
set the table是什么意思_set the table在线翻译_双语例句

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
set the table  
set the table 基本解释摆桌子;
set the table 网络解释

1. 摆好餐具:set the stage for 为...提供舞台;为...创造条 | set the table 摆好餐具 | set up 设立

2. 摆饭桌;摆餐具:Sept.九月(缩写) | set the table摆饭桌;摆餐具 | seven七

3. 摆放餐具:play badminton打羽毛球 | set the table摆放餐具 | clean the living room打扫客厅

4. 摆餐具:be set in~ 以~为违景 | set the table 摆餐具 | set about doing sth 下手做某事

set the table 双语例句

1. For your monitor, set it on the dinette table and anchor it with bungee cords.

2. In the middle of a wide sandalwood couch against the back wall stood a small low table on which were a set of Chinese chess and a platter of large porcelain peaches.

3. Robot, can you set the table?

4. Holly: We can set the table, too.

5. He can water the flowers and set the table.

6. Can you set the table, Chen Jie?

7. All you have to do is set the connection string property, the table source and the field data, and you are ready to go.

8. Can you set the table for me?

set the table的解释

9. They've set the table for two.

10. Do you think you could set these on the table for me?

11. Alice was very anxious to be of use, and, as the poor little Lily was nearly screaming herself into a fit, she hastily picked up the Queen and set her on the table by the side of her noisy little daughter.

12. As soon as I had secur'd my two weak rescued Prisoners, and given them Shelter, and a Place to rest them upon, I began to think of making some Provision for them: And the first thing I did, I order'd Friday to take a yearling Goat, betwixt a Kid and a Goat, out of my particular Flock, to be kill'd, when I cut off the hinder Quarter, and chopping it into small Pieces, I set Friday to Work to boiling and stewing, and made them a very good Dish, I assure you, of Flesh and Broth, having put some Barley and Rice also into the Broth; and as I cook'd it without Doors, for I made no Fire within my inner Wall, so I carry'd it all into the new Tent; and having set a Table there for them, I sat down and eat my own Dinner also with them, and, as well as I could, chear'd them and encourag'd them; Friday being my Interpreter, especially to his Father, and indeed to the Spaniard too; for the Spaniard spoke the Language of the Savages pretty well.

13. Loading cases had been calculated by finite element method. The stress and deformation at different crankthrow rotation angle and different loading case were analyzed and the stress-deformation coefficient table had been set up. The 8-cylinder in line crankshaft straightening initial stroke algorithm had been proposed according to the shoulder shaft straightening stroke algorithm.

14. Lubrication system: engine lubrication system set by the oil pumps, filters, oil filter and oil road, limiter, oil table, interested tamponade and tapes, etc.

set the table

15. Lubrication System: Engine lubrication by the oil pump, set filters, oil filters, oil Road, pressure limiting valve, oil the table, pressure-sensitive foot plug and oil etc..

16. In tail-end system, the SI data isdecoded and demultiplexed by Set Top Box and converted to the descriptor andSI table.

17. Article 3. Tariff headings, tariff lines and tariff rates specified in the Customs Import and Export Tariff of the People`s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Tariffs) and Table of Tariff Rates of Import Duties of the People`s Republic of China of Entry Articles (hereinafter referred to as the Table of Tariff Rates of Import Duties of Entry Articles) drafted by the State Council are an integral part of this set of regulations.
第三条 国务院制定《中华人民共和国进出口税则》、《中华人民共和国进境物品进口税税率表》(以下简称《进境物品进口税税率表》),规定关税的税目、税则号列和税率,作为本条例的组成部分。

18. Looked at control pin affixed above table full of red dot, there is always a sense of urgency, not determined, only two sets, I am afraid this is not on the set.

19. The paper simply introduces the access interface of Microsoft ODBC database, and automatic program registeration of user`s ODBC data source, which is realized through ADO data access object, EDO data access obj ect and windows system logon table technique in software design with VB la nguage, which solves the problem of setting up system ODBC data source in consequ ence maually during the installation process of data management softwares. Meanwh ile, the article interprets how to set up the user information key...
简要介绍了微软ODBC数据库访问接口和利用VB语言在软件设计中通过ADO数据访问对象、RDO数据访问对象及Windows系统注册表操作技术,实现程序自动注册用户ODBC数据源的方法,解决了在数据管理软件安装过程中通过手动依次配置系统OD BC数据源的问题,同时也就在VB程序中如何在Windows系统注册表中建立自己的用户信息键与键值的设置与读取作了实例讲解。

set the table

20. As a result of the use of advanced color output engine, which will translate into high definition, low-distortion of color business card printing/photocopying for easy enterprise through color file enterprises'image and affinity, which improves the success rate of the transaction; in addition, the new product available through CIS transducer accurate color image scanning; as a result of the dual color table, as well as, more realistic color restore ensures that the copy of the image clarity, and make the chart and contracts of this kind of special file faxs effects are also-excellent total Office needs; and take into account the further reduction of the total cost of ownership for the user, via color laser multi-function machine series are specifically set the black and white/color prints a key Switching feature, users can choose according to actual demand, truly on business card printing output cost control.

set the table 单语例句

1. They immediately set about covering the table with fresh vegetables, which I eagerly devour.

2. Guo won the next set, dancing around her end of the table and pumping her fists.

3. The family will then set the table and sit around it to enjoy the New Year's Eve with plates of dumplings.

4. Set apart in a little alcove by the side, the table location does provide some privacy in case the party gets a bit loud.

5. set the table

5. Huddled around a large kitchen table with a handful of other foreigners, the medical intern set out to master the art of making dumplings.


6. He turned the table and set up a ruse for them by shutting down his blog and going into hiding.

7. Israeli TV showed video of a table set for the traditional Sabbath meal covered with shrapnel and broken glass.

8. The health chief also set out a time table for coming up with the new system at between two and three weeks.

9. A table will be set in the kitchen of the hotel where the chef will share food tips and cooking secrets.

10. Ronaldo's third minute goal against bottom of the table Almeria meant he set a new record of 39 league goals in a single league campaign.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1135335.html
