

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








clone 基本解释

名词(动植物的)克隆; 无性繁殖系; 复制人(或动植物); (不动脑筋)机械行事的人,机器人

及物/不及物动词复制; 克隆,(使某物)无性繁殖; 把…培养为纯种细胞

clone 网络解释

1. 克隆:这些事件包括:生物学领域的 "克隆" (clone),气象学领域的 "全球气候变暖" ,等等. 协助Hood教授开展工作的是他年轻美貌、火辣性感的女保镖,但这个女人是个惹不起的 "母老虎"(Marley Shelton饰演). 该剧原本是一部英剧,

2. 无性系:蛋白质的单一无性系(clone)抗体及生产的融合细胞序号135 从口腔上皮细胞简单和容易地分离出DNA的方法(PnE Buccal cell gDNA Isolation kit)序号137 提高DNA试件的精制收得率的方法(PnE DNA Methylation kit-SS)大部分的先天性副肾皮质过形成症(Congenital Arenal Hyperplasia)在副肾皮质内观场Cortisol生合成的CYP21遗传因子

3. 无性繁殖系:动物细胞的单细胞培养时,要适当稀释接种,为使得到的单细胞进行增殖,可以采用微量培养法和保护培养法,对浮游的单细胞群进行平面培养. 单细胞培养物的目的,在于可以得到来自单个细胞的细胞群的无性繁殖系(clone)(无性繁殖系化).

clone 双语例句

1. She's just another Marilyn Monroe clone.


2. The positive clone was characterized by restriction endonuclease mapping and DNA sequence analysis.

3. During the Clone Wars, the Techno Union had a top secret operation on Nelvaan.


4. Currently, neither cloning S and Z gene nor identifying their products was successful. Phalaris coerulescens can be used as a model plant to study SI in the Poaceae. Segregating population and comparative genomics strategy were used to map S and Z, constructing high-resolution mapping of the target loci so that map base clone S and Z genes. It is a research orientation and hot spot of self-incompatibility in Poaceae.

5. A novel artificial immunity clone algorithm with particle swarm optimization is proposed to reconfigure the distribution network with minimal loss.

6. This article presents a new approach to clone research.

7. Siniperca chuatsi, Siniperca kneri and Siniperca scherzeri were studied while long PCRand T-A cloning technique were used to clone GH gene containing completereading frame of three fishes of siniperca. Then sequence structure of GH gene, amino acidsequence encoding by DNA, difference between sequences and phyletic evolution were studying. Polymorphism detections of GH gene and studies of hereditary constitution of population wereundertaken in wild populations coming from Eastern Dongting Lake using PCR-SSCP, PCR-RFLP, SSR, polymorphism detection of intron and sequencing.

8. Methods:Combining NG and Bovine Serum Albumin to gain Norgestrel-3-carboxymethyl oxime-Bovine Serum Albumin(NG-3-CMO-BSA), manufacturing poly-clone antibody of NG, then using Sephadex-GLucose200 to separate radioiodine. Results: The concentration of serum NG can be tested using the RIA kit of NG within 3 hours with non-pretreatment. The reagent can be stored at 4~8℃ for 60 days with no more than 10% activity reducing.
近十年来,国内外许多研究发现NG长期在体内存留能产生月经紊乱,出血倾向[2~ 5] ,迫切需要能准确、方便地检测血清中NG微量水平的分析方法;同时以改进NG不同剂型为目的的药代动力学研究、人群普查及扩展NG的治疗应用等也对NG的分析方法提出了更高的要求。

9. In the year 2004, US scientist working at a top secret undergound lab in Alaska clone the microbe.


10. Methods A cDNA clone, which showed homology with RRas proteins of human being, was isolated and sequenced from a cDNA expression library of T. vaginalis. The genomic DNA corresponding to the cDNA sequence was amplified using PCR technique and sequenced.

11. This article focus on enzyme gene clone and heterogenesis expression, site directed modify and orthogenesis, fu-sion protein and fusion enzyme, enzyme mimics(abzyme and molecular imprinting)and telomere.

12. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background+highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.

13. WORD PROCESSOR: allows full control of fonts, background color, highlight color, left/right/center/justify/indent text, left/right margins, bullets, hyperlinks, table color/shading/border/resize, text-sort, line-select, zoom, 100-level undo/redo, line numbers, etc. IMAGES: clone, copy, paste, import, export, resize, compress.

14. We are alone and unable to clone others'minds, so we need memories.

15. Snake:蛇: Snake 蛇 is a clone of popular Snake or Worm game.

16. May regard as the father by father's DNA clone production child twin brothers, retarded several dozens years birth.

17. It can cause heavy losses of tomato production and friuts` quality. According to the researches of internal and external country, This review summarized the main symptoms of Fulvia fulva of tomato caused by cladosporium fulvum, the biological properties, including to form character, temperature and humidity of mycelium and spore, the outbreak of the disease, regularity of epidemic, race differentiation of different area, Maofen 802, Shuangkan 2No. should be chosen. In resisting disease, mode of action, gene clone, gene structure, gene function and control methods of the disease.

18. Objective To construct the eukaryotic expression clone for human amelogenin.
目的 构建人釉原蛋白基因真核表达克隆。

19. In the condition of suspending culture, the gametophytic clone has much higher instantaneous growth rate than stilling culture.

20. Cell proliferation assay demonstrate that the synthesized peptide of clone 2 can effectively inhibit the mitogenic activity of aFGF.

clone 词典解释

1. 极为相似的人(或事物)
If someone or something is a clone of another person or thing, they are so similar to this person or thing that they seem to be exactly the same as them.

e.g. Tom was in some ways a younger clone of his handsome father...
e.g. Designers are mistaken if they believe we all want to be supermodel clones.

2. 克隆动物(或植物);无性繁殖动物(或植物)
A clone is an animal or plant that has been produced artificially, for example in a laboratory, from the cells of another animal or plant. A clone is exactly the same as the original animal or plant.

3. clone什么意思

3. 克隆;以无性繁殖技术复制
To clone an animal or plant means to produce it as a clone.

e.g. The idea of cloning extinct life forms still belongs to science fiction.

clone 单语例句

1. A clone calf from the species was born on April 27 by Caesarean operation.

2. It has also cast off the idea to directly clone urban residential quarters in rural areas.

3. clone的翻译

3. Many teachers would probably like to clone students so all of them would become " Three Good Students " and succeed in endless tests and exams.

4. clone是什么意思

4. In December 2007 other South Korean scientists claimed a world first by manipulating a fluorescent protein gene to clone glowing cats.

5. Two mini clone pigs are pictured in their enclosure June 2, nine days after they were born in Tianjin Municipality.

6. To create the clone, the team collected 36 surplus eggs donated from 11 women under going IVF treatment.

7. Hwang was once praised as a national hero in South Korea after he claimed to be the first to successfully clone human stem cells.

8. clone的近义词

8. While Harvard is not alone in trying to clone human stem cells, its effort become America's hub for life sciences is well known.

9. Hawthorne defended the right of people to clone their dogs instead of obtaining new pets from rescue shelters.

10. Critics have suggested the dog might be a twin created from a split embryo rather than a clone.

clone 英英释义



1. an unauthorized copy or imitation

Synonym: knockoff


2. a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived from a single cell or individual by some kind of asexual reproduction

Synonym: clon

3. a person who is almost identical to another

Synonym: ringer dead ringer


1. make multiple identical copies of

e.g. people can clone a sheep nowadays

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1121818.html
