

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
Paleolithic 基本解释



Paleolithic 网络解释


1. 旧石器时代:或许是从旧石器时代(Paleolithic)开始,我们的祖先就运用启发式(heuristics,也叫做拇指法则)的方法来应对突如其来的危机. 危机来势迅猛,就像一头长毛象气势汹汹地向你冲来,我们没有时间去通过仔细计算和分析来寻找应对策略.

2. 旧石器时代的:Iron Age 铁器时代 | Paleolithic 旧石器时代的 | Mesolithic 中石器时代的

3. 旧石器时代的 (形):paleography 古文书学; 古字体 (名) | paleolithic 旧石器时代的 (形) | paleontologist 古生物学者 (名)

Paleolithic 双语例句

1. In 2002, in order to co-operate with the construction of the highway which from Changde to Jishou, Hunan provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology made an investigation and prospecting of the routes through the highway, and found a Paleolithic points in Dingsheng area of Changdeng city. Then, the institute together with the heritage departments of Changdeng city and district made salvage archaeological excavations to the point.


2. The culture of Yunxian Man was a type of Paleolithic pebble culture.

3. Professor Pei Wenzhong (1904-1982) was a famous paleolithic archaeologist and paleontologist.

4. Odd too, that Paleolithic culture should look so much like the culture of Levittown circa 1955, with the gals waiting at home for the guys to come back with the bacon.

5. There are provincial-level cultural relics protection - Ximazhuanghan Fukuyama Han Tombs and the thousands of groups; distant history of the Paleolithic and Neolithic sites; construction of the first, to preserve the best of the Zhao Great Wall of the Warring States; still has a long history of Thalictrum, Tang Huaijing, Liu Ming, Yu-ming, and other trees were Furuki.

6. China so far ranks first in the number of human fossils and cultural sites dating from the Paleolithic Period, among which there were traces of Yuanmou Man, Lantian Man, Peking Man and Upper Cave Man.


7. In order to cooperated with the construction of the Shangrui highway of the section from Huaihua to Xinhuang, in July to August of 2004, Hunan provincial Institute of Cultural Relics and Archaeology together with the heritage departments of Huaihua city and county made salvage archaeological excavations to the three Paleolithic sites of Shiwuxi, Antian, Changleping.

8. Our fundamental human drives have not changed from the Paleolithic era, hundreds of thousands of years ago.

9. The soil is a mix of slate and quartz that dates back to the Paleolithic era.

10. An early form of modern human being inhabiting Europe in the late Paleolithic Era and characterized by a broad face and''.

11. Candle Magic has`been around for many, many years, being traced as far back as the Paleolithic era.

12. Coastal Canaanite civilization dates to the Paleolithic era; towns developed in Neolithic times c.

13. When humans began to express themselves artistically, in the late Paleolithic era, they drew hunts of large animals on the walls of caves.

14. China has emerged in the late Paleolithic engraving art, such as Xinglong County, Hebei Province piled up in a cave had been excavated from two sections carved with double-tracked a pattern of rippling water and the ramp antlers fossils, tap clear, beautiful, by the determination ago 13000, is a bone carving art of the late Palaeolithic valuable examples.
中国在旧石器时代晚期已出现雕刻艺术品,如河北兴隆县的一处洞穴堆积中,曾出土两截刻划着复线水波纹及斜格纹的鹿角化石,刻纹清晰优美,经测定距今 13000年,是旧石器时代晚期骨雕艺术的珍贵实例。


15. Containing some 600 paintings, Lascaux Cave in France's Dordogne River Valley is home to perhaps the world's most incredible array of Upper Paleolithic art.

16. Maple Bay, a long history, horse riding stone grotto by the provincial, city and county cultural survey research, yes, when Paleolithic sites of all kinds of milk stone inside the cave, strange things, a lot of aristocrats and scholars since ancient times this tour is a great development value tourist scenic spot.

17. Sanya City in the Lai Chi Gou Xiang-dong site of the casualty list, Changjiang Dong ruins of the emperor, Liu rice Qiongzhong cave sites, Oriental City and Ledong site at the junction of the Fairy Cave, have found a number of Paleolithic and Neolithic early cultural relics, Hainan Island has convinced us that the early human hunting and fishing activities should be Ten thousand years ago to about 7000, who is珠崖people, tribal people Danzhou ears, they are ancestors of the Li nationality in Hainan.

18. They are all our Chinese ancestors dwelling in the Paleolithic age.

19. They are all our Chinese ancestor s dwelling in the Paleolithic age.

20. They are all our Chinese ancestors dwell ing in the Paleolithic age.

Paleolithic 单语例句

1. Paleolithic的翻译

1. This provided clear evidence they can be characterized as a late Paleolithic culture - hunters who lived in caves.

2. Paleolithic的意思

2. The Paleolithic site was discovered in 1965, when IVPP scientists found animal fossils and stone artifacts from soil dug for a well.

3. The history of Jiangxi stretches from Lower Paleolithic times to the present, as Jiangxi was already inhabited by humans one million years ago.

4. She adds that our Paleolithic ancestors failed to eat grains because they did not understand their effects on health.

5. The artifacts uncovered include prehistoric cultural relics dating back more than 2 million years to the Paleolithic Age.

6. Georgia looks back on a long history that began in the Paleolithic period.

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1137230.html
