
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网



  1. Do you know the_____________(重要) of English study?

  2. The teacher looked at the boy______________(生气地), because he kept talking in class.

  3. Inner Mongolia is in the ____________(北) part of china.

  4. He wants to save many ____________(濒危的) wild animals.

  5. It’s____________(不正确) to hunt or fish in zhalong nature reserves.

  6. We don’t like to make the ____________(不诚实)friends.

  7. A lot of____________ (观光者)come to the Great Wall every year.

  8.There is going to be a ____________(暴风雪)tonight.

  9.The hotel always _____________(提供)good service for all kinds of people.

  10.It’s_______________(不可能)for them to pass the exam , because they don’t work hard.


  1. importance 2. angrily 3. northern 4. endangered 5. incorrect

  6. dishonest 7. tourists 8. snowstorm 9. provides 10. impossible

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/217760.html
