

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








throne 基本解释


名词宝座; 王位; 御座; 王权



throne 相关例句


1. The new king is throned today.


1. They must obey the throne.

2. Queen Elizabeth came to the throne in 1952.

3. He swore allegiance to the throne.

throne 网络解释

1. 王座:考试二是不要受他人的影响,记得你是考研的人,绝对和那些在宿舍打游戏的人是不一样的,你不是浑浑噩噩的人,不要管他们什么工作、出国、保研之类的事,孤独的你走在一条充满荆棘(thorn)的路上,通向最后的王座(throne).

2. 宝座:在希伯来语中,宝座(Throne)被称为Merkabah,是战车的意思. 在入定冥想时,merkabah神秘学家眼前会显现一幅通向天堂之门的七重阶梯. Merkabah神秘学思想的根据是建立在<>中,这本卷轴写于公元二世纪到公元七十年之间.

3. 王位:的确,王位(throne)从来未曾空置,因为王权(kingship)是有限嗣继承人来继承的. 但我们从未听说过财政部律师是从来不会死亡的. 当一名邮政总局局长死亡时,不计其数的邮政局所拥有的自由保有地产命运将如何呢?

4. 法座:102.emerge 出定 | 103.throne 法座 | 104.mudra 手印

throne 双语例句

1. The fourth part of this text, study Liu Xiu to ascend the throne and calm down course of world.

2. No, she can`t. But I have a lovely son to marry her to if needs be. Then he can ascend the throne and I will be the father of a king.

3. His lieutenants clothed him in the yellow imperial gown and asked him to ascend the throne.


4. The Queen: In a few weeks'time, you will ascend the throne as king, and I will let

5. Thy prayers ascend to the throne of god, and the angel of each entity stands before the throne to make intercession.

6. My bosom's lord sits lightly in his throne.

7. Then the Chinese furniture developed its own characters, such as mat, table, couch, desk, bed, stool, arm chair, chairs, and fauteuil, throne… With the development of society, the furniture tells the history of evolvement; as time went by, the differences on the tastes among the different classes became more and more visible.


8. Nozdormu, aspect of the Bronze, picked an heir to his'throne'since he knows well in advance that he will die one day.

9. But I tell you, Do not swear at all: either by heaven, for it is God's throne

10. His second son, Hu Hai, succeeded to the throne.

11. The dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne


12. S: Edward Longshanks is the most ruthless king ever to sit on the throne of England.

13. Confucius occupied the throne of the spiritual world of Chinese peoplefor over 2000 years.

14. Confucius occupied the throne of the spiritual world of Chinese people for over 2000 years. Lu Xun and Lei Feng possessed unparalleled influences for at least half a century. While in modern China, the fleeting 30 years witness a scroll of idols.

15. Grand duchess of Luxembourg. Ascending to the throne in1919, she took her government into

16. Grand duchess of Luxembourg. Ascending to the throne in1919, she took her government into exile

17. Ay me, they little know How dearly I abide that boast so vaine, Under what torments inwardly I groane: While they adore me on the Throne of Hell, With Diadem and Sceptre high advanc'd [90] The lower still I fall, onely Supream In miserie; such joy Ambition findes.


18. Nazu is to maintain the strength of the ultimate strength of the entire Undead, Undead he was the source of strength, according to Li Dan Nazu almost destroyed the power of the dark night in the Wizard inadvertently saved Nazu, according to Li Dan in Qioujidan Almost under the command of the Frozen Throne, the Undead in the most critical moment, so that only those with the sorrow of frost Assas in order to save the fate of the Undead, despite the continued weakening in the force, or Assas Yiwufangu to go step by step ice Throne, he knew, only to kill an open Xue Lu, Nazu to save in order to allow their forces to continue to have, once lost the power of his presence or not, it will have any significance?


19. Kang Xi brooded for a moment.'Oboi's crimes are serious ones, 'he said.'But he was a great Minister of State and served the Dragon Throne for many years.

20. The past, some high-brow types can eat shrimp leek dumplings, cabbage, big meat dumplings, has entered the homes of ordinary people, a number of taboos do stuffing vegetables vegetable dumplings are also openly boarded the throne.

throne 词典解释

1. (君王的)宝座,御座
A throne is a decorative chair used by a king, queen, or emperor on important official occasions.

2. throne

2. 王位;皇位
You can talk about the throne as a way of referring to the position of being king, queen, or emperor.

e.g. ...the Queen's 50th anniversary on the throne.
女王登基 50 周年纪念日
e.g. ...the heir to the throne.

throne 单语例句

1. Near the " throne ", the Celestial Waterfall tumbles for more than 27 meters from the cavern's ceiling.

2. In the center is a square frame that can be moved forward, bringing with it the emperor and his throne.

3. In the center will be a square frame that can be moved forward, bringing with it the emperor and his throne.

4. While he wore the dragon robe on the dragon throne, a commoner would have been beheaded for stitching this symbol on his rags.

5. Besides the marble construction of the diamond throne pagoda, the temple complex also contains a number of wooden buildings.

6. The Sun newspaper broke the surprise news on Saturday and friends of the second in line to the throne confirmed the tabloid story was correct.

7. He finds that the throne of the dragon's palace has been usurped by a cuttlefish and the undersea world is left polluted by him.

8. u0031u67E5u00B7u8BEDu8BCD

8. He ascended the throne in 1933 after his father was assassinated by a deranged student.

9. Hundreds of mainland bloggers have described Chen as a " devious imposter stealing the throne in the king's absence ".

10. throne在线翻译

10. On being restored to the throne, the King forgot Jie's devotion.

throne 英英释义



1. the position and power of an exalted person (a sovereign or bishop) who is entitled to sit in a chair of state on ceremonial occasions

2. the chair of state for a monarch, bishop, etc.

e.g. the king sat on his throne

3. a plumbing fixture for defecation and urination

Synonym: toilet can commode crapper pot potty stool



1. put a monarch on the throne

e.g. The Queen was enthroned more than 50 years ago

Synonym: enthrone

2. sit on the throne as a ruler

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1121794.html
