

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆

3. And rather than drowning in US dollars central banks the globe over were engulfed by a vicious dollar shortage.


4. Beneath the globe another world comes to light.

5. Globe New Emissions of Light and Sound For best reults watch between Midnight and 5am!

6. Some projections can be visualized as a transparent globe with a light bulb at its center (though not all projections emanate from the globe's center) casting lines of latitude and longitude onto a sheet of paper.

7. It round, like the flower ball, like a globe, the light green dotted with dark green on the fringe, such as small the waves, like from time to time the peaks, more latitude on the globe.

8. Professions on the globe would develop many applycation products on the basis of bluetooth technique, so the future of the marketplace of bluetooth technique is very extensive, and it indicated that a communication tide surging forward with great momentum will occur at earlier times in 21st century.

9. The internet gets information from everywhere and the rumour mill is spread across the globe.

10. In later paintings, Bhu appears as a stretch of landscape or the whole globe lifted up by Varaha.

11. This new offering moves beyond processes, and focuses on specific product analysis, answering a need that we hear from all over the globe. Software developers want clear metrics that show how their localized products measure up.

12. Today, the People's Republic of China is deeply involved across the globe and is increasingly an upholder of, and contributor to, the existing international order.


13. And it is the language of choice for almost every byte of computer data sent across the globe.

14. Wheat is a staple crop for millions of people around the globe.

15. The celestial globe is seen as the ancestor of the modern celestial globe.

16. Our proposal makes ocean wind energy available for exploitation a huge energy reservoir because the oceans cover 70 per cent of the globe, Platzer says.

17. Superbrands was launched in 1992 in the United Kingdom and now reaches 39 markets across the globe including the United States, Spain, Australia, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong.

18. Industrial civilization has promoted the globe economy in high speed, at the same time, it results in a series of grave problems in resources and environment.

19. A political hack made a brutal, thoughtless decision that could not be appealed. And Ms. Pokharel`s baby died. At a time when we`re trying to spread democracy around the globe, let us show the world that we are not hypocrites. Let us show the world that when the government of the United States makes a horrible, tragic mistake, the courts of the United States will make that government pay for it.

20. A degree or circle of longitude or latitude drawn on a map or globe.

globe 词典解释


1. 地球,世界(用于强调其广大或某事在许多地区发生)
You can refer to the world as the globe when you are emphasizing how big it is or that something happens in many different parts of it.

e.g. ...bottles of beer from every corner of the globe...
e.g. 70% of our globe's surface is water.

2. globe的翻译

2. 地球仪
A globe is a ball-shaped object with a map of the world on it. It is usually fixed on a stand.

e.g. ...a globe of the world...
e.g. Three large globes stand on the floor.

3. 球状物;球体
Any ball-shaped object can be referred to as a globe .

e.g. The overhead light was covered now with a white globe.

globe 单语例句

1. Chinese business tycoons are earning a greater reputation and more say around the globe.

2. The dolphins'journey half way around the globe by plane sparked an international debate about the growing entertainment industry surrounding the animals.

3. The intensity and velocity with which the world became submerged in a steep economic crisis took all the nations of our globe by surprise.

4. China had 12 of the 20 biggest harbors around the globe in 2010, according to a shipping industry white book published by the Ministry of Transport.

5. The film won best screenplay at both Cannes and the European film awards, and in January it took the Golden Globe for best foreign picture.

6. From central banks to corporate board rooms, they try to regulate how goods and capital must flow around the globe.

7. Once certified as carbon offsets through the CDM, these offsets are available for sale on carbon markets around the globe.

8. Former Chelsea and Celtic defender Paul Elliot told the Parliament that racism is the biggest challenge facing the game across the globe.

9. globe什么意思

9. Company executives later told Globe employees that the newspaper's finances had improved significantly and that a sale was no certainty.

10. Chile and the Pacific Northwest are part of several seismic hotspots around the globe where plates of the Earth's crust grind and dive.

globe 英英释义



1. a sphere on which a map (especially of the earth) is represented

2. the 3rd planet from the sun
the planet we live on

e.g. the Earth moves around the sun
he sailed around the world

Synonym: Earth earth world

3. an object with a spherical shape

e.g. a ball of fire

Synonym: ball orb

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1135314.html
