 包括    stand 忍受   understand 理解    forgive 宽恕         keep 继续


  (1) Would you mind turning down your radio a little, please?

  (2) The squirrel was lucky that it just missed being caught.

  b. 词组后接doing

  admit to   prefer…to     be used to    lead to   devote oneself to  object to   stick to   busy    look forward to(to为介词)

  no good, no use, It's worth…,  as well as,

  can't help, It's no use /good  be tired of

  be fond of  be capable of  be afraid of

  be proud of  think of / about  hold off

  put off  keep on  insist on  count on / upon

  set about  be successful in  good at  take up

  give up  burst out  prevent … from…


  Her job is washing,cleaning and taking care of the children.


本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/197583.html
