

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆


lookout 基本解释

名词守望; 警戒; 远景,前途; ?望台

lookout 相关词组


1. ones own lookout : 自己的事;

lookout 相关例句



1. That's his own lookout.

2. That's your lookout.

lookout 网络解释

1. 望员, 监视哨, 看守:under frame 底架, 底框 | lookout 望员, 监视哨, 看守 | Alphonsus [天]阿尔芬斯

2. 了望员:lookout tower 了望塔 | lookout 了望员 | loom 绝缘线束

3. 哎:?? / Interjection | 哎 = hey, lookout, why, etc. | 唉 = realization or agreement (yes, oh, right, etc.)

lookout 双语例句

1. If you are on the lookout for a counselor, be sure to know where to find him.

2. You should always be on the lookout for people on foot whether or not they have the right-of-way.

3. Four days after setting out while the Titanic was sailing across the icy waters of the North Atlantic a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookout.

4. Australian units were quiet hunters?patient, thorough, always on the lookout for opportunities to out-think the local Viet Cong.

5. The duties of the lookout and helmsman are separate and the helmsman shall not be considered to be the lookout while steering.

6. Construction and technical aspects The Lookout Point is, with exception of the black metal handrail and the brickwall with the cross, entirely built out of cast concrete.

7. One day, from his lookout post, he sees about thirty savage s dancing obscenely before a fire.

8. This Oscar Schindler has been described as a cynical, greedy exploiter of slave workers during the Second World War, a black-marketeer, gambler, member of the Nazi party eternally on the lookout for profit, alcoholic playboy and shameless womanizer of the worst sort.

9. While you're at it, do keep a lookout for Nokia E72 as well.

10. It`s not so risky to put your head down if others are on the lookout.

11. Also, lookout for the rewards they are offering and then compare the overall costs that you have to bear.

12. As it is dangerous to rely on only one means of lookout, a systematic lookout must be kept by always using a combination of several methods.

13. Robbers, snatch-thieves are on the lookout for easy targets.

14. This is something for which you must constantly be on the lookout.

15. If you want to waste your money, that's your own lookout.


16. Part 2 proposes the details on how to manage and keep a lookout the risks of international finance lease, and its insurance problem, especially talks over recovery right of lease goods.

17. And now he is on the lookout for the next generation of physicists.

18. While employers are always on the lookout for great people, certain times of year tend to present and more job opportunities, as well as better access to the people doing the actual hiring, so the holiday months must very busy.

19. How many of them could tie a lanyard knot, or take a wheel or a lookout?


20. I will keep a sharp lookout and stay clear.

lookout 词典解释

1. ?望台;观察所
A lookout is a place from which you can see clearly in all directions.

e.g. Troops tried to set up a lookout post inside a refugee camp.

2. 观察员;守望员;望风者
A lookout is someone who is watching for danger in order to warn other people about it.

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3. (尤指在船上)守望,警戒
If someone keeps a lookout, especially on a boat, they look around all the time in order to make sure there is no danger.

e.g. He denied that he'd failed to keep a proper lookout that night.

4. 密切留意;小心提防
If you are keeping a lookout for something or are on the lookout for it, you are alert and careful about it, either because you do not want to miss it or because it will be unpleasant or harmful and you need to avoid it.

e.g. Keep a lookout for a nasty little organization calling itself Defence Through Strength...
e.g. Nature lovers will be on the lookout for eagles, cormorants, and the occasional whale.

lookout 单语例句

1. The Shangrao Concentration Camp was surrounded by high walls and wire netting, with densely distributed lookout posts and stern guards.

2. lookout是什么意思

2. The cause of the accident was that the captain had chosen the wrong route and the sailor on lookout duty was negligent.

3. lookout是什么意思

3. Kua said the group had lodged a police complaint and had organised about 15 volunteers to keep a lookout for the cat killer.

4. I began to clip items that would inform my students and began to be on the lookout for those which would instigate discussion.

5. After coming around, he began crawling until he reached a lookout point.

6. We will create conditions for the people to criticize and oversee the government, let the news media fully play out their lookout role and exercise power openly.

7. The cops found her driving around a residential area, on the lookout for a vulnerable house.

8. Inspectors have been on the lookout for the stuff ever since, but identifying it isn't always easy.

9. At the gates of the farm we were stopped by an indolent, tanned lookout.

10. The earthquake injured two with nobody killed thanks to the forecast from the state seismological bureau and lookout kept by the local government.

lookout 英英释义


1. lookout的翻译

1. the act of looking out

Synonym: outlook

2. lookout在线翻译

2. a structure commanding a wide view of its surroundings

Synonym: observation tower lookout station observatory

3. an elevated post affording a wide view

Synonym: observation post

4. lookout

4. a person employed to keep watch for some anticipated event

Synonym: lookout man sentinel sentry watch spotter scout picket

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1137259.html
