

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆








embargo 基本解释

名词禁止; 禁运(令); 停止通商(令); 限制

及物动词封(港),禁止(船只)出入港口; 禁运,停止; 扣留征用

embargo 相关例句


1. They embargoed those ships.


1. The country has put an embargo on all imports.

embargo 网络解释


1. 禁运:Roosevelt)根据其<<中立法>>(Neutrality Acts)必需对日本实施禁运(Embargo). 日本当时的宣传机器把这场战争称为Holy War,即圣战. 1941年双方宣战后,日本开始使用大东亚战争一词,即Great East Asia War.

2. 贸易禁运:繁荣地方经济,活络当地的就业市场.Douglas Irwin 写了一篇故事性较强的文章,分析美国在1807 到 1809 年间(杰佛森总统时期),因为采取贸易禁运(embargo)政策,造成 GNP大约 5的损失那时期美国的对外贸易(货物出口加上船队的运费利益),

3. 禁令:在ABBA乐队的鼎盛时期,他们的唱片是瑞典最大宗的出口产品,甚至超过了沃尔沃(Volvo)汽车. 七十年代末当ABBA乐队的唱片在苏联销售的时候,由于(欧洲)对卢布(rouble)的禁令(embargo),他们的唱片收入只能以石油产品来支付.

4. 禁止入港,禁止,阻碍:exult 大喜,耀武扬威 | embargo 禁止入港,禁止,阻碍 | embark 乘船; 从事,著手

embargo 双语例句

1. European states have signaled to the Hamas government that they intend to lift the economic embargo on the Palestinian Authority once a national unity government is established.


2. European Union foreign ministers yesterday insisted they still wanted to lift the bloc's arms embargo on China - but admitted it could take more than a year to accomplish.

3. France has led the drive to lift the EU`s arms embargo on China, imposed after the 1989 crackdown on student protesters in Beijing`s Tiananmen Square.

4. U. S. officials had said before the meeting that they hoped the Cuba issue wouldn't dominate, but it took center stage from the opening ceremony, where the first three Latin American leaders to speak all called on the U. S. to lift its trade embargo on the island.

5. From the perspective of Taiwan's national interests, the rejection of the EU Constitution has brought some unexpected advantages, as it has caused a major setback to Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder's initiative to lift the arms embargo the EU imposed on China.


6. Too complex an undertaking for these guys and Uncle Sam may impose economic sanction and military embargo again.

7. It carried out the measures of commerce embargo and economic blockage and confidentially launched military striking plans against Cuba.

8. Oil embargo of oil producing countries had put special pressure on the United States.

9. Current prices are also a reflection of a strong economy, not an oil embargo or war in the Middle East.

10. It was only shortly thereafter, with the advent of the OPEC oil embargo, that conservation became highlighted.

11. America had an energy crisis starting in 1973 with the Arab oil embargo.

12. We could not now jeoparize relations with Europe and Japan, tempt an oil embargo.


13. Arabs embargo oil shipping to United States and Western Europe, and oil crisis isresult in.


14. And then, of course, there was the oil embargo of late 1973 that resulted in a quadrupling of the price of oil.

15. We note, Ming Dynasty banned the so-called most of all for the sea of Japan with the nature of economic sanctions and economic blockade of the nature of the trade embargo, the military embargo, regardless of the early Ming海禁, or things to combat piracy Jiajing海禁the Japanese are so, to such a policy as a closed-door policy is the result of misunderstanding the ignorance of history, as a matter of fact, whether modern or modern, western countries often hostile countries on the economic blockade imposed a trade embargo, which is not uncommon, but we can not, therefore those with the nature of the policy of economic sanctions as the performance of it be closed, otherwise, can only come in the history of modern France, the modern practice of the United States closed the absurd conclusion.

16. The new taxes will lay an embargo on the store`s future prosperity.

17. Both the loss of Srebrenica and Zepa and the move in Congress to lift the arms embargo had strengthened our ability to push for more aggressive action.


18. It was not the American trade embargo that pushed him into the arms of the Soviet Union; he went willingly.

19. But he also did not say that he was willing to support Cuba's membership in the Organization of American States, or lifting the 47-year-old trade embargo against Cuba, as some hemisphere leaders here want him to do.


20. But he also did not say that he was willing to support Cuba`s membership in the Organization of American States, or lifting the 47-year-old trade embargo against Cuba, as some hemisphere leaders here want him to do.

embargo 词典解释

1. 禁运;贸易禁令
If one country or group of countries imposes an embargo against another, it forbids trade with that country.

e.g. The United Nations imposed an arms embargo against the country...
e.g. He has called on the government to lift its embargo on trade with Vietnam.

2. embargo的翻译

2. 禁运(货物)
If goods of a particular kind are embargoed, people are not allowed to import them from a particular country or export them to a particular country.

e.g. The fruit was embargoed...
e.g. They embargoed oil shipments to the US.

embargo 单语例句

1. Moros said that Venezuela questions the legitimacy of the arms embargo placed on Libya through Security Council resolution 1970 and strengthened by resolution 1973.

2. embargo

2. But Chirac has vowed to push ahead and end the embargo by the end of June.

3. Cuban officials and a growing number of Americans who oppose US sanctions hope Carter will publicly condemn the trade embargo.

4. There are continuing disputes over the arms embargo and the EU's refusal to grant China market economy status.

5. Israel and Western countries have reacted coolly to the deal, but say they are waiting for final details before deciding whether to lift the embargo.

6. The embargo hampered cooperation between China and EU members, said Zhang.

7. embargo在线翻译

7. The resolution asserted the procedures for an economic embargo over Syria and for an end to trade dealings with the Syrian regime.

8. One strengthens the arms embargo and imposes an asset freeze and travel ban on those who defy peace efforts.

9. On Nov 13, the United Nations will again vote on a resolution to denounce the embargo.

10. He added that Tehran did not believe the EU would embargo Iran's oil shipments as the move would aggravate the economic crisis in Europe.

embargo 英英释义


1. a government order imposing a trade barrier

Synonym: trade embargo trade stoppage


1. prevent commerce

e.g. The U.S. embargoes Libya

2. ban the publication of (documents), as for security or copyright reasons

e.g. embargoed publications

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1131256.html
