
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网

  【—初二英语写单词精选练习和答案二】单词是英语学习的基础 中考,只有单词量多了才能顺利的解决其他问题,下面老师就为大家收集一些写单词精选练习题,同学们多加练习吧。详情请看


  1. In Winter some ------------------___________ (野生的) animals spend much time sleeping.

  2. Dogs have a good sense of __________ (嗅觉).

  3. It’s dangerous for a child to play with ___________ (锋利的) knife.

  4. Our P.E teacher always ______________ (鼓励) us to take more exercise.

  5. When did Xi Wang start to look after ____________ (她自己)?

  6. The little boy became interested in a group of _____________ (老鼠) when he found them.

  7. We should stop __________ (猎人) from killing giant pandas.

  8. Fruit and vegetables are sold by _____________ (重量).

  9. The patient was ________________ (感激) to the doctor for saving his life.

  10. We should make a contribution to ____________ (保护) our environment.


  1.wild 2.smell 3.sharp 4.encourages 5.herself

  6.mice 7.hunters 8.weight 9.grateful 10.protecting

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/65273.html

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