

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


比较级:more furious

最高级:most furious

furious 基本解释

形容词激烈的; 狂怒的,暴怒的; 热烈兴奋的; 喧闹的

furious 同义词

形容词enraged angry mad raging upset infuriated violent rabid

furious 反义词

形容词mild gentle meek quiet

furious 相关例句


1. He is furious at being kept in the dark.

2. His furious activity put us all to shame.

3. I was furious when he crashed my car.

4. The ship can weather the furious storm.

5. There was a furious knocking at the door at midnight yesterday.

furious 网络解释


1. 愤怒:而且简单地听信熊晶小姑海勒(Gail Hiler)的一面之词,对熊晶进行严厉的起诉,而且是刑事起诉. 另外,<<威切斯特卫报>>的主编布拉斯伯格(Blassberg)在早前接受采访时也曾表示,当地大多数居民对皮洛当年处理熊晶案的手法感到愤怒(furious).

2. 生气:王母(Goddess of Heaven)[她妈妈]发现女儿与凡人(mortal)结婚后非常生气(furious),要求她返回天庭. 牛郎非常担心. 这时老牛让他把它杀掉,披上它的皮(hide),带上孩子去天上找织女. 王母出于愤怒,用簪子(hairpin)在天空划出(scratch)一条宽阔的河流,

3. 狂怒的:fur 软毛 | furious 狂怒的 | furnace 熔矿炉

4. 猛烈的,生气的:fragrant 芳香的 | furious 猛烈的,生气的 | fruitful 有成效的

furious 双语例句

1. To be frank with you, my father was furious at your

2. Two dogs with furious rabies had negative saliva samples.

3. In two paralytic and one furious rabies patients who hadsevere paresthesias as a prodrome, electrophysiologic studies suggested dorsal root ganglionopathy.

4. I was furious. His backside was still stuck in the bus doors and before I realized it, I had delivered it a hefty kick.

5. I wouldn't: I'd be furious.

6. I was furious with myself for my ignorance.

7. On Monday and Tuesday, someone is coming at you fast and furious with advice.

8. No, I was not mad, but my 5)interrogator was furious.

9. Secrets of the Furious Five finds us rejoining Po after his battle with Tai Long.

10. Unexpectedly chosen to fulfill an ancient prophecy, Po's dreams become reality when he joins the world of Kung Fu and studies alongside his idols, the legendary Furious Five -- Tigress, Crane, Mantis, Viper and Monkey -- under the leadership of their guru, Master Shifu.

11. Po tells the bunnies the secrets of the Furious Five: Mantis lacked patience, Viper courage, Crane confidence, Tigress self-discipline, and Monkey compassion. But later they overcome their own weak points and become the famous Furious Five.

12. Taejo Dingding Jinling, Manzo another party in the Hu blue, Taejo furious, Hu blue punish, subsequently arrest Manzo in water West Gate, not their seniority, may Ershiwanwan.

13. The retail industrys competition of our country is becoming more and more furious with the entering of the foreign retail industry and compete with our retail industry in all areas which has great capital, advanced technology and brand.

14. Given the overhang of excess dollar holdings by poor countries, the flight out of dollars could be fast and furious.

15. They are furious that protests in other countries are marring the occasion and have flooded their Internet bulletin boards with virulent antiforeign sentiment.

16. I was still furious and stayed furious for quite some time.

17. The furious behaviour of an angry man is more likely to exasperate us against himself than against his enemies.

18. A class. Akira totally revolts. She tosses over the lunch table, furious at Tadashi for some reason.


19. Influeneed by the sweePing global imPulsion and the inereasingly furious marketeomPetition, enterprises must be joined into the infrastrueture of information. Reeurring to the methods of the infrastrueture of information, enierprises redefinetheir interior organization framework, make their oPeration flows reaeh the standards, imProve the environment of their souree admeasures.


20. She recollected---a dark recollection it was---some weeks that she had spent with him in a great town somewhere, when she had had no maid to dress her or take care of her; when she had been shut up, day and night, in a high garret-room, without a carpet, with a bare uncurtained bed, and scarcely any other furniture; when he went out early every morning, and often forgot to return and give her dinner during the day, and at night, when he came back, was like a madman, furious, terrible; or---still more painful---like an idiot, imbecile, senseless.

furious 词典解释

1. 狂怒的;暴怒的
Someone who is furious is extremely angry.

e.g. He is furious at the way his wife has been treated...
e.g. I am furious that it has taken so long to uncover what really happened.

He stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door furiously behind him.

2. 大力的;猛烈的;激烈的
Furious is also used to describe something that is done with great energy, effort, speed, or violence.

e.g. A furious gunbattle ensued.

Officials worked furiously to repair the centre court.
furious 单语例句

1. Cranes line the busy waterfront as office and apartment towers rise at a furious pace.

2. furious在线翻译

2. The furious dad stormed round to the butcher who supplied the meat with the syringe needle.

3. The only sound to be heard among the travellers was the furious clicking of camera lens as we tried futilely to capture the grandeur.

4. While the government is adamant in pursuing a crackdown on illegal structures atop village houses, indigenous villagers are furious that the authorities have been overly harsh on them.

5. Fueled by a dose of Linsanity and a timely coaching change, the Knicks are making a furious charge toward a division title.

6. furious

6. McIlroy held off a furious charge by Woods to win the Honda Classic and go to No 1 in March.

7. furious是什么意思

7. Heston plunged into the role, rehearsing two months for the furious chariot race.

8. furious的解释

8. It was a reflection of cautiousness, the closeness of the race and the influence of furious spinning by both campaigns.

9. Shandong players were furious at the penalty award and an earlier disallowed goal which had thrown the match into confusion.

10. Furious, the headmaster found a formal contractor and had builders inject concrete into each floor.

furious 英英释义


1. furious什么意思

1. marked by extreme anger

e.g. the enraged bull attached
furious about the accident
a furious scowl
infuriated onlookers charged the police who were beating the boy
could not control the maddened crowd

Synonym: angered enraged infuriated maddened

2. (of the elements) as if showing violent anger

e.g. angry clouds on the horizon
furious winds
the raging sea

Synonym: angry raging tempestuous wild

3. marked by extreme and violent energy

e.g. a ferocious beating
fierce fighting
a furious battle

Synonym: ferocious fierce savage

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1135345.html
