

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆



pretension 基本解释

名词自负; 假装,做作; 要求,主张; 借口


pretension 相关例句


1. She talks of her rich friends with great pretension.

2. I make no pretensions to expert Knowledge of financial matters.

3. I make no pretensions to skill as an artist.

pretension 网络解释

1. 要求,权利,借口:3. dehumanized 使失去人/个性的 | 4. pretension 要求,权利,借口 | 5. look beneath 看到下面

2. 借口:pretense 借口 | pretension 借口 | pretentious 自负的

3. 自负:Impressive感人的 | Pretension自负 | Argot行话

4. 借口, 要求, 主张, 自负, 骄傲:prestressed concrete 钢筋混凝土 | pretension 借口, 要求, 主张, 自负, 骄傲 | prevailing流行,占优势

pretension 双语例句


1. The time-dependent rule of pretension force of high strength bolts has been compared, and the final value of pretension force relaxation has been calculated.
目前,《钢结构高强度螺栓连接的设计、施工及验收规程》JGJ82 91规定:钢结构大六角头高强度螺栓的施工预拉力为其设计值的1 1倍[1]。

2. But if the principle of the pretension be admitted, no one can reasonably object to its being acted on in the sense of the majority, or other preponderating power in the country; and all persons must be ready to conform to the idea of a Christian commonwealth, as understood by the early settlers in New England, if a religious profession similar to theirs should ever succeed in regaining its lost ground, as religions supposed to be declining have so often been known to do.

3. I make no pretension to expert knowledge of financial matter.


4. I make no pretension s to expert Knowledge of financial matters.

5. Key words:steel structure; high strength bolt; standard regulation; pretension; rationality

6. I can also be pretension and flash it away to others. haha!

7. The criterion for the determination of the pretension of bicycle spokes and a correct design method of their diameter are given according to the principles of mechanics.

8. He feel pretension as he will join the tounament and he ensure us he will do his best to do it.

9. Including setting up system platform and measuring structure of the rigidity of pretension spring of the solenoid valve, designing the dynamic electric-current driver on the basis of power sink principal, variable pulse width modulation of voltage boosting and inversion technology, realizing the intelligence controlover the control parameters, satisfying the diversity requirement towards the dynamic feature experiment of the solenoid valve; furthermore, testing system software is developed, and filtering is conducted over the signals of armature displacement response and driving current educed from the experiment using wavelet analysis technology.

10. DME can be directly filled into auto air conditioner to replace R134a, but the spring pretension of thermal expansion valve should be slightly increased to raise superheat degree at evaporator outlet for ensuring the refrigeration efficiency of DME.

11. I make no pretension to skill as an artist, but I enjoy painting.

12. The text briefly introduces structure design of pretension girder strethching pedestal, design and calculation of main component.

13. In the paper, the model, including closure head of reactor pressure vessel and secondary manway of steam generator, was equivalent simplified for axisymmetric analysis and 3D finite element contact analysis, and it was also compared for each other. The different ways were discussed and compared for accomplishing bolt pretension in the structure.

14. By comparing these differences, regulations rationality during design and construction were discussed, and high strength bolts pretension applied methods were introduced such as angle method, torque method, torque-shear bolts method and tension indicator tighten method.

15. By comparing these differences, regulations rationality during design and construction were discussed, and high strength bolts pretension applied methods were introduced such as angle method, torque method, torqueshear bolts method and tension indicator tighten method.

16. We can discard that unwarranted pretension, yet we can continue to capture the vital and unique societal function law schools perform.

17. This type of installation changes the retensile stress brought by pretension in the state of the cold installation and the negative factors of the elevation changes after welding.

18. There is a universal rule that success also brings with it pretension and self-complacence. Some winners of the preliminary contest might deem that they understand all, but do not know they only make little achievement, and become self-complacent and stop learning.


19. So, based on the theory of intensity analysis, structure dynamics and nonlinear finite element, this article studies and researches the static bearing capability of the yaw bearing, contact stress of the yaw gear, the result that the pretension of the bolt effect the contact stress between the plates of the flank, and the bearing`s contact rigidness effect the wind turbine`s modal.


20. Considering combined nonlinearity of material, geometry and contact, the systemic analyses is performed on the parameters, which influence the rigidity and load-carrying capacity of joint, such as the diameter and pretension of bolts, thickness of end-plate, material, friction factor and so on.

pretension 词典解释


1. 自命不凡;虚荣;矫饰
If you say that someone has pretensions, you disapprove of them because they claim or pretend that they are more important than they really are.

e.g. Her wide-eyed innocence soon exposes the pretensions of the art world...
e.g. We like him for his honesty, his lack of pretension.

2. 声称;标榜;自称
If someone has pretensions to something, they claim to be or do that thing.

e.g. The city has unrealistic pretensions to world-class status...
e.g. It will remain as a pressure group, but no longer has any pretension to be a political party.

pretension 单语例句

1. pretension的反义词

1. However, she hasn't the slightest whiff of fashionable French pretension.

2. pretension在线翻译

2. Its national interest precludes the emergence of other contenders to superpower pretension.

3. I just feel like if there would be any pretension, it would not be good.

pretension 英英释义



1. a false or unsupportable quality

Synonym: pretense pretence

2. the quality of being pretentious (behaving or speaking in such a manner as to create a false appearance of great importance or worth)

Synonym: pretentiousness largeness

3. the advancing of a claim

e.g. his pretension to the crown
the town still puts forward pretensions as a famous resort

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1133469.html
