除恶务尽 chú’è-wùjìn[evil must be completely eradicated;Evils must be pulled up by the roots.One must be thorough in exterminating an evil] 驱除邪恶,务求彻底干净唐以屡赦而成藩镇之祸,蔓草难图,除恶务尽。——《野叟曝言》七一回
放虎归山 fànghǔ-guīshān[let the tiger return to the mountains — cause calamity for the future] 比喻放走敌人,自留祸根倘他逃走了去,岂不是放虎归山?——清· 钱彩《说岳全传》
养痈成患 yǎngyōng-chénghuàn(1) [a carbuncle neglected becomes the bane of your life—leaving evil unchecked spells ruin] 比喻姑息宽容坏人坏事,结果受到祸害真是养痈成患,将来他的羽翼越多,越难动手哩。——清· 李汝珍《镜花缘》(2) 也说“养痈遗患”
见“ 养痈?患 ”。
养虎伤身 yǎnghǔ-shāngshēn[bringing up a tiger one sustains injury himself——to be injured by one whom one has been kind to] 饲养老虎,伤及自身。比喻纵容坏人,害了自己兀术听了,大叫道:“罢了,罢了!此乃养虎伤身也!”—— 清· 钱彩《说岳全传》
姑息养奸 gūxī-yǎngjiān[to tolerate evil is to abet it;coddling wrong only helps the devil.] 纵容奸宄而酿成大恶;过分宽容就会助长坏人坏事
放虎归山 fànghǔ-guīshān[let the tiger return to the mountains — cause calamity for the future] 比喻放走敌人,自留祸根倘他逃走了去,岂不是放虎归山?——清· 钱彩《说岳全传》
词语拼音:yǎng hǔ yí huàn
养虎遗患 yǎnghǔ-yíhuàn
[Rear a tiger is to court calamity;Cherish a snake in one's bosom] 养着老虎,留下祸患。比喻纵容坏人,给自己留下后患
见“ 养虎自遗患 ”。
本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/ciyu/1163990.html