

编辑: 路逍遥 关键词: 英语单词 来源: 逍遥右脑记忆
inevitable 基本解释


形容词不可避免的; 必然发生的; <非正>总会发生的; 必然发生的事

inevitable 同义词

形容词inescapable doomed fated unavoidable certain

inevitable 反义词



inevitable 相关例句



1. Their defeat was inevitable.

2. Mary was wearing her inevitable large hat.

3. Death is inevitable.

4. He greeted us with his inevitable smile.

inevitable 网络解释

1. 不可避免的:所以,HBV感染(慢性乙型肝炎)目前仍是一种不能被治愈(incurable)的疾病,同时,口服核苷(酸)类药物长期治疗过程中不可避免的(inevitable)会出现耐药. 更多情形是病毒受到外来的压力(宿主与药物等)诱导产生病毒耐药基因突变,

2. 不可避免:但是,这种认为已经发生的历史现象一定不可避免(inevitable)的思维方式显然会妨害对历史的多重性和复杂性的理解,也使得历史学家的工作变得有点无聊. 在这一意义上,<<大分流>>挑战了一个很大的认识偏差,指出欧洲经验绝不是欧洲学者所自我想象的那么优越和特殊,

inevitable 双语例句

1. You might never fail on the scale I did, but some failure in life is inevitable.


2. Participated in by the Chinese Association of Productivity Science, the Chinese Real Estate Association sponsored the Second China`s regional real estate innovation and the development of an international forum of experts, through the trend of China`s real estate market analysis think, the Chinese macro-control policies to the real estate market will bring about changes in the main body of investment, foreign large-scale real estate market in China has become the inevitable.

3. At present the market two big contrary are market nominal and each country government, government the economic stability for the country, inevitable meeting enacts corresponding measure, nominal for the biggest turn profit, it is to borrow all sorts of opportunities to hit necessarily control the market, the wave motion of the market can be increased quickly.

4. Townhouse is the inevitable trend, and innovative urban residential development in recent years


5. Therefore, the accident is inevitable.


6. Wang`s success can be said to contain an inevitable accident among


7. The success is no accident, but inevitable.

8. Coastal primary school teacher Huang told reporters that as soon as possible, if not perfect in this area the traffic environment, traffic accident is inevitable does not happen again.

9. The present railway collision is an inevitable accident in the eye of law.

10. Traffic system is a complicated large system, and has been affected by all kinds of complex factors, such as human being, vehicles, road and environment, so the traffic jam and the accident are inevitable.

11. What is more, the blurring of the line between can and may is socially and historically inevitable, since politeness often makes the use of can preferable in the. permission.
而且,can 和 may 之间不明显的界限从社会和历史渊源上说也是不可避免的,因为礼貌常使 can 的使用比较适宜。

12. The knowledge conveyed by Gresham's Law, the first crude formulations of the quantity theory of money--such as those of Bodin and Davanzati--and the Law of Gregory King mark the first dawn of the cognition that regularity of phenomena and inevitable necessity prevail in the field of action.
葛来欣法则(Gresham's Law,也即Bodin和Davanzati的货币数量说最早的模样)和金氏法则所传授的知识,使我们开始了解在行为领域中一些现象的规律性和必然性。

13. The early survey uses the measuring appliance all is the mechanical analogy -like, the simulation type measuring appliance must draw support in the indicator and the calibrated dial carries on the reading, inevitable can introduce the artificial measuring error in the reading process.

14. Inevitable! Now here was a germ of heresy. Something to devote one's years to!


15. From a macro that error is inevitable, such as traffic accidents, you see me out, the micro focus on individual issues, the macro level is determined by the probability.

16. This study focus on the latter which the inevitable correlation between population`s growth and economic development.


17. Shaman, or are seeking Shì had no Hengde caused by the inevitable.

18. This kind of structure is the inevitable result of socialized production development and the logical consequence of the property relationship evolution.

19. As you can probably tell, manual coding of C extensions can become fairly involved (this is almost inevitable in C language work).

20. Such a market position brings inevitable temptation to exploit it.

inevitable 词典解释inevitable

1. inevitable是什么意思

1. 不可避免的;无法规避的;必然(发生)的
If something is inevitable, it is certain to happen and cannot be prevented or avoided.

e.g. If the case succeeds, it is inevitable that other trials will follow...
e.g. The defeat had inevitable consequences for British policy.

inevitable 单语例句

1. Before he could recover from the vibrations, he was seized by the inevitable gravity loss.

2. I showed my interest to the trader and she produced the inevitable pocket calculator, on which she tapped out the price.

3. inevitable的近义词

3. It seems inevitable that further government capital injections will be needed and banks will have to take some of the losses on the chin.

4. Greater fiscal centralization and political unification seem inevitable, but it may take time to muddle through to that outcome.

5. Schumacher is now 36 points clear of team mate Rubens Barrichello in the championship and ever closer to an inevitable and unprecedented seventh title.

6. inevitable在线翻译

6. It only delayed the inevitable for eight points and Federer converted the first of three championship points when Blake netted a service return.

7. Arafat's health crisis has highlighted how unprepared the Palestinians are for their leader's death, making a chaotic transition period all but inevitable.

8. inevitable是什么意思

8. The direct charter flight deal was widely taken as a sign for the inevitable trend of closer personal exchanges and economic links across the Straits.

9. Scientists have long warned further outbreaks of the disease are inevitable in the region as long as humans live cheek by jowl with livestock.

10. Chief Magistrate Tong Man told Sze that a jail sentence was inevitable due to the seriousness of the crime.

inevitable 英英释义


1. an unavoidable event

e.g. don't argue with the inevitable


1. incapable of being avoided or prevented

e.g. the inevitable result

2. inevitable的近义词

2. invariably occurring or appearing

e.g. the inevitable changes of the seasons

本文来自:逍遥右脑记忆 http://www.jiyifa.net/danci/1137333.html
