
be absorbed in是什么意思_be absorbed in在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

be absorbed in[bi: ?b?s?:bd in] 
be absorbed in 基本解释

be absorbed in什么意思

全神贯注于, 专心致志于; 出神; 只顾

be absorbed in 网络解释

1. 专心致力于:be about to 即将(做) | be absorbed in 专心致力于... | be abundant in ...富于,...丰富

2. 专心于:above all 首先,尤其 | be absorbed in 专心于 | by accident 偶然

3. 专心从事:in the absent of 缺少, 没有 | be absorbed in 专心从事 | abuse v. 辱骂, 过量使用

4. 全神贯注于:above all 最重要的是 | be absorbed in 全神贯注于...... | be abundant in ... ......丰富,富于......

be absorbed in 双语例句

1. As a result of these limited supply of land in the region, when the region first-hand suppliers were completely absorbed and the buyer can only divert people`s attention to the secondary market, and in the shortage of land supply and demand with the growing domestic economic development, the true value of the above lot will be fully reflected.

2. In the diachronic attention and induction of Feng Zhi`s poetry, It could be found that traditional Chinese and western culture was not showing great or direct force all at once, but had its very process of infiltration from the outside to the inside. Nor was Feng Zhi wholeheartedly embraced and simply patched them up, he was standing on the 20th century in China and on the need of his own life. He studied, absorbed, used and created them selectively, unified all with his own word, finally brought out glory of the poet himself. Yet his gain of glory was not in plain sailing at all, in his 70-year-period of poetry writing career, he suffered every difficulties, failure and misery, even stopped his writing for three times` long-term. Stagnation was not to give up but to think and wait. Every leaving and returning had its reason, which decided by the inner regularity of his creation and the request of his taste.

3. Ordinary calcium could not move in soil, but Eco-Ca can move very easily. It can be absorbed by the plants. This product can counteract organic acid with plant inside and soil acidity; adjust maladjustment for some ion nimiety.

be absorbed in

4. Ordinary calcium could not move in soil, but Eco-Ca can move very easy and easily be absorbed by the plants. This product can counteract organic acid with plant inside and soil acidity; adjust maladjustment for some ion nimiety.

5. Absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力be absorbed i n 全神贯注于…近be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on

6. Absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力:be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on

7. Be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近: be engrossed in; be lost in; be rapt in; be buried in; be concentrated on; be focused on; be centered on

8. The principle of real time measurement XeF2 concentration by absorbed spectrum and XeF2 concentration control means in laser chamber are introduced. Relation of XeF2 concentration between laser chamber and measure cell is given. XeF2 concentration could be controlled by adjusting the temperature of the XeF2 generator and the flow velocity in the main and carrier gas-passages. XeF2 concentrations under different mixed gas flow are obtained.

9. In the case of Souse, Dominica, for example, Kermath and Thomas(1992) found that the tourism—related informal sector contracts as the tourism—related formal sector expands, and in addition, displaced inform al sector individuals are less likely to be absorbed into the formal economy, which is dominated by multinationals.
如源,多米尼克,例如,Kermath和托马斯( 1992年)发现,与旅游业有关的非正规部门的合同作为与旅游业有关的正规部门的扩大,此外,人流离失所部门通知个人不太可能被吸收纳入正规经济,这主要是跨国公司。

be absorbed in的近义词

10. When St Francis had received this revelation, he forthwith shut himself up in his cell, and, in great recollection of soul, prepared himself for the mystery which was to be revealed to him; and from that time forth he began to taste more frequently the sweetness of divine contemplation, by which he was sometimes so absorbed in God, that he was seen by his companions to be raised corporally above the ground, and rapt in prayer; and in these raptures were revealed to St Francis not only things present and future, but even the secret thoughts and desires of the brethren, as was experienced by Brother Leo, his companion in those days.

11. Ergothioneine is a kind of precious amino acid, and it is also a natural antioxidant. It plays an important role to prevent the oxidative damage in organism. Ergothioneine cannot be biosynthesized in humans, only can be absorbed from the diet. In recently the research discovered the high content of ergothioneine in the mushroom. Content of ergothioneine of Pleurotus eryngii is the highest from 28 kinds of mushrooms, therefore the research untilized P. eryngii to make the products of P. eryngii-fermented adlay and P. eryngii-fermented buckwheat which content high ergothioneine. Also, we analyzed their proximate composition, nutritional components, taste and physiologically active components, antioxidant properties and evaluation of anti-imflammatory effect.
中文摘要麦角硫因为一种稀有的胺基酸,也是天然的抗氧化剂,其在生物体内对氧化压力伤害之预防扮演著重要角色,麦角硫因不能在动物体内合成,仅能由食物中摄取,近年来发现在菇类中含有高含量的麦角硫因,从28种食药用菇类中筛选出麦角硫因含量较高的菌种,以杏鲍菇子实体最高(1521.6 mg/g dw),因此本论文以杏鲍菇为媒介,利用固态发酵方式,制备出高麦角硫因之杏鲍菇薏仁和杏鲍菇荞麦,并针对薏仁、杏鲍菇薏仁、荞麦、杏鲍菇荞麦和杏鲍菇菌丝体,进行一般成分、营养、物性、呈味、生理活性物质、抗氧化性质之分析及抗发炎反应之评估。

12. And recent research has shown that much of the fat content in it cannot be absorbed by the body and 75% of the saturated fat in chocolate contains a substance which actually helps digestion.

13. A-1 abandon abide ability able to abnormal aboard 车 abolish be about to above all abroad abrupt absence absent absolute absorb be absorbed in absorption abstract absurd abundance abundant abuse academic academy accelerate acceleration v.
废除,取消即将首要,尤其 ad。到国外,在国外;到处 a。突然的,意外的;唐突的,鲁莽的 n。缺席,不在场;缺乏,没有 a。缺席,不在场;漫不经心的 a。绝对的,完全的 v。吸收,吸引,使专心专心于 n。吸收 a。抽象的 a。荒唐的 n。丰富,充裕 a。丰富的,充分的,充裕的 v。

be absorbed in

14. A photon can be scattered or absorbed. If it is scattered, it flies off in a direction different from which it came as a result of the interaction. Its energy and wavelength are very nearly preserved.

15. Girlfriend like eating very much, I wasn't used to eat when I was lone, I like to be absorbed in some one whether playing games or watching news and movies.

16. See parents should first soil and soot mixed together, get absorbed, and then in the middle of the small mounds of earth dug a pit, down in Sheung Shui; slowly to shovel coal ash and soil into the water and up until, and very uniform, as the cement spill it, be considered better.

17. ConclusionThe schizandrin in Shengmai powders can be absorbed into body, and its absorption and elimination is rapid.

18. For infant and baby: proportion of linoleic acid and linseed oil acid contained in tea seed oil is the closest ones to breast milk according to ingredient and digestible while absorbing of these two fatty acid are important nutrition for children's nervous system and skeleton growth, easy to be absorbed and digested and is good food for infant and babies.

19. It is an admixture of many kinds of many kinds of different structure body. It is easy to be absorbed in the human body.

20. A baby cream application, especially in winter, will be absorbed easily and keep the skin supple and elastic.

be absorbed in 单语例句

1. Developed countries in Europe and North American are the ideal markets in which advanced technology can be absorbed.

2. be absorbed in是什么意思

2. Lysine is an essential amino acid that can't be synthesized in the body and must be absorbed by nutrition.

3. Song predicts more than 10 less competitive local automakers will be absorbed or go bankrupt every year in the coming years due to mounting competition.

4. Much of the added cost has to be absorbed by the company as exports of aluminum products slow due to the increase in export duties.

5. be absorbed in什么意思

5. Liu said rising vegetable prices could be absorbed by the market in two months, while grain price hikes could be balanced in eight months.

6. We need knowledge to address all these problems and we also need people who can be absorbed in scientific research and technical innovations.

7. The first attaches vaccines to nanoparticles that can be absorbed in the nostrils.

8. be absorbed in的意思

8. On the other hand, the government should be less absorbed in the search for land to build public houses.

9. Analysts say any production declines in Libya could likely be absorbed by other producers like Saudi Arabia.

10. It is very practical indeed, especially in the rainy seasons when water has to be quickly absorbed and drained.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1127341.html
