
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  A,由that 引导的陈述句性的宾语从句,在很多动词如say, think, wish , hope, see, believe, agree, expect, hear , feel等动词后。连词that只起连接作用,在从句中不做句子的成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略,但在大多数情况下还是以不省为好,特别是在笔语中。

  例:I told him that he was wrong.

  l在think,believe, suppose, expect等动词引起的宾语从句中,有时谓语尽管是否定意义,却不用否定形式,而将think 等动词变为否定形式。

  例:I don’t think you are right. (我认为你做的不对)


  例:We think it wrong that he told a lie to everyone (我认为他向每一个人撒谎是错误的)

  B,由连词if、 whether 引导的表示“是否…”的宾语从句。Whether,if 在从句中不做句子的成分,一般情况下,whether和if 可以替换。

  例:I don’t know if/whether he will come tomorrow.

  The teacher asked if/whether we had finished the experiment.


  例:Everything depends on whether we have enough money。

  l宾语从句中有or not时不用if引导.

  例:I don’t know whether the movie star will come or not.


  例:Whether to go there or not hasn’t been decided.

  C,由wh引导的宾语从句。连接代词who,whom,whose, what, which,和连接副词when, where, why, how 等连接的宾语从句,它们在句中即有连接从句的作用,又在句中充当句子的成分。

  例:Do you know which film they are talking about (which做定语)

  I don’t know where he lives. (where 做地点状语)

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/340650.html
