

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


airliner 基本解释



airliner 网络解释

1. 大型客机:八月的最后一天 抬头望著天边已逐渐散去的乌云 心情也跟著清爽了许多. 那远航的大型客机(Airliner)如今在眼底只剩下微小的沙砾,......

2. 班机:2. plane, aircraft, airplane 飞机 | 3. airliner 班机 | 4. airline 航空公司

3. 客机:airline 空气管路架空线 | airliner 客机 | airmail 航空邮寄

4. 定期班机:airline 航空公司 | airliner 定期班机 | airload 载重量

airliner 双语例句

1. The wreakage of a Sudanese airliner that plunged into a hillside while attempting an emergency landing, is seen in this image from video, Tuesday, July 8, 2003, in Port Sudan, Sudan.

2. I will drive to see you at the airport. when will your airliner arrive.

3. The pilot of an airliner is responsible for the safety of passengers.

4. I don`t even think it`s been seen in an airliner yet.

5. I could see it was an airliner because I saw two large engines.

6. If you take our airliner, you will enjoy the warmest and most considerate service on the way.

7. An 82 ft-long commercial airliner is used as the UK`s first classroom for primary school pupils.

8. It was not a commercial airliner. Hence it is preposterous for the U. S.

9. When a commercial airliner flies from one city to another, it is off course over 90% of the time, but it keeps measuring its progress and adjusting its heading again and again.

10. The A320 aircraft is the world`s best-selling commercial airliner.
A320 飞机是世界上最畅销的商用客机。

11. This assumes an average air speed for a commercial airliner of 500 mph, which is equivalent to 805 km/hr or 434 knots.

12. Flying any type of aircraft, whether light aircraft, ultralights or a commercial airliner carries a certain amount of risk.

13. At the end of the course, you will have all the qualifications you need to get a job as a First Officer in a commercial jet airliner.

14. Russia is pinning hopes of a return to airliner exports on Sukhoi's new Superjet 100, which made its international air show debut at the Paris event.

15. This, VMware chief consultant partners Shifeng system image of a metaphor, if the operating system is a large airliner, then, ESXi is a stealth fighter, the anti-attack ability is very strong.

16. Wreckage investigators in Pennsylvaniare covered the black box from a hijacked airliner that crashed in Shanksville, but it was not known whether it was damaged.

17. State television said Wednesday the Iranian airliner was heading to the Armenian capital of Yerevan when it went down near the northern Iranian city of Qazvin.

18. In addition, a Pira International life cycle assessment has found that the Airliner has 40% to 50% less impact on the environment than polystyrene.

19. Nowadays it is hard to find a large civil airliner that is not supersonic.

20. A Yemeni airliner with 153 people on board has crashed in the Indian Ocean near the Comoros archipelago.

airliner 词典解释

1. airliner的解释

1. 大型客机;班机
An airliner is a large aeroplane that is used for carrying passengers.

airliner 单语例句

1. airliner什么意思

1. The United States launched a severe aerial bombardment against the Taliban in October, following the suicide airliner attacks on the United States blamed on al Qaeda.

2. Air traffic controllers picked up a distress signal from the missing Kenya Airways airliner just after it took off from Douala airport in Cameroon.

3. airliner的近义词

3. " I'm 90 percent sure this was an airliner, " Lewis said.


4. He said search planes were flying over the forested area where the airliner gave off a distress signal but no wreckage has been spotted.

5. The official reconstruction of the plane's plunge indicated that some of the passengers rebelled against their captors and force the airliner into the ground.

6. Washington put it on the terrorism list for its alleged involvement in the 1987 bombing of a South Korean airliner that killed 115 people.

7. airliner什么意思

7. Two homeless teenage boys stowed away in an airliner's landing gear, resulting in one of them falling to his death last November.

8. Insiders say the total number of new airliner purchases by domestic carriers will top 180 within the year.

9. Officials on the ground alerted National Guard jets to prepare to chase the airliner, though none of the military planes left the runway.

10. airliner

10. Both parties had agreed to return to the negotiating table to resolve their differences, the airliner said in a statement forwarded to China Daily.

airliner 英英释义



1. airliner的翻译

1. a commercial airplane that carries passengers

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1135288.html
