初中英语语法大全辅导之there be部分用法

编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  【—辅导之there be部分用法】同学们对there be部分用法的知识掌握的怎么样,下面我们一起学习。

  there be部分用法:

  there be 后跟的是名词。如:There will be rain tomorrow.

  此处名词rain不能用rainy, raining等形式。

  常有以下结构: there may / will / must / is going to / used to /…be. …

  there be中不可再出现have / has / had (译为“有”) 的词。

  there be 后接的是表示泛指的名词,即不加the. There is a dog under the desk.

  There is no water in the bottle. There are some books on the shelf.

  There is only a student taking notes now. (划线部分逻辑上是主谓关系,动词加ing)

  There is no need to open the box. There are 20 trees to be planted. There is nothing to do.

  (划线部分逻辑上不是主谓关系,动词常用带to 不定式。)

  通过上面对there be部分用法的学习,希望同学们能很好的掌握上面的内容,在平时要多做题目练习。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/223735.html
