
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  各位热爱英语的同学们,的小编经过缜密的整理和分析,为大家带来了牛津英语9A Unit 2 短语汇总,有兴趣的同学赶紧过来看看。更多英语信息尽在。

  牛津英语9A Unit 2 短语汇总

  1整个下午all the afternoon = the whole afternoon

  2穿着….衣服wear = be in = get/be dressed in…

  3使某人想起某事remind sb. of sth.

  提醒某人做某事remind sb. to do sth.

  4一个充满色彩的世界a world (full of colours)

  5被漆成蓝色be painted blue

  6产生和谐感create the feeling/sense of harmony

  7纯洁/智慧的颜色the colour of purity/wisdom

  8感到焦虑不安/疲劳/放松feel stressed/tired/relaxed

  9让某人高兴起来cheer sb. up (代词放中间)

  10对……..感到满意be satisfied/pleased/contented with….

  11对精神和身体(身心)有好处be good for the mind and body

  12给你带来成功bring you success

  13装饰我的方案decorate my project

  14使我们感到高兴make us feel happy

  15有一点儿焦虑不安a little bit stressed

  16做某事有困难have difficulty (in) doing sth. //with sth

  17采取行动(做某事)take action(s) (to do sth.)

  18决定(做某事)make a decision(to do sth.)

  19为考试学习study for exams

  20把油擦在人们的头上rub oil into people’s heads

  21最能代表best represent

  22在测试中取得高分get good marks in the tests

  23多虑worry a lot
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/214364.html
