
编辑: 逍遥路 关键词: 初中英语 来源: 高中学习网


  Last week, I took part in an English speech contest which was held by our teachers. There were twelve students in the final contest. I was one of them. Fifteen minutes before my turn, I picked my topic and prepared for it. I wrote down the outlines and organized what I was going to say. However, when I stood in front of all judges and students, I was extremely nervous. My mind was totally empty. Then I took a deep breath to relax myself and started my speech. The result was not as good as I expected, but I preferred to regard it as a challenge to myself, whose process was the most important for me. I can learn a lot from this contest. I am sure I will be better next time.

  上周 初一,我参加了学校老师举行的一次英语演讲比赛。总共有十二位同学进入决赛,我是其中之一。轮到我的前十五分钟,我选好我的主题并做好准备。我写下大纲并组织好要说的内容。但是,当我站在评委和同学们面前的时候,我就很紧张,头脑一片空白。于是我深呼吸使自己放松然后开始演讲。虽然结果不像我想象中的那么好,但是我宁愿把它当做一次对自己的挑战,过程对我来说才是最重要的。我能够从这次比赛中学到很多,我相信下次我一定能够做得更好的。

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/chuzhong/98779.html
